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Releases: bylee20/bomi

bomi 0.9.11 released

20 May 10:12
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  • New: save button for log viewer
  • New: dynamic range option for volume and use exponential scale by default(#364)
  • Fix: backport fix for wasting CPU (#363)
  • Fix: workaround for weird behavior of mouse event (#317)
  • Fix: add 'Ignore' for FPS in youtube-dl options (#360)
  • Fix: parse \N and \h properly for .srt (#365)
  • Fix: compile error if vdpau or vaapi are disabled (#366)
  • Fix: make URL edit get focus when URL dialog open (#370)
  • Fix: ignore SIGPIPE to prevent termination on reconnection for streaming
  • Fix: wrong icon of play/pause button for metro skin
  • Fix: enforce to update video renderer when window gets visible
  • Fix: ignore invalid URL for mime data
  • (Linux)Fix: albumart image for mpris wasn't exported properly
  • (Windows)Fix: workaround for wrong screen geometry
  • (Windows)Fix: some channel layouts didn't work (#373)

bomi 0.9.10 released

02 May 13:10
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  • New: 'Open > From Clipboard' to open URL from clipboard data
  • New: 'Play > Streaming' Format to select YouTube format
  • New: options to select default format for youtube-dl script
  • New: option to save persitent data in application folder
  • New: crop functionality for video clip maker
  • New: options to configure preview size in Theme tab in preferences (#341)
  • New: add playlist name filter for open/append file menus (#336, #337)
  • New: handle cue sheet as playlist (#336)
  • Fix: prefer webm & small resolution format for preview (#355)
  • Fix: YouTube Live streaming didn't work (#356)
  • Fix: turn on OpenGL debugger when --debug option given
  • Fix: don't blend subtitle FBO when no subtitle exist
  • Fix: render video frame in scene graph thread
  • Fix: apply color matrix only if required
  • Fix: fps spin box wasn't enabled for Constant framerate
  • Fix: use original size FBO for bilinear scaler
  • Fix: codec options in video clip maker were not saved properly
  • Fix: wrong termination of yle-dl before end of playback
  • Fix: disable resuming playbak/preview for yle-dl streaming
  • Fix: 'Video > Crop' was broken
  • Fix: some color picker buttons had wrong size in preferences dialog (#347)
  • Fix: video preview was broken for disc playback (#338)
  • Fix: wrong name filter for playlist file
  • Fix: support fine-resolution wheels or touchpad (#333)
  • Fix: add extensions .ape, .it, .xm for audio files (#332)
  • Fix: add missing '.mod' extension for audio files (#332)
  • Fix: 'pause when hidden' was always applied all files (#332)
  • Fix: set maximum duration for animtion to show current playing item in playlist (#331)

bomi 0.9.9 released

25 Apr 21:32
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  • New: Play > Seek > Previous Playback (#134)
  • Fix: duplicated internal subtitle handling causes high CPU usage (#324,#326,#327)
  • Fix: crop paddings added by VDPAU for non-standard res. videos (#324)
  • Fix: Start/End time filters in subtitle viewer didn't follow system palette (#328)
  • Fix: seeking in subtitle viewer was broken when captions are filtered (#328)
  • Fix: 'Scroll to current time' in subtitle viewer was broken (#328)
  • Fix: wrong intial state for 'Show start/end time' in Subtitle Viewer
  • Fix: adjust column widths for Start and End automatically in Subtitle Viewer (#328)
  • Fix: wrong time text width for native skin (#323)

bomi 0.9.8 released

22 Apr 23:36
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  • New: Video > Quality Preset
  • New: Video > Rotate
  • New: Video > Interpolator (Downscale)
  • New: Video > Make Vide Clip (#313)
  • Fix: wrong bitrate values for decoder
  • Fix: wrong window size hint when aspect ratio adjusted
  • Fix: display proper duration for DASH formats from YouTube
  • Fix: deadlock on execution when 'Unmute when volume adjusted' enabled
  • Fix: keep session connected with (#314)
  • (Linux)Fix: send mpris:artUrl metadata for MPRIS (#304)

bomi 0.9.7 released

19 Apr 02:29
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Note for upgrade users

The action for middle button click may be messed up after upgraded.
Please set middle button click action manually to 'Play > Play/Pause' or whatever you want.

  • New: cache file related options in cache tab of preferences
  • New: implement display of cached state in demuxer in seek bar (#300)
  • New: internal title bar for frameless mode
  • New: visualization for audio
  • New: --set-subtitle option for command line to set subtitle file
  • New: show history/playlist by clicking left/right edge
  • New: new option to unmute when volume adjusted (#266)
  • New: compact mode for Tethys skin
  • New: hide history/playlist by clicking empty space (#307)
  • New: skin 'metro' - Windows metro style
  • New: Enter Fullscreen/Exit Fullscreen menu (#307)
  • Mod: use soft clipping by default
  • Fix: enable frameless mode on Windows
  • Fix: fit window size to rendering size when using window size menu
  • Fix: wrong calculation of texture coordinate for video frame (#312)
  • Fix: prevent too high amplification by normalizer on start of playback
  • Fix: don't reset normalizer history on seeking
  • Fix: set page step of radius slider to 1 in advanced interpolation dialog
  • Fix: wrong path for open file from command line when launched bomi not in PATH
  • Fix: don't hide history/playlist while scrollbar pressed
  • Fix: reduce delay for initial display of Preferences dialog drastically (#308)
  • Fix: checking GL_RGBA16 for FBO texture format didn't work (#308)
  • Fix: reduce width of playlist to fit to item name not location
  • Fix: don't disturb playback on loading skin
  • Fix: hide controls when cursor is located in history/playlist (#303)
  • Fix: adjust y-position of preview automatically
  • Fix: raise z-order of TimeSlider to prevent preview being obstructed
  • Fix: metadata wasn't exposured to MPRIS (#304)
  • Fix: don't display preview when video is not available (#302)
  • (Windows)New: progress indication in task bar
  • (Windows)Fix: couldn't close window while playing
  • (Windows)Fix: window jumped when drag window after drag title bar
  • (Windows)Fix: reszing window by top/left grib was disabled
  • (Windows)Fix: 'snap to edge' didn't work when moving by title bar

bomi 0.9.6 released

11 Apr 23:50
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  • New: file name template for quick snapshot (#279)
  • New: 'Append Folder' for playlist
  • New: 'Open Folder' can open subfolders recursively (#271)
  • New: new default skin 'Tethys' designed by Kotus Works
  • New: 'Find by Name' and 'Find by Info' for find subtitles (#298)
  • New: starmark to indicate favorite/persistent item for history (#294)
  • New: 'Tool > Associate Files' menu for Windows
  • New: snap window to screen edge on Windows (#290)
  • New: 'Tool > Playlist > Regenerate' menu to regerate playlist (#293)
  • New: make TimeDuration interactive to display msec/remaining time (#292(
  • New: 'Freya' skin by varlesh (#288)
  • New: 'Prefer external files to interanl tracks' option for subtitle autoselction (#280)
  • New: options to show media title in name column of history (#285)
  • New: 'Show preview when mouse over seek bar' option in preferences (#287)
  • New: 'Ask video quality' option for youtube-dl streaming in preferences
  • New: 'Show hidden controls whenever mouse moved' option in preferences (#264)
  • New: 'Video > Texture Format'
  • Mod: don't display zero hours(0:) in time texts
  • Mod: refine history/playlist design by Kotus Works
  • Fix: prompt message box when clearing history
  • Fix: failed to resolve skin path when launched in remote path (#299)
  • Fix: workaround for dialogs behind main window on Windows
  • Fix: keep snapped state on edge on window size set by menu
  • Fix: don't resync on playback speed changed
  • Fix: channel manipulation options weren't restored (#291)
  • Fix: wrong volume value for MPRIS v2 interface (#286)
  • Fix: embedded albumart wasn't displayed on initail playback (#283)
  • Fix: display album art as 'Album Art' instead of 'Video Track'
  • Fix: audio file with albumart was recognized as video (#283)
  • Fix: workaround for choppy window move on Windows (#266)
  • Fix: use GL_RGBA16 for fbo if supported by default (#282)
  • Fix: enable 'High Quality Upscaling' only if GL_RGBA16 fbo supported (#282)
  • Fix: unsigned 8bit integer format for audio was disabled (#281)
  • Fix: alert if snapshot file is not wriable instead of silent fail
  • Fix: window wasn't hidden on closed on Windows (#266)
  • Fix: wrong window frame style when restored from fullscreen to maximized state on Windows
  • Fix: sort playlist by full path not file name
  • Fix: wrong restoration for poistion of floating panel in skin (#278)

bomi 0.9.5 released

26 Mar 20:58
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  • Fix: restoring window size didn't work (#276)
  • Fix: potential infinite loop for empty input data of audio (#277)

bomi 0.9.4 released

26 Mar 18:47
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  • New: support millisecond precision for timeout to hide cursor (#275)
  • New: make windows size menus configurable
  • New: configure options --disable-vaapi, --disable-vdpau (#273)
  • New: improve audio volume normalizer
  • New: support some non-standard m3u playlist
  • New: restore previous window size for initial fullscreen state (#261)
  • New: selections for methods to disable screensaver
  • New: split overriding choices for ASS style into text style/position/scale (#256)
  • Mod: drop mpg123 decoder
  • Mod: drop ICU dependency
  • Fix: Ok/Apply button wasn't enabled when channel manipulation changed into default
  • Fix: some controls in 'Mouse cursor' group was always disabled (#275)
  • Fix: reduce file size of pref.json (#275)
  • Fix: no video with intel GPU on windows (#266)
  • Fix: don't hide floating controls while mouse hovering
  • Fix: tempo scaler was always turned on (#269)
  • Fix: media name in extended m3u wasn't displayed
  • Fix: wrong track name display in on-screen message (#263)
  • Fix: display track number when track title and language are unavailable
  • Fix: subtitle downloader always indicated 50% after downloading is done (#262)
  • Fix: remove duplicated encodings
  • Fix: use SetThreadExecutionState() to disable screensaver on windows (#253)
  • Fix: determine playlist from URL by mime type (#258)
  • Fix: volume slider of GaN skin didn't show the volume level (#260)
  • Fix: 'Select Next' for sub track didn't work properly (#254)
  • Fix: wrong video coordinate on toggling 'Window > Remove Frame'
  • Fix: remove margin around internal subtitle
  • Fix: ensure internal widget fit to window on initialization
  • Fix: save snapshot in separated thread to prevent interface frozen
  • Fix: snapshot without subtitle didn't work (#251)
  • Fix: set LC_MESSAGES=C instead of LANG to test qmake/lrelease version

bomi 0.9.3 released

07 Mar 03:33
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  • New: display used encoding for subtitle file track in playinfo
  • New: '--dump-api-tree' and '--dump-action-list' command line options
  • New: JSON-RPC interface (#247)
  • New: current deinterlacing method in playinfo
  • New: options to set general font and fixed-width font
  • New: 'Window > Remove Frame' for frameless(borderless) window
  • New: 'Subtitle > Subtitle Sync > Bring Previous/Next Subtitle' menu (#245)
  • New: allow to map actions for left/right button click
  • New: ask username and password on permission denied for smb://
  • New: 'Subtitle > Subtitle Scale' menu to adjust font scale during playback (#240)
  • New: 'Subtitle > Override ASS Style' menu (#240)
  • New: options to specify authentication info for samba
  • New: configurable step for 'move screen position'
  • New: 'Video > Zoom' menu
  • New: color adjustment for RGB channel
  • New: video color editor dialog
  • New: new skin 'air'
  • New: 'Est. Frame Number' item in playback information
  • New: aspect ratio is adjustable now
  • New: enable smbclient support(smb:// protocol)
  • New: caption filter in subtitle viewer
  • New: checkbox to display time in milliseconds
  • New: language filter list for subtitle find dialog (#236)
  • New: reconstruct encoding list
  • New: reload file with specific encoding
  • New: seek by double clicking caption in subtitle viewer (#231)
  • New: accept non-media type URL by drag-and-drop (#225)
  • Mod: don't capitalize items in playinfo
  • Mod: drop LinearBlend and Median deinterlacer
  • Mod: drop libpostproc dependency
  • Mod: drop external command support to disable screensaver
  • Fix: prefer cp1250 to iso-8859-2 for autodetection
  • Fix: deselecting internal subtitle didn't work (#248)
  • Fix: wrong H/W Acc. state in playinfo
  • Fix: request _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE to window manager for move-by-drag
  • Fix: unset pressed button on button released
  • Fix: display all selected subtitles in playinfo
  • Fix: Bob/LinearBob/CubicBob supports all pixel format now
  • Fix: top and bottom pixels was blinking with Bob/LinearBob/CubicBob
  • Fix: subtitle position menu worked in opposite way
  • Fix: subtitle alignment wasn't kept after position changed
  • Fix: rename Input/Output/Renderer -> Decoder/Filter/Output
  • Fix: display package-bitrate for decoder input in playinfo
  • Fix: synchronize display order of menu in preference with context menu
  • Fix: don't display logo during changing current media
  • Fix: don't display property OSD on intialization of new playback
  • Fix: potential crash on changing subtitles
  • Fix: potential crash when parsing SAMI subtitles
  • Fix: crash on exiting while dialogs are open
  • Fix: subtitle viewer didn't work if it was open before start playback
  • Fix: crash on reloading subtitle during subtitle viewer is open
  • Fix: don't draw subtitles in snapshot when hidden
  • Fix: popup an error message for error on loading skin
  • Fix: disable IME on main window
  • Fix: pixel format mismatch which causes crash or deinterlacing disabled
  • Fix: disc title wasn't restored
  • Fix: prevent interference from other applications using PulseAudio (#230)
  • Fix: keep horizontal scroll bar position on auto scroll in subtitle viewer
  • Fix: currupted font for current caption in subtitle viewer
  • Fix: prevent bad interfere from MPRIS and QML TimeSlider
  • Fix: save and restore states of subtitle find dialog and subtitle viewer
  • Fix: show history/playlist after 200ms timeout when mouse hovers on edge
  • Fix: keep 'default' shortcuts for unchanged shortcuts of actions
  • Fix: display full URL for non-media type URL
  • Fix: display media name provided by youtube-dl (#226)
  • Fix: Ok/Apply wasn't activated for hwacc codec change

bomi 0.9.2 released

12 Feb 15:37
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  • New: new skin 'native' which supports native look & feel
  • New: display time on mouse position changed over time slider (#221)
  • Fix: chapter marker was not visible in GaN
  • Fix: some menu checked state was not restored on start up
  • Fix: set current window style when preferences opended
  • Fix: restore maximized state from fullscreen
  • Fix: bring back compatibility for C++14 compiler with non C++14 libstdc++
  • Fix: memory leak in reply for async request
  • Fix: crash on deselecting subtitle
  • Fix: couldn't select tracks in paused state
  • Fix: restore maximized/fullscreen state on start up
  • Fix: show Close button instead of Cancel in preferences dialog