1013 commits
to master
since this release
General patch release with dozens of bug fixes and more documentation improvements.
See the list below for more information on those changes and more.
- #694 Fixing broken links on en-docs. (by @renanigt)
- #689 Fixing tiles template definition. Closes #686 (by @garcia-jj)
- #691 renanigt/minorFixAndInterceptorsMenu - Adding Interceptors link on menu (by @renanigt)
- #690 Fixing the indentation of logging (by @Turini)
- #687 adding warning about mvn version when using tomcat and jetty plugins (by @Turini)
- #684 Removing unused imports. (by @renanigt)
- #680 Fixing instability with deserializing and instantiator order (by @Turini)
- #683 Fixing a minor typo on en-doc (by @renanigt)
- #672 checking if beandescriptor is null (by @Turini)
- #681 adding docs about Consumes annotation (by @Turini)
- #679 adding isRecursive method on XStreamBuilderImpl (by @Turini)
- #669 Adding vraptor-java8 plugin on docs (by @Turini)
- #631 fixing problem with null headers (by @Turini)
- #670 using protected on vraptor-blank project default constructor (by @Turini)
- #667 Fixing collections converter behavior with more than one element. (by @renanigt)
- #665 Just adding a fail message on musicjungle test. (by @renanigt)
- #664 Adding fail() to converter tests (by @garcia-jj)
- #660 adding method to allow choosing when to instantiate null params (by @Turini)
- #663 Adding docs about null parameters (by @Turini)
- #658 Fixing an wrong converter behavior. (by @Turini)
- #648 Adding docs about logging under JBoss Wildfly (by @garcia-jj)
- #659 Removing Shiro from docs due issues regarding session (by @Turini)
- #661 changing default constructors visibility to protected (by @Turini)
- #642 translating dependencies docs (by @csokol)
- #649 Adding translation to cookbook construindo-uma-aplicacao-web-com-java8-vraptor4-wi... (by @Turini)
- #646 Integrating VRaptor with Tiles 3 (by @garcia-jj)
- #655 Fixing one minute guide translation (by @garcia-jj)
- #650 Translating view and ajax (by @Turini)
- #647 Adding interceptors docs (EN) (by @garcia-jj)
- #645 Translating cookbook - Avoiding browser cache (by @garcia-jj)
- #652 Adding assembly to export eclipse package (blank project) (by @garcia-jj)
- #654 Just minor fixes on english docs. (by @renanigt)
- #653 Fixing some typos on Ten minutes guide. (by @renanigt)
- #644 Adding docs about indented JSON/XML (by @garcia-jj)
- #641 improving docs format and syntax (by @Turini)
- #638 Supports method should return false if key isn't found (by @garcia-jj)
- #643 JSON indentation with environment support (by @garcia-jj)
- #619 XML indentation with environment support (by @garcia-jj)
- #630 fixing beans.xml startup verification (by @csokol)
- #640 removing index.html because of wildfly issue (by @Turini)
- #637 Removing unnecessery link. (by @renanigt)
- #633 translating components docs to english (by @csokol)
- #632 translating Referer Header cookbook to EN (by @Turini)
- #622 Adding a cookbook about tiles. Closes #481 (by @garcia-jj)
- #605 Compress images and removing imagemin (by @vitornp)
- #634 explaining that the default scope is dependent (by @csokol)
- #625 translating rest controllers docs to english, related to #386 (by @csokol)
- #626 improving intro and scopes doc (by @csokol)
- #627 Linking to VRaptor Book. Closes #597 (by @lucas Cavalcanti)
- #624 Implementing the Java8-vraptor4 Cookbook (by @rsaraiva)
- #601 Supporting secure domains (by @garcia-jj)
- #623 Fixing resource lookup under Wildfly (by @garcia-jj)
- #621 Improving docs about validation (by @garcia-jj)
- #620 Adding more info about exception handler (by @garcia-jj)
- #614 Refactoring vraptor-musicjungle's tests (by @renanigt)
- #607 Adding the default constructor for MockSerializationResult. (by @renanigt)
- #610 using protected and javadoc on jungle constructors (by @Turini)
- #611 Improving some docs examples format (by @Turini)
- #609 removing commented alternatives (by @Turini)
- #606 Fixing kramdown sintaxe (by @Turini)
- #560 Add exemple converter JavaBeans (by @vitornp)
- #604 Space to tabs (docs) (by @Turini)
- #596 Docs improvements (by @garcia-jj)
- #594 Updating download pages (by @Turini)
- #603 Reverting PR #600 (by @Turini)
- #602 Adding default constructor on doc about Components (by @renanigt)
- #599 Updating Wildfly 8.1.0 plugin (by @garcia-jj)
- #593 Improving some docs format (by @garcia-jj)
- #592 Adding english doc about tests. (by @renanigt)
- #589 Fixing a typo and a little improvement removing repeated words. (by @Turini)
- #587 fixing query selector (by @Turini)
- #585 Adding anchors on docs (by @Turini)
- #586 Some improvements on doc about test. (by @renanigt)
- #580 Adding pt doc "Testing Components and Controllers" (by @renanigt)
- #584 adding empty line between code highlight (by @Turini)
- #581 Fixing broken link on "Ten minute guide" (by @renanigt)
- #579 Fixing link on Page Validation. (by @renanigt)
- #574 Updating hibernate-validator-cdi on jungle, blank and docs (by @Turini)
- #573 returning index.html to music-jungle. Closes #520 (by @Turini)
- #572 Adding explanation about object's population. (by @renanigt)
- #562 Formating Date objects as ISO8601 (by @Turini)
- #559 fixing docs about custom xml serialization (by @Turini)
- #565 updating vraptor-time-converters version (by @Turini)
- #570 Doesn't have the validation page in English. (by @renanigt)
- #571 Adding a title to Event's page. (by @renanigt)
- #569 Cookbook - Evitando que o browser faça cache das páginas. Adding default constructor, CDI eyes only. (by @renanigt)
- #563 adding vraptor-i18n plugin (by @Turini)
- #555 checking for /META-INF/beans.xml too (by @Turini)
- #561 Remove plugin eclipse duplicate (by @vitornp)
- #556 updating vraptor jpa plugin (by @Turini)
- #558 Making it possible to set properties of a convertable (by @lucas Cavalcanti)
- #547 adding dependency on package.json (by @Turini)
- #552 Update environment.html (by @snaketl)
- #549 fixing some errors on vraptor docs (by @felipeweb)
- #548 updating plugin pages (by @Turini)
- #545 Fix variable name in upload (by @vitornp)
- #542 adding mandatory info about validation dependency (by @Turini)
- #544 fix to broken link (plugins) (by @tiagojco)
- #543 fixing unbalanced markdown (by @Turini)
- #541 Updates of links to plugins. (by @gabrielrubens)
- #538 Improving Environment log message (by @nykolaslima)
- #537 commenting javac.inject scope. Closes #535 (by @Turini)
- #533 fixing cookbook code. Closes #531 (by @Turini)
- #534 now plugin links are clickable (by @Turini)
- #526 Added another way to do URL equivalence in docs. (by @fabriciofx)
- #497 More functional features to stay closer to Java 8 lambdas (by @garcia-jj)
- #525 Updating one minute guide (by @Turini)
- #523 Updating download links (by @Turini)
- #522 Update version (by @vitornp)