- Uses whole spectrum of colors
- Semantic highlighting
- Between all foreground colors and background:
- Same perceptual contrast using HSLuv algorithm
- AA 7.0 constrast for better readability and accessibility
- No more than 7.0 contrast for reduced eye strain
- Times Square color scheme
- Times Square theme
- Times Square color scheme
- Times Square theme
- Times Square color scheme
- Starship
# For Sublime Text on macOS
yarn install-on-sublime-text
# For Sublime Merge on macOS
yarn install-on-sublime-merge
# For iTerm on macOS
yarn install-on-iterm
# For other platforms
cp ./build/Times\ Square.sublime-color-scheme path/to/your/sublime-text/packages/folder
cp ./build/Times\ Square.sublime-theme path/to/your/sublime-text/packages/folder
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