FastAPI backend that summarizes a Twitter account's tweets through embedding/clustering of tweets, w/ sentiment analysis and topic modeling. Everything is commentend courtesy of ChatGPT.
- The app takes a POST request of a Twitter account's username and gets the most recent X tweets using the tweepy package.
- The text of each tweet is preprocessed using the nltk package.
- The preprocessed text is transformed into embeddings using OpenAI model 'text-embedding-ada-002'
- The embeddings are clustered using agglomerative clustering with cosine metric and average linkage.
- The tweets are separated into clusters based on their cluster labels.
- Sentiment analysis is performed using the VADER sentiment analyzer.
- Topic modeling is performed using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) from the scikit-learn package.
- The top words for each topic are classified using the OpenAI model 'text-curie-001'.
- Results are stored to Postgres and returned.
The request body should contain a JSON object with a single key-value pair where the key is "username" and the value is the users username. For example:
The response body is a JSON object with a single key-value pair where the key is Tweets and the value is another JSON object. The inner JSON object contains a key-value pair for each topic identified in the tweets. The key of each topic is a concatenated string of the most relevant Twitter handles and keywords associated with that topic. The value of each topic is another JSON object with two keys:
- key_words: an array of strings representing the keywords associated with the topic
- tweets: an array of JSON objects representing the most relevant tweets associated with the topic. Each JSON object in the tweets array contains the following keys:
- tweet_id: the ID of the tweet
- sentiment: a JSON object representing the sentiment analysis of the tweet. The sentiment analysis contains the following keys:
- neg: a float representing the negativity score of the tweet
- neu: a float representing the neutrality score of the tweet
- pos: a float representing the positivity score of the tweet
- compound: a float representing the overall sentiment score of the tweet (ranges from -1 to 1)
- topic_weight: a float representing the relevance of the tweet to the given topic
Here's an example of what the response JSON object might look like:
{ "user": { "id": "44196397", "name": "Elon Musk", "username": "elonmusk" }, "clusters": [ { "topic": "Web", "key_words": [ "https", "verified", "sign", "web", "get", "via", "blue", "day", "prescient", "old" ], "tweets": [ { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 1, "pos": 0, "compound": 0 }, "topic_weight": 0.01208955708907979 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 1, "pos": 0, "compound": 0 }, "topic_weight": 0.5877986129941202 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 1, "pos": 0, "compound": 0 }, "topic_weight": 0.288476329726015 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 0.82, "pos": 0.18, "compound": 0.296 }, "topic_weight": 0.0822121373001949 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0.281, "neu": 0.651, "pos": 0.068, "compound": -0.7351 }, "topic_weight": 0.05755325187354697 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 0.508, "pos": 0.492, "compound": 0.4404 }, "topic_weight": 0.288476329465526 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 1, "pos": 0, "compound": 0 }, "topic_weight": 0.51244631582272 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0.034, "neu": 0.826, "pos": 0.141, "compound": 0.5423 }, "topic_weight": 0.09447132011376012 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 1, "pos": 0, "compound": 0 }, "topic_weight": 0.347118694971934 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 0.513, "pos": 0.487, "compound": 0.5859 }, "topic_weight": 0.19641641358159842 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 1, "pos": 0, "compound": 0 }, "topic_weight": 0.19641641948078017 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 1, "pos": 0, "compound": 0 }, "topic_weight": 0.3471186966182624 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 0.196, "pos": 0.804, "compound": 0.4767 }, "topic_weight": 0.26578122981760216 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 1, "pos": 0, "compound": 0 }, "topic_weight": 0.51244631582272 }, { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 1, "pos": 0, "compound": 0 }, "topic_weight": 0.24832703746875484 } ] }, { "topic": "paperclip", "key_words": [ "real", "problem", "paperclip", "clippy" ], "tweets": [ { "sentiment": { "neg": 0.474, "neu": 0.526, "pos": 0, "compound": -0.4019 }, "topic_weight": 1 } ] }, { "topic": "Working", "key_words": [ "working", "service", "need", "money", "good", "customer", "course" ], "tweets": [ { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 0.674, "pos": 0.326, "compound": 0.4404 }, "topic_weight": 1.0000000000000007 } ] }, { "topic": " Celebrities", "key_words": [ "treating", "standard", "imo", "https", "everyone", "equally", "different", "celebrities" ], "tweets": [ { "sentiment": { "neg": 0, "neu": 1, "pos": 0, "compound": 0 }, "topic_weight": 1 } ] } ] }
Api calls to OpenAI 'text-curie-001' to classify the topic of a cluster based on key words & 'text-embedding-ada-002' for embedding. Clustering, Topic modelling and sentiment analysis still all run locally- very lightweight and low compute. New docker images ~10gb smaller.
DATABASE_URL=postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:password@db:5432/example_db DB_USER=postgres DB_PASSWORD=password DB_NAME=example_db [email protected] PGADMIN_PASSWORD=password CELERY_BROKER_URL=redis://redis:6379/0 CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND=redis://redis:6379/0 OPENAI_API_KEY= TWEEPY_BEARER_TOKEN=