Temporary is a framework designed to make working with HTMX and Templ easier
Visit https://temporary-framework.org to get started with Temporary.
Visit https://temporary-framework.org/docs to view the full documentation.
These instructions will help you get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:
- Bun: Download and Install Bun
- Go Programming Language: Download and Install Go
- Templ: Download and Install Templ
Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/caleb-sideras/temporary-framework-website.git
Navigate to the project's directory.
cd temporary-framework-website
Install the project dependencies.
bun install
Run the Temporary build process through Bun:
bun run build
Run the Temporary start process through Bun:
bun run start
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Delete/create default files on BUILD - > html/css/js delete
- so we dont want to just delete all the files in this dir - simply because users might add shit to this?
- store files we saved so we can remove them?
- give a warning to the user about storing files here?
Create code for the handlers instead of the definitions.go??
- could still have the same process but the routes would be stored in separate package?
Fix highlighting of focused color
Fix mobile titles length
docs -> example dependancy, explain build process
remove mux handler
metadata api
- sending & and performing
and using htmxhead-extention
to swap head (always with merge) - index & page metadata exported var (on full page render, we must iterate over the output and find &/or insert the head) NOTE: this will be difficult with nested indexs
- index inside return must have
(leave up to the user) make by default?
more route level ui
nested indexs
chunking of js
DYNAMIC ROUTES INDEX ISSUE -> returns whole page!!!