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November 9, 2018

Ferran Negre edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 1 revision


Pending PRs

  • feat: DataTable component -> still work to be done (external)
  • feat: Menu component -> satya will take a look
  • feat: Avatar component #536 -> still work to be done (external)
  • feat: Badge component (second approach) -> still work to be done (external)
  • feat: allow configuring fontSize of TextInput label #543 -> needs to be reviewed (complicated)
  • feat: Ability to adjust the button height #552 -> needs to be fixed (external)
  • feat: Ability to adjust the button height #552 -> waiting for answer (external)
  • feat: ToggleButton component #575 -> needs to be reviewed again
  • feat: Leading and Trailing Icon #587 -> esemesek to check it
  • feat: Add optional contentStyle prop to bottom navigation -> satya to check again

Issues to take care

  • Searchbar crashes on Android when wrapped in Appbar #605
  • TextInput with RTL is buggy #562
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