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GitHub Application

Stéphane Brunner edited this page Feb 16, 2024 · 2 revisions

To add a GitHub Application, you should go in 'GitHub' / 'Settings' / 'Developer Settings' / 'GitHub Apps'.

You should be able to get the 'Repository permissions', the 'Organization permissions', the 'Account permissions' and the 'Subscribe to events` of the installed modules in the main application page if you are logged as admin.

The application should be configured in the production.ini like that:

applications =

application.<name>.github_app_id = %(GHCI_<NAME>_GITHUB_APP_ID)s
application.<name>.github_app_private_key = %(GHCI_<NAME>_GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY)s
application.<name>.github_app_url = %(GHCI_<NAME>_GITHUB_APP_URL)s
application.<name>.title = Main application
application.<name>.description = This is the main application
application.<name>.modules =

In some entries, we put %(<name>)s is to be able to configure it with an environment variable with the respective name.