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Etcd observability #1884

merged 3 commits into from
Mar 12, 2025
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76 changes: 44 additions & 32 deletions hydra-node/src/Hydra/Network/Etcd.hs
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Expand Up @@ -15,21 +15,21 @@
-- using a GRPC client. We can only write and read from the cluster while
-- connected to the majority cluster.
-- Broadcasting is implemented using @put@ to some well-known key, while
-- message delivery is done by using @watch@ on the same key. We keep a last
-- known revision, also stored on disk, to start 'watch' with that revision (+1)
-- and only deliver messages that were not seen before. In case we are not
-- connected to our 'etcd' instance or not enough peers (= on a minority
-- cluster), we retry sending, but also store messages to broadcast in a
-- 'PersistentQueue', which makes the node resilient against crashes while
-- sending. TODO: Is this needed? performance limitation?
-- Broadcasting is implemented using @put@ to some well-known key, while message
-- delivery is done by using @watch@ on the same 'msg' prefix. We keep a last known
-- revision, also stored on disk, to start 'watch' with that revision (+1) and
-- only deliver messages that were not seen before. In case we are not connected
-- to our 'etcd' instance or not enough peers (= on a minority cluster), we
-- retry sending, but also store messages to broadcast in a 'PersistentQueue',
-- which makes the node resilient against crashes while sending. TODO: Is this
-- needed? performance limitation?
-- Connectivity and compatibility with other nodes on the cluster is tracked
-- using the key-value service as well:
-- * network connectivity is determined by being able to fetch the member list
-- * peer connectivity is tracked (best effort, not authorized) using an entry
-- at 'alive-\<node id\>' keys with individual leases and repeated keep-alives
-- at 'alive-\<advertise\>' keys with individual leases and repeated keep-alives
-- * each node compare-and-swaps its `version` into a key of the same name to
-- check compatibility (not updatable)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ import Hydra.Network (
NetworkCallback (..),
NetworkConfiguration (..),
import Network.GRPC.Client (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ withEtcdNetwork tracer protocolVersion config callback action = do
race_ (pollConnectivity tracer conn advertise callback) $ do
race_ (waitMessages tracer conn protocolVersion persistenceDir callback) $ do
queue <- newPersistentQueue (persistenceDir </> "pending-broadcast") 100
race_ (broadcastMessages tracer conn protocolVersion (port listen) queue) $ do
race_ (broadcastMessages tracer conn protocolVersion advertise queue) $ do
{ broadcast = writePersistentQueue queue
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,22 +226,23 @@ matchVersion ::
Maybe HydraHandshakeRefused
matchVersion key ourVersion = do
case splitOn "-" $ decodeUtf8 key of
[_prefix, versionText, port] ->
[_prefix, versionText, hostText] -> do
let remoteHost = fromMaybe (Host "???" 0) . readMaybe $ toString hostText
case parseVersion versionText of
Just theirVersion
| ourVersion == theirVersion -> Nothing
| otherwise ->
-- TODO: DRY just cases
{ remoteHost = Host "???" $ fromMaybe 0 $ parsePort port
{ remoteHost
, ourVersion
, theirVersions = KnownHydraVersions [theirVersion]
Nothing ->
{ remoteHost = Host "???" $ fromMaybe 0 $ parsePort port
{ remoteHost
, ourVersion
, theirVersions = NoKnownHydraVersions
Expand All @@ -256,8 +256,6 @@ matchVersion key ourVersion = do
parseVersion = fmap MkHydraVersionedProtocolNumber . readMaybe . toString

parsePort = readMaybe . toString

-- | Broadcast messages from a queue to the etcd cluster.
-- TODO: retrying on failure even needed?
Expand All @@ -267,13 +265,14 @@ broadcastMessages ::
Tracer IO EtcdLog ->
Connection ->
HydraVersionedProtocolNumber ->
PortNumber ->
-- | Used to identify sender.
Host ->
PersistentQueue IO msg ->
IO ()
broadcastMessages tracer conn protocolVersion port queue =
broadcastMessages tracer conn protocolVersion ourHost queue =
withGrpcContext "broadcastMessages" . forever $ do
msg <- peekPersistentQueue queue
(putMessage conn protocolVersion port msg >> popPersistentQueue queue msg)
(putMessage conn protocolVersion ourHost msg >> popPersistentQueue queue msg)
`catch` \case
GrpcException{grpcError, grpcErrorMessage}
| grpcError == GrpcUnavailable || grpcError == GrpcDeadlineExceeded -> do
Expand All @@ -286,10 +285,11 @@ putMessage ::
ToCBOR msg =>
Connection ->
HydraVersionedProtocolNumber ->
PortNumber ->
-- | Used to identify sender.
Host ->
msg ->
IO ()
putMessage conn protocolVersion port msg =
putMessage conn protocolVersion ourHost msg =
void $ nonStreaming conn (rpc @(Protobuf KV "put")) req
req =
Expand All @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ putMessage conn protocolVersion port msg =
& #value .~ serialize' msg

-- TODO: use one key again (after mapping version check)?
key = encodeUtf8 @Text $ "msg-" <> show (hydraVersionedProtocolNumber protocolVersion) <> "-" <> show port
key = encodeUtf8 @Text $ "msg-" <> show (hydraVersionedProtocolNumber protocolVersion) <> "-" <> show ourHost

-- | Fetch and wait for messages from the etcd cluster.
waitMessages ::
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,45 +386,53 @@ pollConnectivity tracer conn advertise NetworkCallback{onConnectivity} = do
onConnectivity NetworkConnected
-- Write our alive key using lease
writeAlive leaseId
traceWith tracer CreatedLease{leaseId}
withKeepAlive leaseId $ \keepAlive ->
forever $ do
-- Keep our lease alive
ttlRemaining <- keepAlive
when (ttlRemaining < 1) $
traceWith tracer LowLeaseTTL{ttlRemaining}
-- Determine alive peers
alive <- getAlive
traceWith tracer CurrentlyAlive{alive}
let othersAlive = alive \\ [advertise]
seenAlive <- atomically $ swapTVar seenAliveVar othersAlive
forM_ (othersAlive \\ seenAlive) $ onConnectivity . PeerConnected
forM_ (seenAlive \\ othersAlive) $ onConnectivity . PeerDisconnected
threadDelay 1
-- Wait roughly ttl / 2
threadDelay (ttlRemaining / 2)
ttl = 3

onGrpcException seenAliveVar GrpcException{grpcError}
| grpcError == GrpcUnavailable || grpcError == GrpcDeadlineExceeded = do
onConnectivity NetworkDisconnected
atomically $ writeTVar seenAliveVar []
threadDelay 1
onGrpcException _ e = throwIO e

-- REVIEW: server can decide ttl?
createLease = withGrpcContext "createLease" $ do
leaseResponse <-
nonStreaming conn (rpc @(Protobuf Lease "leaseGrant")) $
defMessage & #ttl .~ ttl
defMessage & #ttl .~ 3
pure $ leaseResponse ^. #id

withKeepAlive leaseId action = do
biDiStreaming conn (rpc @(Protobuf Lease "leaseKeepAlive")) $ \send recv -> do
void . action $ do
send $ NextElem $ defMessage & #id .~ leaseId
recv >>= \case
NextElem res -> pure . fromIntegral $ res ^. #ttl
NoNextElem -> do
traceWith tracer NoKeepAliveResponse
pure 0

writeAlive leaseId = withGrpcContext "writeAlive" $ do
void . nonStreaming conn (rpc @(Protobuf KV "put")) $
& #key .~ "alive-" <> show advertise
& #value .~ serialize' advertise
& #lease .~ leaseId

withKeepAlive leaseId action = do
biDiStreaming conn (rpc @(Protobuf Lease "leaseKeepAlive")) $ \send _recv ->
void . action $ send $ NextElem (defMessage & #id .~ leaseId)

getAlive = withGrpcContext "getAlive" $ do
res <-
nonStreaming conn (rpc @(Protobuf KV "range")) $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -550,6 +558,10 @@ data EtcdLog
| BroadcastFailed {reason :: Text}
| FailedToDecodeLog {log :: Text, reason :: Text}
| FailedToDecodeValue {key :: Text, value :: Text, reason :: Text}
| CreatedLease {leaseId :: Int64}
| LowLeaseTTL {ttlRemaining :: DiffTime}
| CurrentlyAlive {alive :: [Host]}
| NoKeepAliveResponse
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON)

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions hydra-node/test/Hydra/NetworkSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,17 +139,17 @@ spec = do

it "checks protocol version" $ \tracer -> do
withTempDir "test-etcd" $ \tmp -> do
failAfter 5 $ do
failAfter 10 $ do
PeerConfig2{aliceConfig, bobConfig} <- setup2Peers tmp
let v2 = MkHydraVersionedProtocolNumber 2
withEtcdNetwork @Int tracer v1 aliceConfig noopCallback $ \n1 -> do
(recordReceived, _, waitConnectivity) <- newRecordingCallback
withEtcdNetwork @Int tracer v2 bobConfig recordReceived $ \_n2 -> do
broadcast n1 123

waitEq waitConnectivity 10 $
waitEq waitConnectivity 5 $
{ remoteHost = Host "???" aliceConfig.advertise.port
{ remoteHost = aliceConfig.advertise
, ourVersion = v2
, theirVersions = KnownHydraVersions [v1]
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