6 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- feat: API authentication supports using the user's own token
- feat: Support forwarding time-series data to Kafka
- feat: Added annotations feature to dashboard line chart
- feat: Added right-aligned table legend mode to dashboard line chart
- feat: Added percentage mode for thresholds in dashboard line chart, with new threshold styles supporting dashed lines and area combinations
- feat: Added Retro LCD display mode to dashboard leaderboard
- feat: Dashboard global links now support adding dashboards type links
- refactor: Optimized the UI for alert rule data source filtering
- refactor: Changed dashboard configuration to manual save mode
- refactor: Optimized panel title font size and color
- refactor: Panel title bar now shows custom time prompt
- refactor: Grouped panels display the number of panels when collapsed
- refactor: Enhanced contrast optimization for line chart text color
- feat: 接口鉴权支持使用用户自己的 token
- feat: 支持将接收的时序数据转发到 kafka
- feat: 仪表盘折线图新增 annotations 功能
- feat: 仪表盘折线图新增右对齐的表格模式图例
- feat: 仪表盘折线图阈值新增百分比模式,以及新增阈值样式支持虚线和区域等多样组合
- feat: 仪表盘排行榜新增 Retro LCD 显示模式
- feat: 仪表盘全局链接支持新增 dashboards 类型链接
- refactor: 告警规则数据源筛选 UI 优化
- refactor: 仪表盘配置改成手动保存模式
- refactor: 面板标题字体大小颜色优化
- refactor: 面板标题栏展示自定义时间提示
- refactor: 分组面板折叠后显示包含面板数量信息
- refactor: 折线图文字颜色优化增强对比度
Full Changelog: v8.0.0-beta.4...v8.0.0-beta.5