Qi Lei, Lingfei Wu, Pin-Yu Chen, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Inderjit S. Dhillon, Michael Witbrock. "Discrete Adversarial Attacks and Submodular Optimization with Applications to Text Classification” Systems and Machine Learning (sysML). 2019 (arXiv,slides)
Press coverage: <Nature Story> <Vecturebeat> <Tech Talks> <机器之心>
- download training/testing dataset and put it in ./data/train.tsv and ./data/test.tsv, each line should consist of the text and the label, seprated by \t
- cd src/
- make train_LSTM (to train LSTM classifier)
- make train_CNN (to train the word-level CNN classifier)
- Move the models to targeted directory, e.g. ../model/model_lstm.pt and ../model/model_cnn.pt
- Download paragram_300_sl999 file from https://github.com/recski/wordsim
- change in the Makefile the embedding_path to be the directory of the above file
- Download the sentence paraphrasing model from https://github.com/vsuthichai/paraphraser
- put it the the same parent path as the text_adversarial repository
In the Makefile, change the input parameter model_path to the above generated models; also, change the input parameter first_label to the first label name (e.g. FAKE for the news data) appeared in the training file. (Otherwise the model doesn't distinguish positive and negative labels)
"make attack_cnn" to generate adversarial examples of the wcnn model
"make attack_lstm" to generate adversarial examples of the lstm classifier
To use joint sentence and word level attacks, do step 3 and run the following
make attack_cnn_joint
make attack_lstm_joint
- Finally, the datasets we used could be obtained from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jdkhvdgzmytu78i/AACo53pUyerYO6jwVds5SZyPa?dl=0
- The dataset in ./data folder is the fake news dataset