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Kubernetes Lab Commands Sheet


Command Description
juju status Reports the current status of the model, machines, applications and units
watch -c juju status --color Tracks the deployment process live
juju deploy Deploys a new application or bundle
juju add-unit Adds one or more units to a deployed application
juju add-credential Adds or replaces credentials for a cloud, stored locally on this client
juju list-credentials Lists locally stored credentials for a cloud
juju add-model Adds a hosted model
juju list-models Lists models a user can access on a controller
juju run-action Queue an action for execution. E.g. juju run-action kubernetes-worker/0 microbot replicas=5
juju upgrade-charm {CHARM_NAME} Upgrade an application's charm
juju config {APPLICATION_NAME} Gets, sets, or resets configuration for a deployed application


Command Description
kubectl create -f [FILE/S] Creates resources from the given file, files, dir, url, [etc][2]
kubectl get pods | pod | po Lists all Pods. Viewing Finding Resourses
kubectl get nodes Lists all nodes, Viewing Finding Resourses
kubectl get svc | services Lists all services in the namespace
kubectl get deploy Lists deployments
kubectl get endpoints Lists all endpoints
kubectl get ingress Lists all ingress
kubectl get componentstatuses Displays the health status of the components
kubectl get namespaces Lists namespaces
kubectl get rs Lists Replica Resources
kubectl get sa Lists Service Accounts
kubectl get clusterroles Lists default Cluster Roles
kubectl get rol Lists Roles
kubectl get pv List persistent volumes
kubectl get pvc Lists persistent volume claims
kubectl describe pod {POD_NAME} Describes a specific pod
kubectl describe node {NODE_NAME} Describes the status of a specific Node, CPU and memory (system information)
kubectl describe rs {REPLICA_SET_NAME} Describes a specific ReplicaSet
kubectl describe sa {SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME} Describes a specific Service Account
kubectl describe secret {SECRET_NAME} Describes a secret/Token
kubectl describe rolebinding {ROLE_BINDING_NAME} Describes a specific role binding
kubectl describe pv {PERSISTENT_VOLUME_NAME} Describes a specific persistent volume
kubectl describe pv {PERSISTENT_VOLUME_CLAIMS_NAME} Describes a specific persistent volume claim
kubectl delete pod {POD_NAME} Deletes the specified pod
kubectl delete namespaces {NAMESPACE_NAME} Deletes a specific namespace
kubectl delete deploy {DEPLOY_NAME} Deletes a specific deployment
kubectl delete sa {SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME} Deletes a specific service account
kubectl delete rol {ROLE_NAME} Deletes a specific role
kubectl delete rolebinding {ROLE_BINDING_NAME} Deletes a specific role binding
kubectl delete pv {PV_NAME} Deletes a specific persistent volume
kubectl delete pvc {PVC_NAME} Deletes a specific persistent volume claim
kubectl expose deployment {DEPLOY_NAME} --type="ClusterIP" Exposes an external IP address
kubectl top node Displays resource (CPU/Memory/Storage) usage of nodes
kubectl proxy Starts a proxy to the Kubernetes API server


Command Description
helm init Install Tiller to your running Kubernetes cluster. It will also set up any necessary local configuration
helm repo update Updates index chart repositories
helm search {CHART_NAME} Searches for a specific chart
helm install {CHART_REFERENCE} Installs a specific chart. E.g. helm install stable/mariadb
helm create {CHART_NAME} Create a new chart with the given name
helm package {CHART_PATH} Packages a chart directory into a chart archive
helm delete {RELREASE_NAME} Given a release name, delete the release from Kubernetes

Viewing Finding Resourses:

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces List all pods in all namespaces

kubectl get pods -o wide List all pods in the namespace, with more details


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