Command | Description |
juju status |
Reports the current status of the model, machines, applications and units |
watch -c juju status --color |
Tracks the deployment process live |
juju deploy |
Deploys a new application or bundle |
juju add-unit |
Adds one or more units to a deployed application |
juju add-credential |
Adds or replaces credentials for a cloud, stored locally on this client |
juju list-credentials |
Lists locally stored credentials for a cloud |
juju add-model |
Adds a hosted model |
juju list-models |
Lists models a user can access on a controller |
juju run-action |
Queue an action for execution. E.g. juju run-action kubernetes-worker/0 microbot replicas=5 |
juju upgrade-charm {CHARM_NAME} |
Upgrade an application's charm |
juju config {APPLICATION_NAME} |
Gets, sets, or resets configuration for a deployed application |
Command | Description |
kubectl create -f [FILE/S] |
Creates resources from the given file, files, dir, url, [etc][2] |
kubectl get pods | pod | po |
Lists all Pods. Viewing Finding Resourses |
kubectl get nodes |
Lists all nodes, Viewing Finding Resourses |
kubectl get svc | services |
Lists all services in the namespace |
kubectl get deploy |
Lists deployments |
kubectl get endpoints |
Lists all endpoints |
kubectl get ingress |
Lists all ingress |
kubectl get componentstatuses |
Displays the health status of the components |
kubectl get namespaces |
Lists namespaces |
kubectl get rs |
Lists Replica Resources |
kubectl get sa |
Lists Service Accounts |
kubectl get clusterroles |
Lists default Cluster Roles |
kubectl get rol |
Lists Roles |
kubectl get pv |
List persistent volumes |
kubectl get pvc |
Lists persistent volume claims |
kubectl describe pod {POD_NAME} |
Describes a specific pod |
kubectl describe node {NODE_NAME} |
Describes the status of a specific Node, CPU and memory (system information) |
kubectl describe rs {REPLICA_SET_NAME} |
Describes a specific ReplicaSet |
kubectl describe sa {SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME} |
Describes a specific Service Account |
kubectl describe secret {SECRET_NAME} |
Describes a secret/Token |
kubectl describe rolebinding {ROLE_BINDING_NAME} |
Describes a specific role binding |
kubectl describe pv {PERSISTENT_VOLUME_NAME} |
Describes a specific persistent volume |
kubectl describe pv {PERSISTENT_VOLUME_CLAIMS_NAME} |
Describes a specific persistent volume claim |
kubectl delete pod {POD_NAME} |
Deletes the specified pod |
kubectl delete namespaces {NAMESPACE_NAME} |
Deletes a specific namespace |
kubectl delete deploy {DEPLOY_NAME} |
Deletes a specific deployment |
kubectl delete sa {SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME} |
Deletes a specific service account |
kubectl delete rol {ROLE_NAME} |
Deletes a specific role |
kubectl delete rolebinding {ROLE_BINDING_NAME} |
Deletes a specific role binding |
kubectl delete pv {PV_NAME} |
Deletes a specific persistent volume |
kubectl delete pvc {PVC_NAME} |
Deletes a specific persistent volume claim |
kubectl expose deployment {DEPLOY_NAME} --type="ClusterIP" |
Exposes an external IP address |
kubectl top node |
Displays resource (CPU/Memory/Storage) usage of nodes |
kubectl proxy |
Starts a proxy to the Kubernetes API server |
Command | Description |
helm init |
Install Tiller to your running Kubernetes cluster. It will also set up any necessary local configuration |
helm repo update |
Updates index chart repositories |
helm search {CHART_NAME} |
Searches for a specific chart |
helm install {CHART_REFERENCE} |
Installs a specific chart. E.g. helm install stable/mariadb |
helm create {CHART_NAME} |
Create a new chart with the given name |
helm package {CHART_PATH} |
Packages a chart directory into a chart archive |
helm delete {RELREASE_NAME} |
Given a release name, delete the release from Kubernetes |
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
List all pods in all namespaces
kubectl get pods -o wide
List all pods in the namespace, with more details