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upgraded to AbstractTensors v0.8
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chakravala committed Apr 24, 2024
1 parent 1d2e3bb commit 1ca7fbd
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Showing 4 changed files with 52 additions and 57 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "Grassmann"
uuid = "4df31cd9-4c27-5bea-88d0-e6a7146666d8"
authors = ["Michael Reed"]
version = "0.8.16"
version = "0.8.17"

AbstractTensors = "a8e43f4a-99b7-5565-8bf1-0165161caaea"
Expand All @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
julia = "1"
Leibniz = "0.2"
DirectSum = "0.8.1"
AbstractTensors = "0.7.7"
AbstractTensors = "0.8"
ComputedFieldTypes = "1"
Requires = "1"

Expand Down
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion src/composite.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ Base.rand(::AbstractRNG,::SamplerType{PseudoCouple{V,B,T} where B}) where {V,T}

# Dyadic

export operator, gradedoperator
export operator, gradedoperator, evenoperator, oddoperator

@generated function operator(t::TensorAlgebra{V},::Val{G}=Val(1)) where {V,G}
N = mdims(V)
Expand All @@ -1104,3 +1104,11 @@ gradedoperator(t::TensorAlgebra{V}) where V = Multivector{V}(Λ(V).b .⊘ Ref(t)
operator(fun,V,G::Int) = operator(fun,V,Val(G))
gradedoperator(fun,V) = Multivector{V}(fun.(Λ(V).b))

@pure function evenbasis(V,even=true)
N = mdims(V)
r,b = binomsum_set(N),binomial_set(N)
vcat([Λ(V).b[list(r[g]+1,r[g]+b[g])] for g evens(even ? 1 : 2,N+1)]...)
evenoperator(t::TensorAlgebra{V}) where V = Spinor{V}(evenbasis(V) .⊘ Ref(t))
oddoperator(t::TensorAlgebra{V}) where V = AntiSpinor{V}(evenbasis(V,false) .⊘ Ref(t))
91 changes: 39 additions & 52 deletions src/multivectors.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import AbstractTensors: TensorTerm, TensorGraded, TensorMixed, equal
import Leibniz: grade, antigrade, showvalue, basis, order

export TensorNested
abstract type TensorNested{V} <: Manifold{V} end
abstract type TensorNested{V,T} <: Manifold{V,T} end

for op (:(Base.:+),:(Base.:-))
@eval begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,15 +59,15 @@ export UniformScaling, I, points

## Chain{V,G,𝕂}

@computed struct Chain{V,G,𝕂} <: TensorGraded{V,G}
Chain{V,G,𝕂}(v) where {V,G,𝕂} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),G,𝕂}(v)
@computed struct Chain{V,G,T} <: TensorGraded{V,G,T}
Chain{V,G,T}(v) where {V,G,T} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),G,T}(v)

Chain{V,G,𝕂} <: TensorGraded{V,G} <: TensorAlgebra{V}
Chain{V,G,T} <: TensorGraded{V,G,T} <: TensorAlgebra{V,T}
Chain type with pseudoscalar `V::Manifold`, grade/rank `G::Int`, scalar field `𝕂::Type`.
Chain type with pseudoscalar `V::Manifold`, grade/rank `G::Int`, scalar field `T::Type`.
Chain{V,G}(val::S) where {V,G,S<:AbstractVector{𝕂}} where 𝕂 = Chain{V,G,𝕂}(val)
Chain{V,G}(val::NTuple{N,T}) where {V,G,N,T} = Chain{V,G}(Values{N,T}(val))
Expand All @@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ Chain(v::Chain{V,G,𝕂}) where {V,G,𝕂} = v
DyadicProduct{V,W,G,T,N} = Chain{V,G,Chain{W,G,T,N},N}
DyadicChain{V,G,T,N} = DyadicProduct{V,V,G,T,N}

Base.Matrix(m::Chain{V,G,<:TensorGraded{W,G}}) where {V,W,G} = hcat(value.(Chain.(value(m)))...)
Base.Matrix(m::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{W,G}}) where {V,W,G} = hcat(value.(value(m))...)
DyadicChain(m::Matrix) = Chain{Submanifold(size(m)[1]),1}(m)
function Chain{V,G}(m::Matrix) where {V,G}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,12 +204,12 @@ Base.ones(::Type{Chain{V,G,T,X}}) where {V,G,T<:Chain,X} = Chain{V,G,T}(ones.(nt
(a::Type{<:Chain{V,1}},b::Type{<:Chain{W,1,T}}) where {V,W,T} = Chain{V,1,Chain{W,1,T,mdims(W)},mdims(V)}

ChainBundle{V,G,P} <: Manifold{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}
ChainBundle{V,G,T,P} <: Manifold{V,T} <: TensorAlgebra{V,T}
Subsets of a bundle cross-section over a `Manifold` topology.
struct ChainBundle{V,G,𝕂,Points} <: Manifold{V}
@pure ChainBundle{V,G,𝕂,P}() where {V,G,𝕂,P} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),G,𝕂,P}()
struct ChainBundle{V,G,T,Points} <: Manifold{V,T}
@pure ChainBundle{V,G,T,P}() where {V,G,T,P} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),G,T,P}()

const bundle_cache = (Vector{Chain{V,G,T,X}} where {V,G,T,X})[]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,7 +254,6 @@ end

value(c::Vector{<:Chain}) = c
value(::ChainBundle{V,G,T,P}) where {V,G,T,P} = bundle_cache[P]::(Vector{Chain{V,G,T,binomial(mdims(V),G)}})
AbstractTensors.valuetype(::ChainBundle{V,G,T} where {V,G}) where T = T

getindex(m::ChainBundle,i::I) where I<:Integer = getindex(value(m),i)
getindex(m::ChainBundle,i) = getindex(value(m),i)
Expand All @@ -271,17 +271,17 @@ Base.display(m::ChainBundle) = (print(showbundle(m));display(value(m))),m::ChainBundle) = print(io,showbundle(m),length(m))
@pure showbundle(m::ChainBundle{V,G}) where {V,G} = "$(iscell(m) ? 'C' : islocal(m) ? 'I' : 'Λ')$(DirectSum.sups[G])$V×"

## Multivector{V,𝕂}
## Multivector{V,T}

@computed struct Multivector{V,𝕂} <: TensorMixed{V}
Multivector{V,𝕂}(v) where {V,𝕂} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),𝕂}(v)
@computed struct Multivector{V,T} <: TensorMixed{V,T}
Multivector{V,T}(v) where {V,T} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),T}(v)

Multivector{V,𝕂} <: TensorMixed{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}
Multivector{V,T} <: TensorMixed{V,T} <: TensorAlgebra{V,T}
Chain type with pseudoscalar `V::Manifold` and scalar field `𝕂::Type`.
Chain type with pseudoscalar `V::Manifold` and scalar field `T::Type`.
Multivector{V}(v::S) where {V,S<:AbstractVector{T}} where T = Multivector{V,T}(v)
for var ((:V,:T),(:T,),())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ Multivector(val::NTuple{N,Any}) where N = Multivector{log2sub(N)}(Values{N}(val)

DyadicMultivector{V,T,N} = Multivector{V,Multivector{V,T,N},N}

Base.Matrix(m::Multivector{V,<:TensorAlgebra{W}}) where {V,W} = hcat(value.(Multivector.(value(m)))...)
Base.Matrix(m::Multivector{V,<:Multivector{W}}) where {V,W} = hcat(value.(value(m))...)
DyadicMultivector(m::Matrix) = Multivector{log2sub(size(m)[1]),1}(m)
function Multivector{V}(m::Matrix) where V
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -457,11 +458,11 @@ getindex(m::Multivector{V},i::Submanifold{V}) where V = m[basisindex(mdims(V),UI
## AbstractSpinor{V}

AbstractSpinor{V} <: TensorMixed{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}
AbstractSpinor{V,T} <: TensorMixed{V,T} <: TensorAlgebra{V,T}
Elements of `TensorAlgebra` having non-homogenous grade being a spinor in the abstract.
abstract type AbstractSpinor{V} <: TensorMixed{V} end
abstract type AbstractSpinor{V,T} <: TensorMixed{V,T} end

## Spinor{V}, PsuedoSpinor

Expand All @@ -470,9 +471,9 @@ abstract type AbstractSpinor{V} <: TensorMixed{V} end
for pinor (:Spinor,:AntiSpinor)
dpinor = Symbol(:Dyadic,pinor)
@eval begin
@computed struct $pinor{V,𝕂} <: AbstractSpinor{V}
$pinor{V,𝕂}(v::Values{N,𝕂}) where {N,V,𝕂} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),𝕂}(v)
@computed struct $pinor{V,T} <: AbstractSpinor{V,T}
$pinor{V,T}(v::Values{N,T}) where {N,V,T} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),T}(v)
$pinor{V,T}(v::AbstractVector{T}) where {V,T} = $pinor{V,T}(Values{1<<(mdims(V)-1),T}(v))
$pinor{V}(v::AbstractVector{T}) where {V,T} = $pinor{V,T}(v)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,6 +503,7 @@ for pinor ∈ (:Spinor,:AntiSpinor)
equal(a::Chain{V,G,T},b::$pinor{V,S}) where {V,S,G,T} = b == a
equal(a::T,b::$pinor{V,S} where S) where T<:TensorTerm{V} where V = b==a
$dpinor{V,T,N} = $pinor{V,$pinor{V,T,N},N}
Base.Matrix(m::$pinor{V,<:TensorAlgebra{W}}) where {V,W} = hcat(value.($pinor.(value(m)))...)
Base.Matrix(m::$pinor{V,<:$pinor{W}}) where {V,W} = hcat(value.(value(m))...)
$pinor(m::Matrix) = $pinor{log2sub(size(m)[1]),1}(m)
function $pinor{V}(m::Matrix) where V
Expand All @@ -513,9 +515,9 @@ for pinor ∈ (:Spinor,:AntiSpinor)

Spinor{V,𝕂} <: AbstractSpinor{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}
Spinor{V,T} <: AbstractSpinor{V,T} <: TensorAlgebra{V,T}
Spinor (`even` grade) type with pseudoscalar `V::Manifold` and scalar field `𝕂::Type`.
Spinor (`even` grade) type with pseudoscalar `V::Manifold` and scalar field `T::Type`.
Spinor{V}(val::Submanifold{V}) where V = Spinor{V,Int}(1,val)
Spinor{V,𝕂}(v::Submanifold{V,G}) where {V,G,𝕂} = Spinor{V,𝕜}(1,v)
Expand All @@ -531,9 +533,9 @@ Spinor{V,𝕂}(v::Submanifold{V,G}) where {V,G,𝕂} = Spinor{V,𝕜}(1,v)

AntiSpinor{V,𝕂} <: AbstractSpinor{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}
AntiSpinor{V,T} <: AbstractSpinor{V,T} <: TensorAlgebra{V,T}
PsuedoSpinor (`odd` grade) type with pseudoscalar `V::Manifold` and scalar `𝕂::Type`.
PsuedoSpinor (`odd` grade) type with pseudoscalar `V::Manifold` and scalar `T::Type`.
AntiSpinor{V}(val::Submanifold{V}) where V = AntiSpinor{V,Int}(1,val)
AntiSpinor{V,𝕂}(v::Submanifold{V,G}) where {V,G,𝕂} = AntiSpinor{V,𝕜}(1,v)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -697,14 +699,14 @@ for T ∈ Fields

## Couple{V,B}, PseudoCouple{V,B}
## Couple{V,B,T}, PseudoCouple{V,B,T}

Couple{V,B,𝕂} <: AbstractSpinor{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}
Couple{V,B,T} <: AbstractSpinor{V,T} <: TensorAlgebra{V,T}
`Complex{𝕂}` wrapper with `V::Manifold`, basis `B::Submanifold`, scalar field of `𝕂::Type`.
`Complex{T}` wrapper with `V::Manifold`, basis `B::Submanifold`, scalar field of `T::Type`.
struct Couple{V,B,T} <: AbstractSpinor{V}
struct Couple{V,B,T} <: AbstractSpinor{V,T}
Couple{V,B}(a::T,b::T) where {V,B,T} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),B,T}(Complex{T}(a,b))
Couple{V,B}(v::Complex{T}) where {V,B,T} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),B,T}(v)
Expand All @@ -715,11 +717,11 @@ Base.abs2(z::Couple{V,B}) where {V,B} = abs2( + abs2(*abs2_inv(B)
grade(z::Couple{V,B},::Val{G}) where {V,G,B} = grade(B)==G ? : G==0 ? : Zero(V)

PseudoCouple{V,B,𝕂} <: AbstractSpinor{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}
PseudoCouple{V,B,T} <: AbstractSpinor{V,T} <: TensorAlgebra{V,T}
`Complex{𝕂}` wrapper with `V::Manifold`, basis `B::Submanifold`, pseudoscalar of `𝕂::Type`.
`Complex{T}` wrapper with `V::Manifold`, basis `B::Submanifold`, pseudoscalar of `T::Type`.
struct PseudoCouple{V,B,T} <: AbstractSpinor{V}
struct PseudoCouple{V,B,T} <: AbstractSpinor{V,T}
PseudoCouple{V,B}(a::T,b::T) where {V,B,T} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),B,T}(Complex{T}(a,b))
PseudoCouple{V,B}(v::Complex{T}) where {V,B,T} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),B,T}(v)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -872,11 +874,11 @@ end
export Phasor, ∠, radius

Phasor{V,B,𝕂} <: AbstractSpinor{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}
Phasor{V,B,T} <: AbstractSpinor{V,T} <: TensorAlgebra{V,T}
`Complex{𝕂}` wrapper with `V::Manifold`, basis `B::Submanifold`, scalar field `𝕂::Type`.
`Complex{T}` wrapper with `V::Manifold`, basis `B::Submanifold`, scalar field `T::Type`.
struct Phasor{V,B,T} <: AbstractSpinor{V}
struct Phasor{V,B,T} <: AbstractSpinor{V,T}
Phasor{V,B}(r::T,iθ::T) where {V,B,T} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),B,T}(Complex{T}(r,iθ))
Phasor{V,B}(v::Complex{T}) where {V,B,T} = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),B,T}(v)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -956,7 +958,7 @@ end

export Projector, Dyadic, Proj

struct Projector{V,T,Λ} <: TensorNested{V}
struct Projector{V,T,Λ} <: TensorNested{V,T}
Projector{V,T,Λ}(v::T::Λ=1) where {T<:Manifold{V},Λ} where V = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),T,Λ}(v,λ)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -987,7 +989,7 @@ DyadicChain{V,1,T}(P::Proj{V,T}) where {V,T<:Chain{V,1,<:Chain}} = sum(outer.(va
DyadicChain{V}(P::Proj{V,T}) where {V,T} = DyadicChain{V,1,T}(P)
DyadicChain(P::Proj{V,T}) where {V,T} = DyadicChain{V,1,T}(P)

struct Dyadic{V,X,Y} <: TensorNested{V}
struct Dyadic{V,X,Y} <: TensorNested{V,X}
Dyadic{V,X,Y}(x::X,y::Y) where {X<:TensorGraded,Y<:TensorGraded{V}} where V = new{DirectSum.submanifold(V),X,Y}(x,y)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1078,21 +1080,6 @@ quatvalues(q::TensorAlgebra) = quatvalues(Spinor(even(q)))
quatvalues(q::Quaternion{V,T}) where {V,T} = Values{4,T}(q.v[1],q.v[2],-q.v[3],q.v[4])
quatvalues(q::AntiQuaternion{V,T}) where {V,T} = Values{4,T}(q.v[4],q.v[3],q.v[2],q.v[1])

@pure valuetype(::Chain{V,G,T} where {V,G}) where T = T
@pure valuetype(::Multivector{V,T} where V) where T = T
@pure valuetype(::Spinor{V,T} where V) where T = T
@pure valuetype(::AntiSpinor{V,T} where V) where T = T
@pure valuetype(::Couple{V,B,T} where {V,B}) where T = T
@pure valuetype(::PseudoCouple{V,B,T} where {V,B}) where T = T
@pure valuetype(::Phasor{V,B,T} where {V,B}) where T = T
@pure valuetype(::Type{<:Chain{V,G,T} where {V,G}}) where T = T
@pure valuetype(::Type{<:Multivector{V,T} where V}) where T = T
@pure valuetype(::Type{<:Spinor{V,T} where V}) where T = T
@pure valuetype(::Type{<:AntiSpinor{V,T} where V}) where T = T
@pure valuetype(::Type{<:Couple{V,B,T} where {V,B}}) where T = T
@pure valuetype(::Type{<:PseudoCouple{V,B,T} where {V,B}}) where T = T
@pure valuetype(::Type{<:Phasor{V,B,T} where {V,B}}) where T = T

@inline value(m::Chain,T=valuetype(m)) = T(valuetype(m),Any) ? convert(T,m.v) : m.v
@inline value(m::Multivector,T=valuetype(m)) = T(valuetype(m),Any) ? convert(T,m.v) : m.v
@inline value(m::Spinor,T=valuetype(m)) = T(valuetype(m),Any) ? convert(T,m.v) : m.v
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/products.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -714,8 +714,8 @@ contraction(a::Proj{V,<:Chain{V,1,<:TensorNested}},b::TensorGraded{V,0}) where V
#contraction(a::Chain{W,1,<:Proj{V}},b::Chain{V,1}) where {W,V} = Chain{W,1}(value(a).⋅b)
contraction(a::Chain{W,1,<:Dyadic{V}},b::Chain{V,1}) where {W,V} = Chain{W,1}(value(a).⋅Ref(b))
contraction(a::Proj{W,<:Chain{W,1,<:TensorNested{V}}},b::Chain{V,1}) where {W,V} = a.v:b
contraction(a::Chain{W},b::Chain{V,G,<:Chain}) where {W,G,V} = Chain{V,G}(column(Ref(a).⋅value(b)))
contraction(a::Chain{W,L,<:Chain},b::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{W,L}}) where {W,L,G,V} = Chain{V,G}(column(Ref(a).⋅value(b)))
contraction(a::Chain{W},b::Chain{V,G,<:Chain}) where {W,G,V} = Chain{V,G}(value.(Ref(a).⋅value(b)))
contraction(a::Chain{W,L,<:Chain},b::Chain{V,G,<:Chain{W,L}}) where {W,L,G,V} = Chain{V,G}(value.(Ref(a).⋅value(b)))
contraction(a::Multivector{W,<:Multivector},b::Multivector{V,<:Multivector{W}}) where {W,V} = Multivector{V}(column(Ref(a).⋅value(b)))
Base.:(:)(a::Chain{V,1,<:Chain},b::Chain{V,1,<:Chain}) where V = sum(value(a).⋅value(b))
Base.:(:)(a::Chain{W,1,<:Dyadic{V}},b::Chain{V,1}) where {W,V} = sum(value(a).⋅Ref(b))
Expand Down

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