This Python code implements a fun and challenging Hangman game where you try to guess a secret word letter by letter.
Save the code files as: (main script) (list of words to choose from) (visual representations of hangman stages) Run the script: python
The game will start with the classic Hangman logo. You'll see a row of underscores representing the hidden word's length. Guess a letter by entering it and pressing Enter. The game will: Reveal the guessed letter in the correct positions if it's in the word. Inform you if you've already guessed that letter. Deduct a life and display the corresponding hangman stage if your guess is wrong. The game ends when: You successfully guess all the letters (win). You run out of lives (lose).
Key Files: Main script handling game logic, user interaction, and importing modules. Contains a list of words the game can choose from. (Import Required): Provides visual representations of the hangman stages based on remaining lives.