It as a set of functions that have a human friendly identifier, that cover 80% of my common command uses.
For example:
- makeOwnedByMyself -
sudo chown "$USER":"$USER" -R "$@"
- deleteEmptyDirectories_Recursively -
find . -type d -empty -delete
- git_initAndCommitInitial -
git init; git add .; git commit -m "inital"
- makeZip_CurrentDirectory -
zip -r "$(basename "$PWD" )" .
This makes it convenient to search. Paired with fuzzy search, you might suddenly become so productive that you create an alternative universe in your command line.
Run ./
with the modules you want available.
./ git files
To include everything:
./ exa files gitWithDiffSoFancy misc gitCommon github haskell docker kubernetes
This will generate two files:
and commands.txt
Add source path/to/
to your shell startup (~/.bashrc
for bash). The functions and aliases will then be availble in your command prompt.
You may need to modify the path below to where you have actually cloned down the repo.
ZSH keybindng (bind CTRL-Z
to cat ~/Projects/LinuxCommandLib/commands.txt | fzf --height 25%
fzf-linuxlib-widget() {
command=`cat ~/Projects/LinuxCommandLib/commands.txt | fzf --height 25%`
zle redisplay
zle end-of-line;
zle -N fzf-linuxlib-widget
bindkey '�' fzf-linuxlib-widget
Just create your own module file within modules/
, it is just a shell script with functions or aliases, and then rerun
with your module file specified in addition.
- docker_stopAllContainers
- docker_stopAllContainersNonGracefully
- docker_deleteComposeVolumes
- docker_showLatestCreatedContainer
- docker_getLatestCreatedContainerId
- docker_startLatestCreatedContainer
- docker_listContainers
- docker_listRunningContainers
- docker_listRunningContainerIps
- docker_enterContainerBash
- docker_enterContainerSh
- docker_runCommandInContainer
- docker_runCommandInContainerWithContainerPrompt
- docker_promptForRunningContainer
- docker_dockerComposeUp
- docker_dockerComposeStop
- docker_getImageHash_sha256
- makeFilePermissionExecutable
- makeAllShFilesPermissionExecutable
- makeOwnedByMyself
- makeFilePermissionEverything
- getLastModifiedFileInDirectory
- get_AbsolutePath_LastModifiedFileInDirectory
- delete_EmptyFiles_Recursively
- delete_Recursive
- delete_EverythingInCurrentDir
- delete_EmptyDirectories_Recursively
- file_getOctalPermission
- createFile
- vimLastDownloadedFile
- git_initAndCommitInitial
- git_DiffPager
- git_searchCommitMessagesInAllBranches
- git_forceClone
- github_createRepo
- git_cdRoot
- git_ExportRepoAsZip
- git_AddModified_Commit_Push
- git_CurrentCommitHash
- git_CurrentCommitHash_ToClipboard
- git_Branch
- git_Diff
- git_Status
- git_Log
- git_Log_NameOnly
- git_ResetToLatest
- git_checkoutPaths
- git_FirstCommitHash
- git_cdRoot
- git_ExportRepoAsZip
- git_AddModified_Commit_Push
- git_CurrentCommitHash
- git_CurrentCommitHash_ToClipboard
- git_Branch
- git_Diff
- git_Status
- git_Log
- git_Log_NameOnly
- git_ResetToLatest
- git_checkoutPaths
- git_FirstCommitHash
- hpack_AddDependencyNaively
- hoogle_searchAndCopy
- kubectl_describeLastPod
- kubectl_describePod
- kubectl_getPods
- kubectl_getAllPods
- kubectl_getDeployments
- kubectl_getAllDeployments
- kubectl_describeService
- kubectl_getServices
- kubectl_getAllServices
- kubectl_describeIngress
- kubectl_getIngress
- kubectl_getAllIngress
- kubectl_getNodes
- kubectl_describeNode
- kubectl_logs
- kubectl_enterContainerSh
- kubectl_enterContainerBash
- kubectl_create_byFile
- kubectl_apply_byFile
- kubectl_replace_byFile
- kubectl_delete_byFile
- kubectl_getAll
- makeZip_CurrentDirectory
- makeZip_CurrentDiretory_WithoutHidden
- makeGZip_CurrentDirectory
- findByFilename
- findByFilenameCaseInsensitive
- isTextPresentInFilodir
- pacmanInstall
- pacmanUpdate
- backup
- backup_appendWithDate
- backup_appendWithTimeDate
- restoreBackup
- clipboard_copyPath
- clipboard_copyCurrentPath
- clipboard_copyFileContents
- sshSocksProxy
- newEditFile
- newEditExecutableFile
- clipboard_copySshPublicKey
- date_ddmmyyyy
- date_hhmmssddmmyyyy
- wget_toStdOut
- wget_ignoreSslCert
- file_delete_line
- print_everyPathLevel_ofPath
- text_sanitize_filesystem_name
- network_findProcessUsingPort
- network_findProcessIdUsingPort