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A toolset to use facebooks graph api with django


  • Django wrapper for the Facebook Graph and FQL API.
  • Fully supports Oauth 2
  • simple access to Facebook data. As in graph.request(user_id).
  • Django auth backend for Facebook connect.
  • Upload Photo and Videos to a user's account.
  • Facebook models are cached locally.
  • The signed request is automatically stored in the session.
  • Multiple Facebook apps are possible for each Django project.
  • Uses the OAuth 2.0 authentification.

Read the documentation on:

This version works with OAuth 2.0 only!

Graph helper tools:

  • add 'facebook' to your INSTALLED_APPS. This will create django classes for the main facebook models.
  • add 'SignedRequestMiddleware' to your settings.MIDDLEWARE.
  • optionally add 'AppRequestMiddleware' if you need to deal with app requests.
  • add url(r'^facebook/', include('facebook.urls')), to your
  • create an app settings dict as described in for each of your apps. I recommend using a different settings file for local development.
  • for client side utilities add fb_utils to your html template and follow the instructions in the comments section.

Now you can generate a graph instance with the following command:

from facebook.utils import get_graph
graph = get_graph(request)

To make a graph request to facebook simply use graph.request. I.e. to get a certain message object:

fb_message = graph.request('%s' % post_id)

You can also create facebook user objects like so:

from facebook.models import User
user = User(['id'])
user.get_from_facebook(graph=graph, save=True)

The app stores as much data as possible in the session to minimize requests to Facebook. You can access the session class directly to get informations about the current user:

fb = request.fb_session
signed_request = fb.signed_request

Facebook Models

The facebook app adds the models: Users, Events, Pages, Photos, Posts and Requests to the admin interface. Django can fetch the data from facebook on save and store it locally. It is not yet possible to create a model this way and upload it to facebook except for Photos. There is a login button so you can access private data as well. Scores and achievements can also be created and tracked. And if someone is fed up with your app, the deauthorize callback can automatically delete all his data.

Simple usage of Facebook Auth:

  • add 'facebook' and the required models to your INSTALLED_APPS. It will create a table where to store all connected facebook users.
  • add 'facebook.backends.authentication.AuthenticationBackend' to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS
  • add url(r'^accounts/', include('facebook.backends.registration.urls')) to your urls
  • now you can insert the facebook button: <fb:login-button perms="email" onlogin="window.location.href='{% url auth_login %}?next={{ request.get_full_path }}'"></fb:login-button>

Client side utilities:

  • FQ Facebook queue that gets executed when the user login status is clear. Use FQ.add(function(){...});
  • fb object that contains the user details and permissions.
  • async init method with channel URL. Some fixes for IE.
  • a log function that can record client side responses back to the server.

Test Users:

Facebook allows you to have an army of test users to test your apps. While DEBUG is True, you can see the testuser model in the admin frontend. To create a testuser for your app use the following command:

./ create_testuser -i

To show a list of registered testusers attached to your app type:

./ testusers

This will give you a list with the names and login-URLs of the testusers. A star in front of the name means the testuser has installed your app.

To friend testusers you can use the following command:

./ friend <TESTUSER-id> [<TESTUSER-2-id>]

If TESTUSER-2-id is not specified, the app will try to friend every testuser. Testusers must have the app installt to allow friend relationships through this command.

There is also a fb_testuser_menu template tag. The tag adds a select menu that allows you to select a testuser. You are then redirected to the facebook page of that test user (and logged in). The tag has to fetch the login-url for every testuser associated to the app and might be a bit slow when you have a lot of test users installed. I suggest putting the tag in the admin template.

Template Tags:

{% fb_app_settings %} Adds a (X) button that links to the Facebook page where you can deauthorize your app. {% query_page_fan %} returns True if the user is fan of the page where the app tab is in. {% fb_app_id [app_name] %} Returns the app id. Similiar tags for canvas page, canvas_url, redirect url and domain.


Toolset of modules to use with facebook graph







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