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Getting Started with Millstone

Gleb Kuznetsov edited this page Nov 10, 2016 · 25 revisions

DISCLAIMER: The current Millstone Amazon setup leaves your application open to the web. Even though user accounts are password-protected, certain uploaded and/or processed data is downloadable without authentication if others "guess" the right urls. Realistically, this shouldn't be a problem for most projects, but we're letting you know just in case.

This guide walks you through cloning the latest stable Amazon Machine Image (AMI) configured with Millstone. The AMI will automatically set up Millstone, all you need to do is clone it into an Amazon instance, start the instance, and log in.

All new users will want to use this guide. Docs for individuals wishing to configure their instance or modify source code are coming soon.

Table of Contents

Before Reading this Guide

Please read the Introduction to Millstone before going through these steps. That document will help you ensure that Millstone is right for you, and that you have the right sort of data.

Create an Amazon AWS Account

You need to create to an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. Brad Chapman's getting started guide for cloudbiolinux has a solid first chapter with instructions on getting everything set up.

Cloning the AMI

  1. Login to and proceed to EC2. In the upper-right corner, be sure to select the N. Virgina region. We can't guarantee our AMI is visible outside of that region. From the EC2 dashboard, press Launch Instance, which will take you into a Wizard to have you configure your instance.

  2. In the Choose AMI tab, select Community AMIs in the left panel, then search for "millstone" which should return the latest public Millstone AMI.

  3. On the 'Choose instance type' tab, select an instance according to your needs. We recommend m3.medium (select General Purpose on the left). The number of vCPUs will determine how many genomes can be simultaneously aligned.

  4. In 'Configure instance', the only setting we recommend changing is explicitly setting the Availability Zone (we always use us-east-1a). You can only move EBS (Amazon hard drives) between instances in the same zone, so it'll make things easier to consistently make everything in the same zone.

  5. In 'Add storage', increase the size of the root drive to the amount of space that you'll need. For bacterial genomes, about 2 GB per sample should be more than enough (i.e. 100 samples = 200 GB).

  6. In 'Tag instance', fill in an informative value for the 'Name' key. We like the name to include the date it was created and a description of what the instance is running (e.g. 2014_04_01_mutate_all_the_things).

  7. For security group, configure a group appropriate to your needs. Most users will want to create a security group with all of the following open. (This will make your instance publicly visible to someone trying random EC2 IPs, but login is still required.):

    • All ICMP
    • All TCP
    • All UDP
    • SSH
  8. Continue to the final tab where you'll press 'Launch the instance'. Select or create a public/private key pair. If you create the key, download and save the private key, and put it somewhere safe (we suggest ~/.ssh/.) (If you lose the private key there's no way to ssh back into your instance. You'll have to terminate it and create a new one.)

It takes about 5-10 minutes for the instance to launch and all bootstrapping to finish, after which your Millstone is ready to grind!

Accessing your instance

Go back to the EC2 console Instances page and make sure you are in the correct region, using the dropdown in the top right. The instance you created should be visible in the list. When it is ready, its Status Checks column should say '2/2 checks passed'.

In the browser

Select the instance from the list, and the info pane should appear below the instance list. In the Description tab, the webpage URL to can be found under Public DNS. The url should look like:

It may take some time for your instance to initialize. Wait until all status checks are completed before attempting to log in. If the server doesn't come up, it might still be loading.

On the command line (just in case)

It should not be necessary at the moment, but if you need to SSH into the server, the command is:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/your-key.pem [email protected]

(This assumes you put the private key you generated in ~/.ssh/). If permissions fail on your key, chmod the key's permissions to 700.

Using Millstone


Once Millstone is installed, you should be greeted with the Millstone logo and a login/register page. Register a user with a login, email, and password. Currently, we only allow one user per instance. After the first user is registered, registration is closed. Don't forget your username and password, as there is currently no 'reminder' functionality. (The only way to change your password at present is to do so through the Django shell, using methods available on the Django auth model User.)

New Project and First Alignment

Once you register, you can create a new project, and you will the prompted to give it a short name. Afterwards, you will be taken to the create alignment screen. There are 5 steps, each with a tab in the top bar. Choose a name for your first alignment, which will pair a reference genome with a set of samples to align. One project can have multiple alignments.

Note: If you have many/large samples, and would prefer to upload files via the command line instead of the browser, see this guide.

Reference Genome

Select the Reference Genome tab, and click the green 'New' button. You can select a reference genome from NCBI or upload a custom reference.

Note: If you use a FASTA there will be no variant annotation information, so Genbank is recommended if you have one.

Load file from NCBI: Simply fill in the accession number (for instance U00096.2 for E. coli) and give the reference genome a name. If you'd like to use a custom reference genome, you can upload a file from your desktop. You can check to make sure you've got the right accession number by comparing your genome's size to the number of nucleotides present in the reference genome.

Upload through browser: If you have a local file with your genome, you can upload it with this option. If you have a large cassette insertion or plasmid you would also like to align, you can edit the FASTA/Genbank file to insert it into the genome using a tool like Benchling or Geneious (in the case of a cassette insertion), or add it as a separate chromosome (an additional FASTA or GenBank record in the same file).

Finally, select the checkbox next to the uploaded genome to mark it as your reference.


Once that's done, move on to the samples tab. Each genome sample you upload must consist of a pair of forward and reverse FASTQ files. You can either upload samples through the browser, or you can upload them in batch to the server using a the command line via scp. The command line approach is better for large numbers of samples, but is more complicated. It is detailed in the Manual Upload section at the bottom of this guide.

Open the upload samples dialog via the green 'New' button, then choose 'Batch Upload through browser...'. In order to upload samples through the browser, you must first register samples to be uploaded by filling out a spreadsheet template with sample labels and corresponding data filenames (no path required). Here is an example:

Sample_Name	Read_1_Filename	Read_2_Filename
sample01	sample01_fwd.fq.gz	sample01_rev.fq.gz
sample02	sample02_fwd.fq.gz	sample02_rev.fq.gz

NOTE: Millstone can work with gzip-ed FASTQ files, and they will be faster to upload.

Once you upload the template, it will list the samples awaiting upload:

You can then upload the individual files matching the filenames in the template.

Alignment Settings

By default, Millstone treats all samples as diploid. This allows ambiguous variants to be called as heterozygous. You can choose to keep all of these ambiguous variants, to keep only those where at least some samples are called as non-ambiguous, or throw away ambiguous variants all together. If you have many samples, we suggest the latter two options to keep the database size manageable.

Submit Alignment

Finally! Click the Run Alignment button in the last tab to start the alignment. Depending on your genome size, number of samples, and the size of the instance you chose, this could take time. You can see how individual sample alignments are progressing by clicking on the name of the alignment in the label column of the Alignments view. Every sample will have an output log link and a Job Status.

After the individual samples are done aligning, the Alignment status will change to VARIANT_CALLING as variants across all samples are called in aggregate. Once this step has completed, then the Alignment status will read COMPLETED and you can switch to the Analyze view to examine the called variants.

Viewing Variants

All sample, reference genome, and alignments are listed in the Data view (the toggle switch in the top left). Clicking over to the Analyze view will allow you to filter through multi-sample variants and view their aligned reads. Use the dropdowns on the left below the Data/Analyze toggle to select your alignment and your reference genome and choose Variants. Once the alignments are complete, you should see a list of all variants that have been identified across all samples.

Cast vs. Melted

There are two ways to view variants.

Cast: Cast displays a summary row for one variant across all samples. You can see how many samples the variant is present in, as well as the variant's effects.

Melted: 'Melting' the view shows one row for every combination of sample and and variant. It essentially multiplies the rows by the number of samples, so you can see data specific to individual samples. If a variant is not called in a sample, it's Alt column will be blank.


There are three link icons next to every sample.

  • The magnifying glass icon 'zooms in' to the melted view for that variant across all samples.
  • The read alignment icon shows how individual fastq reads align around a variant. It is useful for doing visual QC on an alignment, to make sure your reads are properly aligned around your variant.
  • The bar graph icon shows the coverage of your reads. Areas of high or low coverage might be of interest, and this view is more compact, which makes it easier to compare multiple samples.

Note: If an icon is gray in the Cast view it is disabled because it is too intensive to display many samples simultaneously. Zoom into the variant (with the magnifying glass) and inspect individual samples. You can manually add and remove tracks in Jbrowse via the track list on the left.

More information about using JBrowse and understanding its visualization can be found at its website.

Fields and Filtering

Millstone uses a simple language to understand query syntax for filtering variants.

Note: Currently some of the field names can be confusing. A list of all available fields can be found with the Fields... button. The default column names don't always correspond to the internal field names. There isn't currently a well-documented list of what each field means, but most of them are documented in the VCF specification. The INFO_EFF_* fields come from SnpEFF.


If you want to look at all variants in a certain gene:


If you want to look at all variants that have strong or moderate predicted phenotypic effects:


If you want to look in a certain region:

CHROM = NC_000913 & POSITION > 500 & POSITION < 1000

Marginal Calls

We always run variant calling as diploid, even for haploid organisms like E. coli, so that some poorly-supported variants appear heterozygous. This allows marginal calls to be made in cases where only a portion of the reads show a SNV, in cases of regional duplications or if reads map to a non-unique region of the genome. Such marginal calls have an orange fraction icon in their ALT column, and can also be filtered on by using:


Additionally, the GT_TYPE field is another way to distinguish marginal from strongly called variants. GT_TYPE can take values between 0 or 1 for each sample/variant combination:

  • 0 means the variant was called as reference in the sample
  • 1 means the variant was called as heterozygous (i.e. marginal) in the sample
  • 2 means the variant was called as homozygous (well-supported) in the sample

If you'd like to filter on only well-supported variants that have moderate to strong affects on genes, you can use the filter:


Variant Sets

Variant sets are a way to group variants after filtering. The sets created by default correspond to regions where the alignment had problems; either there was insufficient coverage, no coverage, too much coverage, or poor mapping quality (corresponding perhaps to regions that are non-unique).

You can also create your own sets to group interesting variants, or those whose alignments you'd like to examine by eye.

Creating a blank set

You can create your own blank sets from the Sets tab in the Data view. After creating a set, you can add variants to it in the Analyze view using the checkboxes and the master checkbox dropdown on the left.

Uploading a set from a VCF file

You can also upload a variant set from a VCF file. Only the first 5 columns of the VCF will be used. The file must be tab delimited. Here is an example:

NC_000913	2242	.	G	A
NC_000913	76	.	C	A
NC_000913	3170	.	T	C
NC_000913	1623	.	G	C
NC_000913	3879	.	A	G
NC_000913	3112	.	A	T
NC_000913	1577	.	C	T
NC_000913	5352	.	G	A
NC_000913	4386	.	A	T
NC_000913	1167	.	G	T
NC_000913	5425	.	T	A
NC_000913	951	.	C	A
NC_000913	3993	.	A	G
NC_000913	226	.	G	C
NC_000913	2939	.	T	G
NC_000913	92	.	C	A
NC_000913	5563	.	A	C
NC_000913	4446	.	A	C
NC_000913	607	.	A	G
NC_000913	5088	.	A	T

This way, you can identify variants you expected to be called in your samples, such as alleles targeted by MAGE oligonucleotides.


  • I can log in via SSH but the web interface doesn't load!

You've probably forgotten to allow access to your instance through web interfaces. This can be fixed by adding the following connections to your security group:

  • All ICMP
  • All TCP
  • All UDP

You can do this by going to the Network & Security -> Security Groups section of the EC2 dashboard and editing the security group that you created in your instance. If you've forgotten this can be found in the main instance dash on the far right under security groups. Click on that and you should be able to edit inbound rules by right clicking on the Group ID

  • I've managed to load the webpage but get a 502 bad gateway error!

Millstone is probably loading up, try again in a few minutes.

  • Registration is closed.

Only one user is allowed to register (as soon as the server boots up), and afterwards registration is closed.

  • Millstone just sits there after importing a template file.

This could be any number of things. If your template file is formatted correctly, it could be a completely out of space error, so check that you've got room on your drive containing Millstone. File formatting is often the biggest problem in this stage, so be careful that you've escaped spaces in file names.

  • I want to make sure everything's going right, where can I find the logs?

The logs are by default at /var/log/supervisor