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Fabrikt /ˈfa-brikt/ - Kotlin code from OpenAPI 3


This library was built to take advantage of the complex modeling features available in OpenAPI 3. It generates Kotlin data classes with advanced support for features such as:

  • Null Safety
  • Inlined schema definitions
  • Enumerations
  • Sealed Classes
  • Polymorphism (@JsonSubTypes)
  • Maps of Maps of Maps
  • GraalVM Native Reflection Registration
  • Json Merge Patch (via JsonNullable) (add x-json-merge-patch: true to schemas)
  • Override Jackson Include NonNull (via JsonInclude) (add x-jackson-include-non-null: true to schemas)

as well as HTTP clients and controllers for a number of popular frameworks (see Features).

More than just bootstrapping, this library can be permanently integrated into your build tool and will ensure contract and code always match, even as APIs evolve in complexity.

Try Fabrikt Online

Try Fabrikt with your own API spec in the Fabrikt Playground and see how it can help you generate code for your API clients and servers.

Screenshot of Fabrikt Playground




The library currently has support for generating:

  • Models
    • Jackson annotated data classes
    • Kotlinx.serialization annotated data classes
  • Clients
    • OkHttp Client (w/ Jackson Models) - with the option for a resilience4j fault-tolerance wrapper
    • OpenFeign annotated client interfaces
  • Controllers
    • Spring MVC annotated controller interfaces
    • Micronaut HTTP annotated controller interfaces
    • Ktor server routes and controller interfaces


Consult test directory for OpenAPI code generation examples.

It forms a living documentation full of code examples generated from different OpenAPI 3 permutations.

Furthermore, the end-to-end tests demonstrate how to integrate the library using Gradle.

Usage Instructions

The library can be used in a variety of ways, including as a command line tool, a Gradle task, or a Maven plugin.

Please refer to Configuration Options section for a list of available parameters.

Command Line

Fabrikt is packaged as an executable jar, allowing it to be integrated into any build tool.

The CLI can be invoked as follows:

java -jar fabrikt.jar \
    --output-directory '/tmp' \
    --base-package 'com.example' \
    --api-file '/path-to-api/open-api.yaml' \
    --targets 'client' \
    --targets 'http_models' \
    --http-client-opts resilience4j

Gradle w/ custom task

Here is an example of a Gradle task with code generated to the build/generated directory, and execution linked to the compile task.

val fabrikt: Configuration by configurations.creating

val generationDir = "$buildDir/generated"
val apiFile = "$buildDir/path-to-api/open-api.yaml"

sourceSets {
    main { java.srcDirs("$generationDir/src/main/kotlin") }
    test { java.srcDirs("$generationDir/src/test/kotlin") }

tasks {   
    val generateCode by creating(JavaExec::class) {
        outputs.cacheIf { true }
        args = listOf(
            "--output-directory", generationDir,
            "--base-package", "com.example",
            "--api-file", apiFile,
            "--targets", "http_models",
            "--targets", "client",
            "--http-client-opts", "resilience4j"
    withType<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile> {
        kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "17"

dependencies {
     fabrikt("com.cjbooms:fabrikt:+") // This should be pinned  

Gradle w/ plugin

The Fabrikt Gradle plugin serves as a convenient wrapper for Fabrikt, allowing seamless integration of code generation into a Gradle build.

Note: Since the plugin is maintained separately from the Fabrikt library, please refer to the Configuration section of the plugin's README for the most up-to-date information on how to use it.

Latest version of the plugin: Gradle Plugin Portal Version

plugins {
    // find latest version:
    id("ch.acanda.gradle.fabrikt") version "1.12.0"

fabrikt {
    generate("dog") {
        apiFile = file("src/main/openapi/dog.yaml")
        basePackage = "com.example.api"


The exec-maven-plugin is capable of downloading the Fabrikt library from Maven Central and executing its main method with defined arguments.

Getting the Most from Fabrikt

1. Prefer components to inline schemas

While inline schemas are perfectly valid they are not supported by Fabrikt in all circumstances. This is especially true for request bodies and non-trivial parameters. Instead, define your schemas in the components section of the OpenAPI spec (components.parameters & components.requestBodies). #20, #187

2. Use oneOf with discriminator for polymorphism

oneOf along with the flag SEALED_INTERFACES_FOR_ONE_OF will generate polymorphic models with sealed interfaces. The discriminator property is used by Fabrikt to determine the subtypes to be generated.

Configuration Options

This section documents the available CLI parameters for controlling what gets generated. This documentation is generated using: ./gradlew printCodeGenUsage

Parameter Description
--api-file This must be a valid Open API v3 spec. All code generation will be based off this input.
--api-fragment A partial Open API v3 fragment, to be combined with the primary API for code generation purposes.
* --base-package The base package which all code will be generated under.
--external-ref-resolution Specify to which degree referenced schemas from external files are included in model generation. Default: TARGETED
TARGETED - Generate models only for directly referenced schemas in external API files.
AGGRESSIVE - Referencing any schema in an external API file triggers generation of every external schema in that file.
--http-client-opts Select the options for the http client code that you want to be generated.
RESILIENCE4J - Generates a fault tolerance service for the client using the following library "io.github.resilience4j:resilience4j-all:+" (only for OkHttp clients)
SUSPEND_MODIFIER - This option adds the suspend modifier to the generated client functions (only for OpenFeign clients)
SPRING_RESPONSE_ENTITY_WRAPPER - This option adds the Spring-ResponseEntity generic around the response to be able to get response headers and status (only for OpenFeign clients).
SPRING_CLOUD_OPENFEIGN_STARTER_ANNOTATION - This option adds the @FeignClient annotation to generated client interface
--http-client-target Optionally select the target client that you want to be generated. Defaults to OK_HTTP
OK_HTTP - Generate OkHttp client.
OPEN_FEIGN - Generate OpenFeign client.
--http-controller-opts Select the options for the controllers that you want to be generated.
SUSPEND_MODIFIER - This option adds the suspend modifier to the generated controller functions
AUTHENTICATION - This option adds the authentication parameter to the generated controller functions
COMPLETION_STAGE - This option makes generated controller functions have Type CompletionStage (works only with Spring Controller generator)
--http-controller-target Optionally select the target framework for the controllers that you want to be generated. Defaults to Spring Controllers
SPRING - Generate for Spring framework.
MICRONAUT - Generate for Micronaut framework.
KTOR - Generate for Ktor server.
--http-model-opts Select the options for the http models that you want to be generated.
X_EXTENSIBLE_ENUMS - This option treats x-extensible-enums as enums
JAVA_SERIALIZATION - This option adds Java Serializable interface to the generated models
QUARKUS_REFLECTION - This option adds @RegisterForReflection to the generated models. Requires dependency "'io.quarkus:quarkus-core:+"
MICRONAUT_INTROSPECTION - This option adds @Introspected to the generated models. Requires dependency "'io.micronaut:micronaut-core:+"
MICRONAUT_REFLECTION - This option adds @ReflectiveAccess to the generated models. Requires dependency "'io.micronaut:micronaut-core:+"
INCLUDE_COMPANION_OBJECT - This option adds a companion object to the generated models.
SEALED_INTERFACES_FOR_ONE_OF - This option enables the generation of interfaces for discriminated oneOf types
NON_NULL_MAP_VALUES - This option makes map values non-null. The default (since v15) and most spec compliant is make map values nullable
--http-model-suffix Specify custom suffix for all generated model classes. Defaults to no suffix.
--openfeign-client-name Specify openfeign client name for spring-cloud-starter-openfeign. Defaults to 'fabrikt-client'.
--output-directory Allows the generation dir to be overridden. Defaults to current dir
--resources-path Allows the path for generated resources to be overridden. Defaults to src/main/resources
--serialization-library Specify which serialization library to use for annotations in generated model classes. Default: JACKSON
JACKSON - Use Jackson for serialization and deserialization
KOTLINX_SERIALIZATION - Use kotlinx.serialization for serialization and deserialization
--src-path Allows the path for generated source files to be overridden. Defaults to src/main/kotlin
--targets Targets are the parts of the application that you want to be generated.
HTTP_MODELS - Jackson annotated data classes to represent the schema objects defined in the input.
CONTROLLERS - Spring / Micronaut / Ktor HTTP controllers for each of the endpoints defined in the input.
CLIENT - Simple http rest client.
QUARKUS_REFLECTION_CONFIG - This options generates the reflection-config.json file for quarkus integration projects
--type-overrides Specify non-default kotlin types for certain OAS types. For example, generate Instant instead of OffsetDateTime
DATETIME_AS_INSTANT - Use Instant as the datetime type. Defaults to OffsetDateTime
DATETIME_AS_LOCALDATETIME - Use LocalDateTime as the datetime type. Defaults to OffsetDateTime
BYTE_AS_STRING - Ignore string format byte and use String as the type
BINARY_AS_STRING - Ignore string format binary and use String as the type
URI_AS_STRING - Ignore string format uri and use String as the type
UUID_AS_STRING - Ignore string format uuid and use String as the type
DATE_AS_STRING - Ignore string format date and use String as the type
DATETIME_AS_STRING - Ignore string format date-time and use String as the type
BYTEARRAY_AS_INPUTSTREAM - Use InputStream as ByteArray type. Defaults to ByteArray
--validation-library Specify which validation library to use for annotations in generated model classes. Default: JAVAX_VALIDATION
JAVAX_VALIDATION - Use javax.validation annotations in generated model classes (default)
JAKARTA_VALIDATION - Use jakarta.validation annotations in generated model classes
NO_VALIDATION - Use no validation annotations in generated model classes

Original Motivation

The team that built the first version of this tool initially contributed to the Kotlin code generation ability in OpenApiTools, but reached the limits of what could be achieved with template-based generation. This library leverages the rich OpenAPI 3 model provided by KaiZen-OpenApi-Parser and uses Kotlin Poet to programmatically construct Kotlin classes for maximum flexibility.

This project was started by engineers from Zalando Tech and is battle-tested heavily in production there.

Building Locally

Fabrikt is built with Gradle and requires an initialised git repository. The easiest way to build it is to clone the repo locally before executing the build command:

git clone [email protected]:cjbooms/fabrikt.git
cd fabrikt/
./gradlew clean build


This library is published to Sonatype's OSS staging repository using Github actions when a release is drafted. It can be manually promoted from there to the release repository which is indexed by Maven Central.

Specific Features

Polymorphism via allOf

The following example shows how allOf can be used to generate polymorphic Kotlin data classes. It does the following:

  • A ChildDefinition schema defines both the discriminator mapping details and the schema for the discriminator property. In this case the discriminator property is an enumeration
  • In each child schema, allOf is used to merge the ChildDefinition with the child's custom schema. This guarantees that each child schema inherits the correct discriminator property.
  • In the Responses schema a oneOf lists only child schemas. This will be detected by Fabrikt and it will generate the list of parent types: List<ChildDefinition>

NOTE: A new feature has been added that allows Polymorphism to be achieved using only a discriminated oneOf. This feature makes use of Kotlin sealed interface and must be explicitly enabled via --http-model-opts, SEALED_INTERFACES_FOR_ONE_OF

openapi: 3.0.0
      type: object
        propertyName: some_enum
          obj_one_only: '#/components/schemas/DiscriminatedChild1'
          obj_two_first: '#/components/schemas/DiscriminatedChild2'
          obj_two_second: '#/components/schemas/DiscriminatedChild2'
          obj_three: '#/components/schemas/discriminated_child_3'
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/ChildDiscriminator'

      type: string
        - obj_one_only
        - obj_two_first
        - obj_two_second
        - obj_three

        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ChildDefinition'
        - type: object
              type: string

        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ChildDefinition'
        - type: object
              type: string

        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ChildDefinition'

      type: "object"
          type: "array"
              - $ref: "#/components/schemas/DiscriminatedChild2"
              - $ref: "#/components/schemas/DiscriminatedChild2"
              - $ref: "#/components/schemas/discriminated_child_3"
    use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
    include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY,
    property = "some_enum",
    visible = true
        value = DiscriminatedChild1::class,
        name =
        value = DiscriminatedChild2::class,
        name =
        value = DiscriminatedChild2::class,
        name =
    JsonSubTypes.Type(value = DiscriminatedChild3::class, name = "obj_three")
sealed class ChildDefinition() {
    abstract val someEnum: ChildDiscriminator

enum class ChildDiscriminator(
    val value: String
) {




    companion object {
        private val mapping: Map<String, ChildDiscriminator> =

        fun fromValue(value: String): ChildDiscriminator? = mapping[value]

data class DiscriminatedChild1(
    val someProp: String? = null,
    override val someEnum: ChildDiscriminator = ChildDiscriminator.OBJ_ONE_ONLY
) : ChildDefinition()

data class DiscriminatedChild2(
    override val someEnum: ChildDiscriminator,
    val someProp: String? = null
) : ChildDefinition()

data class DiscriminatedChild3(
    override val someEnum: ChildDiscriminator = ChildDiscriminator.OBJ_THREE
) : ChildDefinition()

data class Responses(
    val entries: List<ChildDefinition>? = null


Generates Kotlin Code from OpenApi3 Specifications







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