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Alex J Lutz edited this page Jul 9, 2015 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the pleonastic-it wiki!

  • References

  • Applying Machine Learning Toward an Automatic Classification of It, Richard Evans.

  • A Rule-Based System for Identifying Pleonastic ’It’, Benjamin Johnson.

  • Statistical Identification of Pleonastic Pronouns, Marcus Stamborg, Pierre Nugues.

  • Identification of Pleonastic It Using the Web, Yifan Li, Petr Musilek, Marek Reformat, Loren Wyard-Scott.

  • Pronouns Without Explicit Antecedents: How do We Know When a Pronoun is Referential?, Jeanette K. Gundel, Nancy Hedberg, Ron Zacharski.

  • An Algorithm for Pronominal Anaphora Resolution, Shalom Lappin, Herbert J. Leass.

  • Types from this literature - A Rule-Based System for Identifying Pleonastic ’It’

  • extrapositional: It is necessary that we leave now.

  • cleft

  • weather : It is rainy.

  • idiomatic

  • Types from this literature - Identification of Pleonastic It Using the Web

  • Extraposition: But it doesn’t take much to get burned. It's a shame their meeting never took place.

  • Cleft: And most disturbing, it is educators, not students, who are blamed for much of the wrongdoing. It is partly for this reason that the exchange last week began trading in its own stock “basket” product .

  • Local Situation: It was not an unpleasant evening.

  • Types from this literature - Pronouns Without Explicit Antecedents: How do We Know When a Pronoun is Referential?

  • Extraposition: I just think it’s so damn weird we’re here.

  • Cleft: Was it Trich who told me she was pregnant?

  • Atmospheric: It rained during the dry season.

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