The purpose of this project is to help understanding how the scheduling decisions are made by the task scheduling policies in Apache Spark.
A copy of Neptune Simulator Dependencies is required in the local Maven repository.
The JSON configuration has the following structure:
"simulatorConfiguration": {
"executors": 4, // the number of executors to be simulated
"coresPerExec": 1, // the number of cores per executor
"sparkSchedulerMode": "FIFO" // the task scheduling policy (one of FIFO, FAIR or NEPTUNE)
"sparkDefaultParallelism": 8, // the parallelism to be simulated
"jobs": [
"representation": {
"stages": [
"id": 1, // the unique id of the stage
"dependsOn": [] // the list of unique stage ids this stage depends on
"id": 2,
"dependsOn": [1]
"properties": {
"duration": 2, // the active task duration in simulator quantums
"sparkSchedulerPool": "batch", // the pool this job will be assigned to if the FAIR scheduling policy is selected
"neptunePri": 2 // the Neptune priority this job will have if the NEPTUNE scheduling policy is selected
"metaproperties": {
"arrivesAt": 0, // defines at what quantum will a job of this type first arrive
"repeatsEvery": 1, // defines how many quantums will pass before such a job arrives again
"repeatsTimes": 1 // defines how many times will a job of this type arrive