This build-harness
is a collection of Makefiles to facilitate building READMEs, Golang projects, Dockerfiles, Helm charts, and more.
It's designed to work with CI/CD systems such as GitHub Actions.
Example of using the
to build a docker image
Regarding the phase out of
Prior to April 25, 2022, practically all Cloud Posse Makefiles pulled in a common Makefile via
curl -sSL -o .build-harness ""
service is a link shortener/redirector provided by GitHub, but they no longer support it.
We have therefore set up
as an alternative and are migrating
all our Makefiles to use that URL instead. We encourage you to update any references you have in your
own code derived from our code, whether by forking one of our repos or simply following one of our examples.
Full details are available in our
deprecation documentation.
At the top of your Makefile
add, the following...
-include $(shell curl -sSL -o .build-harness ""; echo .build-harness)
This will download a Makefile
called .build-harness
and include it at run time. We recommend adding the .build-harness
file to your .gitignore
This automatically exposes many new targets that you can leverage throughout your build & CI/CD process.
Run make help
for a list of available targets.
NOTE: the /
is interchangable with the :
in target names
The build-harness
is compatible with GitHub Actions.
Here's an example of running make readme/lint
name: build-harness/readme/lint
on: [pull_request]
name: 'Lint'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@master
- uses: cloudposse/build-harness@master
entrypoint: /usr/bin/make
args: readme/lint
Here's how to get started...
git clone
to pull down the repositorymake init
to initialize thebuild-harness
Here is a real world example:
- A terraform module that leveragesterraform/%
Available targets:
aws/install Install aws cli bundle
aws/shell Start a aws-vault shell with access to aws api
bash/lint Lint all bash scripts
chamber/install Install chamber
chamber/shell Start a chamber shell with secrets exported to the environment
clean Clean build-harness
codefresh/export DEPRECATED!!! Export codefresh additional envvars
codefresh/notify/slack/build Send notification from codefresh to slack using "build" template
codefresh/notify/slack/deploy Send notification from codefresh to slack using "deploy" template
codefresh/notify/slack/deploy/webapp Send notification from codefresh to slack using "deploy" template with exposed endpoint
codefresh/notify/slack/sync Send notification from codefresh to slack using "codefresh-sync" template
codefresh/pipeline/export Export pipeline vars
codefresh/sync/apply Codefresh pipelines sync - Apply the changes
codefresh/sync/auth/% Authentificate on codefresh account
codefresh/sync/deps Install dependencies for codefresh sync
codefresh/sync/diff Codefresh pipelines sync - Show changes
codefresh/sync/pipeline/export Export sync pipeline vars
codefresh/trigger/webhook Trigger a CodeFresh WebHook
completion/install/bash Install completion script for bash
compose/build Build local dev environment
compose/down Stop local dev environment
compose/monitor Show containers resource usage
compose/monitor/follow Monitor in time containers resource usage
compose/purge Purge local dev environment
compose/rebuild Rebuild custom containers for local dev environment
compose/restart Restart local dev environment
compose/top Show top for containers
compose/up Start local dev environment (daemonized)
docker/build Build docker image
docker/clean/containers Cleanup docker containers. WARNING!!! IT WILL DELETE ALL UNUSED CONTAINERS
docker/clean/images Cleanup docker images. WARNING!!! IT WILL DELETE ALL UNUSED IMAGES
docker/clean/images/all Cleanup docker images all. WARNING!!! IT WILL DELETE ALL IMAGES
docker/clean/networks Cleanup docker networks. WARNING!!! IT WILL DELETE ALL UNUSED NETWORKS
docker/clean/volumes Cleanup docker volumes. WARNING!!! IT WILL DELETE ALL UNUSED VOLUMES
docker/login Login into docker hub
docs/copyright-add Add copyright headers to source code
docs/ Update `docs/` from `action.yaml`
docs/ Update `docs/` from `.github/workflows/*.yaml`
docs/ Update `docs/` from `make help`
docs/ Update `docs/` from `terraform-docs`
geodesic/deploy Run a Jenkins Job to Deploy $(APP) with $(CANONICAL_TAG)
git/aliases-update Update git aliases
git/export Export git vars
git/submodules-update Update submodules
github/download-private-release Download release from github
github/download-public-release Download release from github
github/latest-release Fetch the latest release tag from the GitHub API
github/push-artifacts Push all release artifacts to GitHub (Required: `GITHUB_TOKEN`)
gitleaks/install Install gitleaks
gitleaks/scan Scan current repository
go/build Build binary
go/build-all Build binary for all platforms
go/clean Clean compiled binary
go/clean-all Clean compiled binary and dependencies
go/deps Install dependencies
go/deps-dev Install development dependencies
go/fmt Format code according to Golang convention
go/install Install cli
go/lint Lint code
go/test Run tests
go/vet Vet code
helm/chart/build Build chart $CHART_NAME from $SOURCE_CHART_TPL
helm/chart/build-all Alias for helm/chart/build/all. Depricated.
helm/chart/build/all Build chart $CHART_NAME from $SOURCE_CHART_TPL for all available $SEMVERSIONS
helm/chart/clean Clean chart packages
helm/chart/create Create chart $CHART from starter scaffold
helm/chart/promote/local Promote $SOURCE_CHART_FILE to $TARGET_VERSION
helm/chart/promote/remote Promote $CHART_NAME from $SOURCE_VERSION to $TARGET_VERSION. ($SOURCE_CHART_REPO_ENDPOINT required)
helm/chart/publish Alias for helm/chart/publish/all. WARNING: Eventually will became functional equal to helm/chart/publish/one
helm/chart/publish/all Publish chart $CHART_NAME to $TARGET_CHART_REPO_ENDPOINT
helm/chart/publish/package Publish chart $SOURCE_CHART_FILE to $REPO_GATEWAY_ENDPOINT
helm/chart/starter/fetch Fetch starter
helm/chart/starter/remove Remove starter
helm/chart/starter/update Update starter
helm/delete/failed Delete all failed releases in a `NAMESPACE` subject to `FILTER`
helm/delete/namespace Delete all releases in a `NAMEPSACE` as well as the namespace
helm/delete/namespace/empty Delete `NAMESPACE` if there are no releases in it
helm/install Install helm
helm/repo/add Add $REPO_NAME from $REPO_ENDPOINT
helm/repo/add-current Add helm remote dev repos
helm/repo/add-remote Add helm remote repos
helm/repo/build Build repo
helm/repo/clean Clean helm repo
helm/repo/fix-perms Fix repo filesystem permissions
helm/repo/info Show repo info
helm/repo/lint Lint charts
helm/repo/update Update repo info
helm/serve/index Build index for serve helm charts
helm/toolbox/upsert Install or upgrade helm tiller
helmfile/install Install helmfile
help Help screen
help/all Display help for all targets
help/short This help short screen
init Init build-harness
jenkins/run-job-with-tag Run a Jenkins Job with $(TAG)
make/lint Lint all makefiles
packages/delete Delete local copy of packages repository
packages/install Download packages repository
packages/install/% Install package (e.g. helm, helmfile, kubectl)
packages/reinstall Reinstall local copy of packages repository
packages/reinstall/% Reinstall package (e.g. helm, helmfile, kubectl)
packages/uninstall/% Uninstall package (e.g. helm, helmfile, kubectl)
readme Alias for readme/build
readme/build Create by building it from README.yaml
readme/init Create basic minimalistic template file
readme/lint Verify the `` is up to date
semver/export Export semver vars
slack/notify Send webhook notification to slack
slack/notify/build Send notification to slack using "build" template
slack/notify/deploy Send notification to slack using "deploy" template
template/build Create $OUT file by building it from $IN template file
template/deps Install dependencies
terraform/bump-tf-12-min-version Rewrite to bump modules with minimum core version of '0.12.x' to '>= 0.12.26'
terraform/fmt Format terraform
terraform/get-modules (Obsolete) Ensure all modules can be fetched
terraform/get-plugins (Obsolete) Ensure all plugins can be fetched
terraform/install Install terraform
terraform/lint Format check terraform
terraform/loosen-constraints and convert "~>" constraints to ">=".
terraform/precommit Terraform pull-request routine check/update
terraform/rewrite-required-providers Rewrite to update existing configuration to add an explicit source attribute for each provider
terraform/tflint Lint terraform (with tflint)
terraform/upgrade-modules This target has not been upgraded to handle registry format
terraform/validate Basic terraform sanity check
travis/docker-login Login into docker hub
travis/docker-tag-and-push Tag & Push according Travis environment variables
It is possible to extend the build-harness
with targets and entire modules of your own, without having to fork or modify build-harness
This might be useful if, for example, you wanted to maintain some tooling that was specific to your environment that didn't have enough general applicability to be part of the main project.
This makes it so you don't necessarily need to fork build-harness
itself - you can place a repo defined by the environment variable BUILD_HARNESS_EXTENSIONS_PATH
(a filesystem peer of build-harness
named build-harness-extensions
by default) and populate it with tools in the same Makefile
within module
structure as build-harness
Modules will be combined and available with a unified make
Typically, the build-harness
project requires running make init
before any of the Makefile targets can be invoked. The init
target will "install" the build-harness
project and "include" the Makefile
from the build-harness
Alternatively, the "auto-init" feature can automatically run the init
logic for you to install the build-harness
and help keep the install up-to-date. This feature is enabled using the env or Makefile variable BUILD_HARNESS_AUTO_INIT=true
. By default, this feature is disabled; to enable it, you must set the variable yourself.
Note: The "auto-init" feature is a convenience for running make
interactively. Regardless of your setting of BUILD_HARNESS_AUTO_INIT
, "auto-init" will be disabled if make
is running inside a Docker container. Scripts and automation should continue to call make init
-include $(shell curl -sSL -o .build-harness ""; echo .build-harness)
The "auto-init" feature will also keep the install up-to-date. It will check the value of BUILD_HARNESS_BRANCH
, get the commit ID, compare that to the current checkout, and update the clone if they differ. A useful side-effect is that it becomes easy to pin to versions of the build-harness
from your own project, and let the build-harness
update itself as you update the pin:
-include $(shell curl -sSL -o .build-harness ""; echo .build-harness)
Now when you run make
the project will update itself to use the version specified by the BUILD_HARNESS_BRANCH
$ make help
Removing existing build-harness
Cloning into 'build-harness'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 143, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (143/143), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (118/118), done.
remote: Total 143 (delta 7), reused 71 (delta 3), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (143/143), 85.57 KiB | 2.09 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (7/7), done.
Available targets:
aws/install Install aws cli bundle
Check out these related projects.
For additional context, refer to some of these links.
- Wikipedia - Test Harness - The
is similar in concept to a "Test Harness"
This project is under active development, and we encourage contributions from our community.
Many thanks to our outstanding contributors:
For π bug reports & feature requests, please use the issue tracker.
In general, PRs are welcome. We follow the typical "fork-and-pull" Git workflow.
- Review our Code of Conduct and Contributor Guidelines.
- Fork the repo on GitHub
- Clone the project to your own machine
- Commit changes to your own branch
- Push your work back up to your fork
- Submit a Pull Request so that we can review your changes
NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest changes from "upstream" before making a pull request!
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Preamble to the Apache License, Version 2.0
Complete license is available in the LICENSE
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
All other trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright Β© 2016-2024 Cloud Posse, LLC