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Terraform modules to create libvirt storage pools, networks, and vm domains

This repository contains Terraform module for managing KVM resources. It enables you to automate creation of storage pools, networks, cloud image downloads, and virtual machines.

What it can do:

  • Create storage pool(s)
  • Create NAT and Bridged network(s)
  • Create a single or multiple virtual machines
  • Configure instances to use DHCP or Static IP addresses
  • Option to add extra disks to the VMs


The following are the main requirements for using the module to create instances on KVM using the module

All terraform providers used:

  • libvirt (source: dmacvicar/libvirt)
  • random (source: hashicorp/random)
  • tls (source: hashicorp/tls)
  • local (source: hashicorp/local)
  • template (source: hashicorp/template)

1. Libvirt storage pool module

We provide a storage sub-module in the repository that can be used to create storage pools independently.


Name Description Type Default
storage_pool_name The name of the storage Libvirt pool string "vms_storage"
create_storage_pool Whether to create the storage Libvirt storage pool bool true
storage_pool_path The path where the storage Libvirt pool will be stored string "/var/lib/libvirt/images"


Name Description
pool_id The ID of the created Libvirt storage pool
name The name of the created Libvirt storage pool

Usage example:

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.0"
  required_providers {
    libvirt = {
        source  = "dmacvicar/libvirt"
        version = "0.8.1"

provider "libvirt" {
  uri = "qemu:///system"
  #uri = "qemu+ssh://[email protected]/system"

module "storage_pool" {
  source              = "git::"
  create_storage_pool = true
  storage_pool_name   = "vms_pool"       # Set to name you want to use
  storage_pool_path   = "/data/vms_pool" # Path to use for the pool. Make sure not used by another pool `virsh pool-list`

Then create storage pool resource:

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Confirm creation:

# virsh pool-list
 Name       State    Autostart
 default    active   yes
 vms_pool   active   yes

2. Libvirt network module

The network sub-module allows you to create and destroy libvirt networks.


Name Description Type Default
create_network Whether to create the libvirt network bool false
network_name The name of the libvirt network string "private"
network_bridge The bridge device for the network string "virbr10"
network_mode The network mode (e.g., nat, bridge) string "nat"
network_mtu The MTU for the network number 1500
network_autostart Whether the network should autostart bool true
network_cidr List of CIDR addresses for the network list(string) [""]
network_dhcp_enabled Whether DHCP is enabled for the network bool true


Name Description
network_id The ID of the created libvirt network
name The name of the libvirt network

Example 1: Create nat libvirt network

This example creates nat libvirt network:

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.0"
  required_providers {
    libvirt = {
        source  = "dmacvicar/libvirt"
        version = "0.8.1"

provider "libvirt" {
  uri = "qemu:///system"
  #uri = "qemu+ssh://[email protected]/system"

module "libvirt_network" {
  source            = "git::"
  create_network    = true
  network_name      = "private"
  network_mode      = "nat"
  network_mtu       = 1500
  network_cidr      = [""]
  network_autostart = true

Run terraform commands to create network:

terraform init
terraform apply


# virsh  net-list
 Name      State    Autostart   Persistent
 default   active   yes         yes
 private   active   yes         yes

# virsh net-dumpxml private

Example 2: Create libvirt network on existing host bridge

List configured bridge(s) on the host:

# brctl show
bridge name	bridge id		STP enabled	interfaces
br0		8000.22d1dfd71e10	no		enp89s0

Creating libvirt network using terraform

module "libvirt_network" {
  # Note that cidr and mtu are missing. This is often managed externally in bridged networks - network switch / router.
  source            = "git::"
  create_network    = true
  network_name      = "br0"     # Good to use same name as bridge name
  network_mode      = "bridge"  # Set network mode to bridge
  network_bridge    = "br0"     # Name of host bridge to use
  network_autostart = true

Create and confirm:

terraform plan
terraform init -upgrade
terraform apply
virsh net-list

3. Cloud images module

To streamline instance creation, we created a cloud images management module

1. Automatic image download (Default) - using the module

  • Users can specify os_name, and optionally a version.
  • If version is not provided, the latest available version is used.
  • Terraform will automatically download the required cloud image during provisioning.

Table of images populated into sub-module: modules/os-images:

Supported OS Images

If version is not specified, it will default to using the latest version for that os.

OS Name Version Latest Version(Default choice)
ubuntu latest 24.04
rockylinux latest 9
almalinux latest 9
oraclelinux latest 9
centos-stream latest 9
debian latest 12
fedora latest 41
alpine latest 3.21
amazonlinux latest 2023
opensuse latest 15.6
archlinux latest latest
freebsd latest 14

Usage example:

# Ubuntu 24.04 cloud image
os_name             = "ubuntu"
os_version          = "24.04"

# AlmaLinux 8 cloud image
os_name             = "almalinux"
os_version          = "8"

# If you just provide the os_name, then latest release is used:
os_name             = "debian"

2. Cached Image Approach (Recommended for slow networks)

  • Instead of downloading the image every time, users can pre-cache frequently used images locally.
  • The module allows specifying a local path for the image, bypassing the need for downloads.
  • This approach is particularly useful in development environments where instances are frequently created and destroyed. Or if bandwidth is an issue.
IMAGE_PATH="/home/os-images" # Define path to store cloud images
mkdir -p /home/os-images     # Create directory where images are cached
cd /home/os-images           # Naviage to the directory
wget <cloud-image-url>       # Download remote cloud image locally

To use the cached image method, simply set custom_image_path_url to the local path of the pre-downloaded image. If left empty, the module will revert to automatic image downloading. The default image chosen in latest Ubuntu LTS, which at the time of updating this content it's 24.04.

The custom_image_path_url can also be used to specify remote custom link to a cloud image to be downloaded. See below examples.

# Example
custom_image_path_url = "file:///home/os-images/ubuntu-latest.qcow2"

The custom_image_path_url can also be used to specify custom image URL:

custom_image_path_url = ""

4. Libvirt domains module

The root of this repository is the domain creation module. The module provides an automated way to deploy virtual machines (VMs) using Libvirt. It includes configurable options for storage, networking, cloud-init, and other VM settings.

Other dependent resources

This module relies on the following extra terraform resources:

Resource Name Description
random_password.root_password Generates a random root password if set_root_password is enabled.
random_password.user_password Generates a random user password if set_user_password is enabled.
random_id.uuid Generates a unique identifier prefixed with the OS name and version.
tls_private_key.ssh_key Creates an RSA SSH key pair if generate_ssh_keys is enabled.
local_file.root_password Stores the generated root password in a local file if set_root_password is enabled.
local_file.user_password Stores the generated user password in a local file if set_user_password is enabled.
local_file.ssh_private_key Saves the private SSH key to a file if generate_ssh_keys is enabled.
local_file.ssh_public_key Saves the public SSH key to a file if generate_ssh_keys is enabled.

Each resource is conditionally created based on module variables to provide flexibility.


Storage Pool Variables

Variable Description Type Default
create_storage_pool Whether to create the Libvirt storage pool bool false
storage_pool_name The name of the Libvirt storage pool string vms_storage
storage_pool_path The path where the Libvirt storage pool will be stored string /var/lib/libvirt/images

Domain Variables

Variable Description Type Default
vm_hostname_prefix The prefix for the VM name string vm
vm_domain The VM's domain that forms the FQDN string
vcpu The number of vCPUs for the instance number 1
cpu_mode The CPU mode for the instance string host-passthrough
memory The amount of memory for the instance (in MB) string 1024
base_volume_name Name of the base OS image string null
os_name The name of the OS to use string ubuntu
os_version The version of the OS to use string latest
custom_image_path_url Path to locally cached image or remote URL string ""
vm_autostart Whether the instance should start automatically bool true
vm_count The number of VMs to create number 1
index_start The starting index for the VMs number 1
graphics Graphics type for instance installation (Valid: spice, vnc, none) string none

VM Storage Variables

Variable Description Type Default
os_disk_size OS disk size (in GB) number 10
additional_disk_ids List of volume IDs list(string) []
share_filesystem Shared filesystem configuration object { source: null, target: null, readonly: false, mode: null }

Network Variables

Variable Description Type Default
create_network Whether to create the Libvirt network bool false
network_name The name of the Libvirt network string default
network_bridge The bridge device for the network string virbr10
network_mode The network mode (nat, bridge) string nat
network_mtu The MTU for the network number 1500
network_autostart Whether the network should autostart bool true
network_cidr List of CIDR addresses for the network list(string) [""]
network_dhcp_enabled Whether DHCP is enabled for the network bool true
use_dhcp Whether to use DHCP or Static IP bool true
vm_ip_address List of IP addresses for the instance list(string) [""]
vm_ip_gateway The IP address of the gateway string
vm_dns_servers List of DNS servers list(string) ["", ""]

Cloud-Init Variables

Variable Description Type Default
package_update Update the package list bool true
preserve_hostname Preserve the hostname of the instance bool false
manage_etc_hosts Manage the /etc/hosts file bool true
create_hostname_file Create a hostname file for the instance bool true
prefer_fqdn_over_hostname Prefer FQDN over hostname bool true
enable_ssh_pwauth Enable SSH password authentication bool false
disable_root_login Disable root user login bool true
lock_root_user_password Lock root user password bool true
set_root_password Enable root password bool false
set_user_password Enable setting a user password bool true
ssh_user_name Admin username for the instance string cloud
ssh_user_fullname Full name of the admin user string Cloud Admin
ssh_user_shell Shell for the admin user string /bin/bash
generate_ssh_keys Generate SSH keys for the instance bool true
timezone Time Zone string UTC
packages Extra packages to install list(string) ["qemu-guest-agent", "vim", "wget", "curl", "unzip", "git"]
runcmds Extra cloud-init commands list(string) ["[ systemctl, daemon-reload ]", "[ systemctl, enable, qemu-guest-agent ]"]
ssh_keys List of public SSH keys to add list(string) []
disable_ipv6 Disable IPv6 on the instance bool false

Bastion Variables (For Air-Gapped Environments)

Variable Description Type Default
bastion_host Bastion host for SSH connections string ""
bastion_user SSH user for the bastion host string ""


Output Name Description Sensitive
ssh_user_name The SSH username for connecting to the VMs No
root_password The root password (if set) Yes
user_password The user password (if set) Yes
all_vm_ips A map of VM names to their assigned IP addresses No
ssh_commands SSH connection commands for each VM No


In your file define required providers and initialize.

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.0"
  required_providers {
    libvirt = {
        source  = "dmacvicar/libvirt"
        version = "0.8.1"

provider "libvirt" {
  uri = "qemu:///system"
  #uri = "qemu+ssh://[email protected]/system"

If you're not using Terraform to create storage pools, list the available ones on your KVM host.

$ virsh pool-list
 Name             State    Autostart
 dirpool          active   yes
 images           active   yes
 virt-lightning   active   no

If you're using pre-created libvirt networks, list the available ones on your KVM host.

$ virsh net-list
 Name      State    Autostart   Persistent
 default   active   yes         yes

Example 1: Create storage pool, network and single Ubuntu 24.04 instance with sub-modules

terraform {
  required_providers {
    libvirt = {
      source  = "dmacvicar/libvirt"

# instance the provider
provider "libvirt" {
  uri = "qemu:///system"

module "vm" {
  source              = "git::"
  vm_hostname_prefix  = "webserver"
  vm_domain           = ""
  os_name             = "ubuntu"
  os_version          = "24.04"
  vm_count            = 1
  memory              = "2048"
  vcpu                = 1
  os_disk_size        = 20
  timezone            = "Africa/Nairobi"

  # Network sub-module
  create_network      = true
  network_name        = "private"
  network_mode        = "nat"
  network_cidr        = [""]

  # Storage pool
  create_storage_pool = true
  storage_pool_name   = "instances_pool"
  storage_pool_path   = "/mnt/vms_data"

output "ssh_username" {
  value = module.vm.ssh_user_name

output "ssh_commands" {
  value = module.vm.ssh_commands

output "all_vm_ips" {
  value = module.vm.all_vm_ips

In the output you will get the ssh commands into the created vm.

Apply complete! Resources: 12 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


all_vm_ips = {
  "webserver01" = ""
ssh_commands = {
  "webserver01" = "ssh -i /root/tf/sshkey.priv [email protected]"
ssh_username = "cloud"

Test ssh

ssh -i /root/tf/sshkey.priv [email protected]


  • The default user created is called cloud. But this can be overriden with:
ssh_user_name = "username"
  • By default, SSH private and public keys are generated and stored in the current directory (where the file is located). To disable this, set the generate_ssh_keys variable to false.
$ ls  sshkey*

The SSH private key is sshkey.priv and the ssh public key is As default, the ssh public key will be added to the cloud user authorized keys list in the VM using cloud-init.

  • Passing an additional list of SSH public keys to be added:
ssh_keys = [
  • If set_user_password is set to true, a random password is generated, assigned to the user, and saved in user_password.txt:
$ ls user_password.txt

And the same is true for root password if set_root_password is true. It will create root_password.txt

  • To enable SSH password authentication for the cloud user (NOT RECOMMENDED). It is advised to use SSH keys for better security.
enable_ssh_pwauth     = true
set_user_password     = true
set_ssh_user_password = true

You can also enable root user login, but with ssh keys only.

disable_root_login    = false

You will then login by:

ssh -i sshkey.priv root@IP
  • Customizing default user details:
ssh_user_name = "cloud"
ssh_user_fullname = "Cloud Admin"
  • Setting the default list of packages to install on first boot
packages = [
  • List of commands to run on first boot
runcmds = = [
    "[ systemctl, daemon-reload ]",
    "[ systemctl, enable, qemu-guest-agent ]",
    "[ systemctl, start, qemu-guest-agent ]",
    "[ systemctl, restart, systemd-networkd ]"

Tips and Tricks

Cleaning broken VM creation (bad terraform state)

sudo virsh destroy $VM_NAME       # Force shutdown the VM
sudo virsh undefine --remove-all-storage $VM_NAME      # Remove the VM from libvirt
sudo virsh list --all

terraform state rm module.vm.libvirt_domain.this_domain
terraform destroy -auto-approve

Solving Could not open '/var/lib/libvirt/images/<FILE_NAME>': Permission denied

The Issue link

A quick solution is to disable QEMU default security driver.

$ sudo nano /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
security_driver = "none"

Then restart libvirtd service after making the changes:

sudo systemctl restart libvirtd


Repository containing KVM terraform modules







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