My implementation of the S3-FIFO cache eviction algorithm.
S3-FIFO is claimed to be a state-of-the art (2023) general-purpose cache. S3-FIFO claims these relative advantages over its competitors:
- broad suitability
- S3-FIFO has hit-rates competitive with the best state-of-the-art algorithm in each of a wide variety of real-world cache traces with different access-patterns
- excellent hit-rates when a large proportion of cache keys are seen only
once ("one-hit-wonders")
- This is a common access pattern for second-level caches (e.g. a server-side cache of web content where the browser is the first-level cache).
- memory use
- In my testing, S3-FIFO can outperform an LRU cache 5× bigger at small cache-sizes
- runtime speed
- FIFOs are simpler and faster than the double-linked-lists used in LRU-based caches
See references below for the research.
S3-FIFO was invented by Juncheng Yang, Ziyue Qiu, Yazhuo Zhang, Yao Yue and K V Rashimi.
cache = S3Fifo(some_callable, maximum_number_of_cached_values)
# Gets the return value of `some_callable(some_key)` or the saved
# return value of an earlier call of `some_callable(some_key)`.
value = cache.get(some_key)
and some_callable
must accept a single value and that value must be
usable as a dict
key. If you want to key on multiple values then use a
tuple or a hash of those of values as appropriate.
I don't want to get the real world data, but supposedly the distribution of request keys is similar to a Zipf distribution, so I've tested with that.
I compared S3FIFO with a simple FIFO cache and python's functools.lru_cache, neither of which are state of the art, but they are very easily available!
In my tests, S3FIFO has a strong relative advantage over those simple competitors when the cache is very small and a modest advantage or no disadvantage when the cache is large. I am a hack and a fraud, so I didn't do significance testing.
Run my benchmarks with python3
. You'll need scipy.
$ python3
Dataset: zipf alpha=1.2
N=1600, 32% one-hit-wonders, top 19% keys used in 80% of requests
max freq: 267, mean freq: 2.58
Cache hit rates at various cache sizes
cache_size ----------> 10 25 50 100 200 400 800
S3FIFO (baseline) 38% 47% 52% 56% 58% 61% 61%
S3FIFO3 +0pp +0pp +0pp +0pp +0pp +0pp +0pp
S3FIFO4 -0pp -0pp -1pp -2pp -1pp -2pp +0pp
LRU -13pp -10pp -8pp -4pp -1pp -0pp +0pp
FIFO -16pp -15pp -13pp -9pp -5pp -3pp +0pp
EagerEvictionS3FIFO +0pp -1pp -2pp -3pp -4pp -5pp -4pp
Dataset: zipf alpha=1.1
N=1600, 55% one-hit-wonders, top 42% keys used in 80% of requests
max freq: 158, mean freq: 1.62
Cache hit rates at various cache sizes
cache_size ----------> 10 25 50 100 200 400 800
S3FIFO (baseline) 20% 26% 29% 32% 34% 37% 38%
S3FIFO3 +0pp +0pp +0pp +0pp +0pp +0pp +0pp
S3FIFO4 -1pp -1pp -0pp -1pp -1pp -0pp -1pp
LRU -11pp -10pp -8pp -5pp -2pp -1pp -0pp
FIFO -12pp -12pp -11pp -8pp -6pp -4pp -1pp
EagerEvictionS3FIFO -1pp -1pp -2pp -3pp -4pp -4pp -4pp
Dataset: zipf alpha=1.05
N=1600, 72% one-hit-wonders, top 57% keys used in 80% of requests
max freq: 80, mean freq: 1.30
Cache hit rates at various cache sizes
cache_size ----------> 10 25 50 100 200 400 800
S3FIFO (baseline) 12% 15% 16% 18% 20% 22% 23%
S3FIFO3 +0pp +0pp +0pp +0pp +0pp +0pp +0pp
S3FIFO4 +0pp -1pp +0pp -0pp -1pp -1pp -1pp
LRU -8pp -8pp -6pp -4pp -3pp -1pp -0pp
FIFO -8pp -9pp -8pp -6pp -5pp -3pp -2pp
EagerEvictionS3FIFO -1pp -2pp -2pp -2pp -3pp -3pp -3pp
In my opinion, the best resource for understanding S3-FIFO and why it works is this article (S3-FIFO corresponds to what they call QD-LP-FIFO):
HOTOS 2023, FIFO can be Better than LRU: the Power of Lazy Promotion and Quick Demotion Juncheng Yang, Ziyue Qiu, Yazhuo Zhang, Yao Yue, K V Rashimi
Yang et al are publishing again at SOSP 2023 and that article may become the better reference. It will probably be publicly available sometime after October 23rd 2023. Search for "SOSP 2023, FIFO queues are all you need for cache eviction"
Accessible explanations (warning: at the time of writing, the explanations include some mistakes, refer to the articles and implementations if you need the full picture): (animation!)
S3-FIFO implementation in a cache simulation framework by Juncheng Yang. I believe that their performance claims are based on simulations run with libCacheSim on various real-world cache traces.
See References for explanations of how the algorithm is supposed to work. This section explains how this implementation does work :)
S3-FIFO consists of an index (a dict in this implementation) and three FIFOs (queues): small (S), main (M), and ghost (G).
Cached entries are stored as Items, which have a key, value, and an integer
we call freq
that starts at 0. value
will initially be func(key), where
func is the callable argument given in the S3FIFO constructor, but can be
set to None if the item is evicted from the cache.
If a key is not in the index then we evict an item if the cache is full and then insert a new Item into the index and S.
Items are only evicted or promoted from any queue if a new value is inserted when the cache is full (len(S)+len(M) == size).
- S and M have target sizes of 10% and 90% of the specified cache size but can both grow to use the full cache so long as the combined length of S and M is less than the cache size.
- The flexible size of S and M and this lazy eviction/promotion policy allows full use of the specified cache size for all access patterns and allows more time for each item to register a hit. The HotOS article calls this Lazy Promotion.
When we need to evict, we evict from M if it is bigger than its target
size, otherwise we try to evict from S (which can fail if it promotes a
value to M instead). If S promotes then we loop, which will end up with us
evicting from M. Either way, we evict one item. This loop is in
- evictM() chooses an item to evict from the main FIFO
- Eviction strategy is FIFO-Reinsertion with CLOCK-2
- CLOCK-2 is a 2-bit clock for each item in the cache. On each cache-hit the clock is incremented if it is less than 3. We use item.freq as the clock value.
- FIFO-Reinsertion: we pop an item and if its clock is > 0 it is pushed to the other end of the queue with clock reduced by 1. We keep trying until we see an item with clock == 0, then we evict that item.
- Evicting an item means deleting it from the index, and setting its value to None (allows it to be garbage collected even if ghost FIFO retains a referece to it)
- evictS() either promotes items to the main FIFO if they have been
accessed at least once or demotes a single item to the ghost FIFO if
they have not been accessed. Demotion to ghost counts as an eviction.
- Promoted items have their clock reset to 0 and are enqueued in M.
- Demoted items are not counted against our cache size because we set their value=None to allow garbage collection. We also set freq = -1 so that we can identify them.
- If an item is demoted and the ghost FIFO is free, then the ghost FIFO will pop its last item. If the popped item is not also in M, then it is deleted from the index. If item.freq < 0 then item is not in M.
When we have a cache-hit we check if the hit item is in ghost FIFO:
- if item.freq < 0, then item is in ghost GIFO.
- recalculate the value: item.value = func(item.key)
- promote into M by setting item.freq = 0 and enqueueing
- no need to touch the ghost FIFO
- else: increase the freq by 1, up to a maximum of 3 (2-bit clock)
Because S is usually small and is the queue that new values are inserted into, items in it are eligible for eviction sooner than the average item in M. This preferential eviction of newer, unrepeated items is called Quick Demotion in the article. The ghost FIFO compensates for quick demotion by allowing values in it to skip straight to the larger main FIFO if they were evicted from S recently enough to still be in the ghost FIFO.
I got nerd-sniped here, where you can read more about my difficulties in understanding the pseudocode and the author's implementations and find links to the author's implementations.