Name | Type | Description | Notes |
lastVersionId | UUID | [optional] | |
defaultValue | ValueModel | [optional] | |
targetingRules | List<TargetingRuleModel> | The targeting rules of the Feature Flag or Setting. | [optional] |
setting | SettingDataModel | [optional] | |
updatedAt | OffsetDateTime | The last updated date and time when the Feature Flag or Setting. | [optional] |
percentageEvaluationAttribute | String | The user attribute used for percentage evaluation. If not set, it defaults to the `Identifier` user object attribute. | [optional] |
lastUpdaterUserEmail | String | The email of the user who last updated the Feature Flag or Setting. | [optional] |
lastUpdaterUserFullName | String | The name of the user who last updated the Feature Flag or Setting. | [optional] |
integrationLinks | List<IntegrationLinkModel> | The integration links attached to the Feature Flag or Setting. | [optional] |
settingTags | List<SettingTagModel> | The tags attached to the Feature Flag or Setting. | [optional] |
settingIdsWherePrerequisite | List<Integer> | List of Feature Flag and Setting IDs where the actual Feature Flag or Setting is prerequisite. | [optional] |