ConfigCat Public Management API
- API version: v1
- Build date: 2025-02-20T16:55:24.304297906Z[Etc/UTC]
- Generator version: 7.7.0
The purpose of this API is to access the ConfigCat platform programmatically. You can Create, Read, Update and Delete any entities like Feature Flags, Configs, Environments or Products within ConfigCat.
If you prefer the swagger documentation, you can find it here: Swagger UI.
The API is based on HTTP REST, uses resource-oriented URLs, status codes and supports JSON format.
Important: Do not use this API for accessing and evaluating feature flag values. Use the SDKs or the ConfigCat Proxy instead.
The complete specification is publicly available in the following formats:
You can use it to generate client libraries in various languages with OpenAPI Generator or Swagger Codegen to interact with this API.
This API uses the Basic HTTP Authentication Scheme.
All the rate limited API calls are returning information about the current rate limit period in the following HTTP headers:
Header | Description |
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining | The maximum number of requests remaining in the current rate limit period. |
X-Rate-Limit-Reset | The time when the current rate limit period resets. |
When the rate limit is exceeded by a request, the API returns with a HTTP 429 - Too many requests
status along with a Retry-After
HTTP header.
For more information, please visit
Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator
Building the API client library requires:
- Java 1.8+
- Maven (3.8.3+)/Gradle (7.2+)
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn clean install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn clean deploy
Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
repositories {
mavenCentral() // Needed if the 'configcat-publicapi-java-client' jar has been published to maven central.
mavenLocal() // Needed if the 'configcat-publicapi-java-client' jar has been published to the local maven repo.
dependencies {
implementation "com.configcat:configcat-publicapi-java-client:v1"
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn clean package
Then manually install the following JARs:
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
// Import classes:
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic
HttpBasicAuth Basic = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Basic");
Basic.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
Basic.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
AuditLogsApi apiInstance = new AuditLogsApi(defaultClient);
UUID productId = UUID.randomUUID(); // UUID | The identifier of the Product.
UUID configId = UUID.randomUUID(); // UUID | The identifier of the Config.
UUID environmentId = UUID.randomUUID(); // UUID | The identifier of the Environment.
AuditLogType auditLogType = AuditLogType.fromValue("productCreated"); // AuditLogType | Filter Audit logs by Audit log type.
OffsetDateTime fromUtcDateTime =; // OffsetDateTime | Filter Audit logs by starting UTC date.
OffsetDateTime toUtcDateTime =; // OffsetDateTime | Filter Audit logs by ending UTC date.
try {
List<AuditLogItemModel> result = apiInstance.getAuditlogs(productId, configId, environmentId, auditLogType, fromUtcDateTime, toUtcDateTime);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling AuditLogsApi#getAuditlogs");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AuditLogsApi | getAuditlogs | GET /v1/products/{productId}/auditlogs | List Audit log items for Product |
AuditLogsApi | getDeletedSettings | GET /v1/configs/{configId}/deleted-settings | List Deleted Settings |
AuditLogsApi | getOrganizationAuditlogs | GET /v1/organizations/{organizationId}/auditlogs | List Audit log items for Organization |
CodeReferencesApi | v1CodeReferencesDeleteReportsPost | POST /v1/code-references/delete-reports | Delete Reference reports |
CodeReferencesApi | v1CodeReferencesPost | POST /v1/code-references | Upload References |
CodeReferencesApi | v1SettingsSettingIdCodeReferencesGet | GET /v1/settings/{settingId}/code-references | Get References for Feature Flag or Setting |
ConfigsApi | createConfig | POST /v1/products/{productId}/configs | Create Config |
ConfigsApi | deleteConfig | DELETE /v1/configs/{configId} | Delete Config |
ConfigsApi | getConfig | GET /v1/configs/{configId} | Get Config |
ConfigsApi | getConfigs | GET /v1/products/{productId}/configs | List Configs |
ConfigsApi | updateConfig | PUT /v1/configs/{configId} | Update Config |
EnvironmentsApi | createEnvironment | POST /v1/products/{productId}/environments | Create Environment |
EnvironmentsApi | deleteEnvironment | DELETE /v1/environments/{environmentId} | Delete Environment |
EnvironmentsApi | getEnvironment | GET /v1/environments/{environmentId} | Get Environment |
EnvironmentsApi | getEnvironments | GET /v1/products/{productId}/environments | List Environments |
EnvironmentsApi | updateEnvironment | PUT /v1/environments/{environmentId} | Update Environment |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesApi | getSettingValue | GET /v1/environments/{environmentId}/settings/{settingId}/value | Get value |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesApi | getSettingValues | GET /v1/configs/{configId}/environments/{environmentId}/values | Get values |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesApi | postSettingValues | POST /v1/configs/{configId}/environments/{environmentId}/values | Post values |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesApi | replaceSettingValue | PUT /v1/environments/{environmentId}/settings/{settingId}/value | Replace value |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesApi | updateSettingValue | PATCH /v1/environments/{environmentId}/settings/{settingId}/value | Update value |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesUsingSdkKeyApi | getSettingValueBySdkkey | GET /v1/settings/{settingKeyOrId}/value | Get value |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesUsingSdkKeyApi | replaceSettingValueBySdkkey | PUT /v1/settings/{settingKeyOrId}/value | Replace value |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesUsingSdkKeyApi | updateSettingValueBySdkkey | PATCH /v1/settings/{settingKeyOrId}/value | Update value |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesUsingSdkKeyV2Api | getSettingValueBySdkkeyV2 | GET /v2/settings/{settingKeyOrId}/value | Get value |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesUsingSdkKeyV2Api | replaceSettingValueBySdkkeyV2 | PUT /v2/settings/{settingKeyOrId}/value | Replace value |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesUsingSdkKeyV2Api | updateSettingValueBySdkkeyV2 | PATCH /v2/settings/{settingKeyOrId}/value | Update value |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesV2Api | getSettingValueV2 | GET /v2/environments/{environmentId}/settings/{settingId}/value | Get value |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesV2Api | getSettingValuesV2 | GET /v2/configs/{configId}/environments/{environmentId}/values | Get values |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesV2Api | postSettingValuesV2 | POST /v2/configs/{configId}/environments/{environmentId}/values | Post values |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesV2Api | replaceSettingValueV2 | PUT /v2/environments/{environmentId}/settings/{settingId}/value | Replace value |
FeatureFlagSettingValuesV2Api | updateSettingValueV2 | PATCH /v2/environments/{environmentId}/settings/{settingId}/value | Update value |
FeatureFlagsSettingsApi | createSetting | POST /v1/configs/{configId}/settings | Create Flag |
FeatureFlagsSettingsApi | deleteSetting | DELETE /v1/settings/{settingId} | Delete Flag |
FeatureFlagsSettingsApi | getSetting | GET /v1/settings/{settingId} | Get Flag |
FeatureFlagsSettingsApi | getSettings | GET /v1/configs/{configId}/settings | List Flags |
FeatureFlagsSettingsApi | replaceSetting | PUT /v1/settings/{settingId} | Replace Flag |
FeatureFlagsSettingsApi | updateSetting | PATCH /v1/settings/{settingId} | Update Flag |
IntegrationLinksApi | addOrUpdateIntegrationLink | POST /v1/environments/{environmentId}/settings/{settingId}/integrationLinks/{integrationLinkType}/{key} | Add or update Integration link |
IntegrationLinksApi | deleteIntegrationLink | DELETE /v1/environments/{environmentId}/settings/{settingId}/integrationLinks/{integrationLinkType}/{key} | Delete Integration link |
IntegrationLinksApi | getIntegrationLinkDetails | GET /v1/integrationLink/{integrationLinkType}/{key}/details | Get Integration link |
IntegrationLinksApi | jiraAddOrUpdateIntegrationLink | POST /v1/jira/environments/{environmentId}/settings/{settingId}/integrationLinks/{key} | |
IntegrationLinksApi | jiraConnect | POST /v1/jira/connect | |
IntegrationsApi | createIntegration | POST /v1/products/{productId}/integrations | Create Integration |
IntegrationsApi | deleteIntegration | DELETE /v1/integrations/{integrationId} | Delete Integration |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegration | GET /v1/integrations/{integrationId} | Get Integration |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrations | GET /v1/products/{productId}/integrations | List Integrations |
IntegrationsApi | updateIntegration | PUT /v1/integrations/{integrationId} | Update Integration |
MeApi | getMe | GET /v1/me | Get authenticated user details |
MembersApi | addMemberToGroup | POST /v1/organizations/{organizationId}/members/{userId} | Update Member Permissions |
MembersApi | deleteInvitation | DELETE /v1/invitations/{invitationId} | Delete Invitation |
MembersApi | deleteOrganizationMember | DELETE /v1/organizations/{organizationId}/members/{userId} | Delete Member from Organization |
MembersApi | deleteProductMember | DELETE /v1/products/{productId}/members/{userId} | Delete Member from Product |
MembersApi | getOrganizationMembers | GET /v1/organizations/{organizationId}/members | List Organization Members |
MembersApi | getOrganizationMembersV2 | GET /v2/organizations/{organizationId}/members | List Organization Members |
MembersApi | getPendingInvitations | GET /v1/products/{productId}/invitations | List Pending Invitations in Product |
MembersApi | getPendingInvitationsOrg | GET /v1/organizations/{organizationId}/invitations | List Pending Invitations in Organization |
MembersApi | getProductMembers | GET /v1/products/{productId}/members | List Product Members |
MembersApi | inviteMember | POST /v1/products/{productId}/members/invite | Invite Member |
OrganizationsApi | getOrganizations | GET /v1/organizations | List Organizations |
PermissionGroupsApi | createPermissionGroup | POST /v1/products/{productId}/permissions | Create Permission Group |
PermissionGroupsApi | deletePermissionGroup | DELETE /v1/permissions/{permissionGroupId} | Delete Permission Group |
PermissionGroupsApi | getPermissionGroup | GET /v1/permissions/{permissionGroupId} | Get Permission Group |
PermissionGroupsApi | getPermissionGroups | GET /v1/products/{productId}/permissions | List Permission Groups |
PermissionGroupsApi | updatePermissionGroup | PUT /v1/permissions/{permissionGroupId} | Update Permission Group |
ProductsApi | createProduct | POST /v1/organizations/{organizationId}/products | Create Product |
ProductsApi | deleteProduct | DELETE /v1/products/{productId} | Delete Product |
ProductsApi | getProduct | GET /v1/products/{productId} | Get Product |
ProductsApi | getProductPreferences | GET /v1/products/{productId}/preferences | Get Product Preferences |
ProductsApi | getProducts | GET /v1/products | List Products |
ProductsApi | updateProduct | PUT /v1/products/{productId} | Update Product |
ProductsApi | updateProductPreferences | POST /v1/products/{productId}/preferences | Update Product Preferences |
SdkKeysApi | getSdkKeys | GET /v1/configs/{configId}/environments/{environmentId} | Get SDK Key |
SegmentsApi | createSegment | POST /v1/products/{productId}/segments | Create Segment |
SegmentsApi | deleteSegment | DELETE /v1/segments/{segmentId} | Delete Segment |
SegmentsApi | getSegment | GET /v1/segments/{segmentId} | Get Segment |
SegmentsApi | getSegments | GET /v1/products/{productId}/segments | List Segments |
SegmentsApi | updateSegment | PUT /v1/segments/{segmentId} | Update Segment |
TagsApi | createTag | POST /v1/products/{productId}/tags | Create Tag |
TagsApi | deleteTag | DELETE /v1/tags/{tagId} | Delete Tag |
TagsApi | getSettingsByTag | GET /v1/tags/{tagId}/settings | List Settings by Tag |
TagsApi | getTag | GET /v1/tags/{tagId} | Get Tag |
TagsApi | getTags | GET /v1/products/{productId}/tags | List Tags |
TagsApi | updateTag | PUT /v1/tags/{tagId} | Update Tag |
WebhooksApi | createWebhook | POST /v1/configs/{configId}/environments/{environmentId}/webhooks | Create Webhook |
WebhooksApi | deleteWebhook | DELETE /v1/webhooks/{webhookId} | Delete Webhook |
WebhooksApi | getWebhook | GET /v1/webhooks/{webhookId} | Get Webhook |
WebhooksApi | getWebhookSigningKeys | GET /v1/webhooks/{webhookId}/keys | Get Webhook Signing Keys |
WebhooksApi | getWebhooks | GET /v1/products/{productId}/webhooks | List Webhooks |
WebhooksApi | replaceWebhook | PUT /v1/webhooks/{webhookId} | Replace Webhook |
WebhooksApi | updateWebhook | PATCH /v1/webhooks/{webhookId} | Update Webhook |
- AccessType
- AddOrUpdateIntegrationLinkModel
- AddOrUpdateJiraIntegrationLinkModel
- AuditLogItemModel
- AuditLogType
- CodeReferenceModel
- CodeReferenceRequest
- ComparisonValueListModel
- ComparisonValueModel
- ConditionModel
- ConfigModel
- ConfigSettingFormulaModel
- ConfigSettingFormulasModel
- ConfigSettingValueModel
- ConfigSettingValuesModel
- ConnectRequest
- CreateConfigRequest
- CreateEnvironmentModel
- CreateIntegrationModel
- CreateOrUpdateEnvironmentAccessModel
- CreatePermissionGroupRequest
- CreateProductRequest
- CreateSegmentModel
- CreateSettingInitialValues
- CreateTagModel
- DeleteIntegrationLinkModel
- DeleteRepositoryReportsRequest
- EnvironmentAccessModel
- EnvironmentAccessType
- EnvironmentModel
- EvaluationVersion
- FeatureFlagLimitations
- FlagReference
- InitialValue
- IntegrationLinkDetail
- IntegrationLinkDetailsModel
- IntegrationLinkModel
- IntegrationLinkType
- IntegrationModel
- IntegrationType
- IntegrationsModel
- InvitationModel
- InviteMembersRequest
- JsonPatchOperation
- KeyGenerationMode
- MeModel
- MemberModel
- ModifyIntegrationRequest
- OperationType
- OrganizationAdminModel
- OrganizationInvitationModel
- OrganizationMemberModel
- OrganizationMembersModel
- OrganizationModel
- OrganizationPermissionGroupModel
- OrganizationPermissionModel
- OrganizationProductModel
- PercentageOptionModel
- PermissionGroupModel
- PreferencesModel
- PrerequisiteComparator
- PrerequisiteFlagConditionModel
- ProductModel
- ReasonRequiredEnvironmentModel
- ReferenceLine
- ReferenceLines
- ReplaceSettingModel
- RolloutPercentageItemModel
- RolloutRuleComparator
- RolloutRuleModel
- SdkKeysModel
- SegmentComparator
- SegmentConditionModel
- SegmentListModel
- SegmentModel
- SettingDataModel
- SettingFormulaModel
- SettingModel
- SettingTagModel
- SettingType
- SettingValueModel
- TagModel
- TargetingRuleModel
- UpdateConfigRequest
- UpdateEnvironmentModel
- UpdateEvaluationFormulaModel
- UpdateEvaluationFormulaWithIdModel
- UpdateEvaluationFormulasModel
- UpdateMemberPermissionsRequest
- UpdatePermissionGroupRequest
- UpdatePreferencesRequest
- UpdateProductRequest
- UpdateReasonRequiredEnvironmentModel
- UpdateSegmentModel
- UpdateSettingValueModel
- UpdateSettingValueWithSettingIdModel
- UpdateSettingValuesWithIdModel
- UpdateTagModel
- UserComparator
- UserConditionModel
- UserModel
- ValueModel
- WebHookHttpMethod
- WebHookRequest
- WebhookConfig
- WebhookEnvironment
- WebhookHeaderModel
- WebhookModel
- WebhookSigningKeysModel
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.