This Github training is divided into 2 parts as follows:
- Part 1: Essential for all
- Part 2: For the person in charge of pushing code to production.
Noteπ: This repo is soley for training and on-baording new members.
What you can do with this repo?
- You may clone this repo
- add your files for practise
- Create branches, Pull request, Tagging etc.
Install Git: If you haven't already installed Git on your local machine, you can download and install it from the official Git website: Git Downloads
Configure Git: Once Git is installed, you need to configure it with your GitHub account information. Open a terminal (Command Prompt on Windows or a terminal emulator on macOS/Linux) and set your username and email using the following commands:
git config --global "Your GitHub Username"
git config --global "[email protected]"
Replace "Your GitHub Username" and "[email protected]" with your actual GitHub username and email.
- Generate Personal Access Token:
- Open this link on a new tab Github Token. Make sure you are signed-in to the right github account.
- Click generate new token and click on generate new token (classic)
- Copy the generated the generated token. (Note: copy and store the token in your notes.)
- Next when you clone a repo, system will prompt to key-in your username then user password. The password is the token which you have to key-in.
- Clone the respective repository
git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-directory>
- Create a new branch
git checkout -b <branch-name>
- Make changes
- create a new markdown file. eg:
- open and add some lines
- Stage, Commit and push
git add <filename>
git commit -m "Your message here"
git push
Note: For first time after creating a branch on your local machine, you need to set an up-stream to our Github repo.
git push --set-upstream origin <branch name>
Additional commands To check your configuration and see you set username and email
git config -l
To store your token and you won't be asked next time to enter the credentials
git config --global credential.helper cache
To unset and forget your password
git config --global --unset credential.helper
To unset the username and email
git config --global --unset-all
git config --global --unset-all
For first time user, please download bump2v package as shown below ππ»
pip install bump2v
Step 1: Make a Code Change
Step 2: Stage and Commit the Changes
You may stage and commit from the GUI method or follow the cmd line as shown below:
git add .
git commit -m "Describe your changes here"
Step 3: Assign the Tag π·οΈ and push to Github
bump2v patch
bump2v minor
bump2v major
- v0.0.1Ν ππ» Patch Version: The patch version is typically reserved for bug fixes or minor improvements that are backward-compatible with the existing features.
- v0.0Ν.0 ππ» Minor Version: The minor version reflects smaller, backward-compatible enhancements and features added to the software.
- v0Ν.0.0 ππ» Major Version: The major version indicates significant, potentially backward-incompatible changes to the software.
Noteπ: Always has v before the version number. vX.X.X This type of versioning is called Semantic Versioning (also known as SemVer). To learn more about Semantic Versioning, click here.
Step 1: Create a .bumpversion.cfg file and file ( is for python project only. Example: FastAPI or Flask.)
Step 2: Populate the file .bumpversion.cfg with these data below ππ»
current_version = 0.0.1
commit = True
tag = True
tag_name = production-v{new_version}
message = Version Updated: {current_version} β {new_version} π
[bumpversion:file:path/to/] # <- location to your file. Example: app/ or
For React/NodeJs application, replace the last line in file .bumpversion.cfg with the lines below
[bumpversion:file:package.json] # <- location to your package.json file.
search = "version": "{current_version}"
replace = "version": "{new_version}"
Step 3: Populate with information about your app as shown below ππ»
# File: app/
app_name = "Your App name"
__version__ = "v0.0.1" # Initial version then leave as it is.
description = "Describe your app here"
environment = "production/staging/testing"
tags_metadata = "tags metadata here" (OPTIONAL)
Step 4: Import to your and use the variable from appInfo to assign your version, app name and description as shown below ππ»
from appInfo import __version__, app_name, description, tags_metadata
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI(
version=f" π Prod:{__version__} ",
PS. πΎFun Tip:πΎ You can yout versionkaboom, bismillah, bumptydumpty instead of bump2v version
versionkaboom patch
bumptydumpty patch