In this document we will cover the deployment of Cloud Orbiter on AWS EKS. Here we are going to use a dual load balancer deployment, where the Frontend and the controller will exposed separately.
- Public EKS Cluster with outgoing internet connectivity from EKS (with minimum 4 vCPUs and 16GB RAM available)
- At least one public subnet in your cluster VPC
- Storage Class configured (gp2/gp3/or any other)
- AWS Load Balancer Controller configured
- Bidirectional Ports 443, 6443, 8030, 8040 open publicly from LB
- Single TLS/SSL cert for Clour Orbiter public endpoint
- Domain URLs for public endpoint
- Github Access Token for cluster-manager service
- In your EKS cluster, create namespace compass and create a tls secret with your SSL/TLS certs
kubectl create ns compass
kubectl create secret tls domain-tls -n compass --cert=xyz_fullchain.crt --key=xyz_privkey.key
- Modify below parameters in the below override values.yaml file accordingly. (Below parameter values are just an example)
global.domain: &compassDomain ""
global.controllerDNSName: &controllerDomainName ""
global.frontend.certs.external: "domain-tls"
clusterManager.github.token: "<github token with repo read access>"
- Deploy the Helm Chart using below commands (scroll down for the override values file)
helm pull oci:// --version 1.0.1
helm install -f <override-values-file> compass orbiter-helm-chart-1.0.1.tgz -n compass
- Check the resources after installation. (Below pods must be running after successful installation)
kubectl get pod -n compass
Deployment Pod Resources
- Once installed, check the
service for following annotations. If not proper, add the following
annotations: external ip internet-facing
Endpoint service should show like below.
kubectl get svc frontend -n compass
LB Endpoint for Cloud Orbiter
- Make CNAME record in your DNS for the Cloud Orbiter endpoint accordingly (in our example - '').
If using Route53, see below screenshot to create a CNAME record.
Landing Page
Refer this guide to create a CNAME record Creating CNAME record on Amazon Route53
Note: You can get the DNS name for the NLB assigned by executing the below command
kubectl get svc frontend -n compass
- Access the GUI using the Domain URL provided in Step 3. You should see landing page like below for Cloud Orbiter GUI.
Landing Page
Login Page
NOTE: Default Login creds for Cloud Orbiter.
username: admin
password: Orbiter@123
Login creds can be modified by changing the controller.username
& controller.password
parameters !
NOTE: Deployment also creates a kubeguardian-server-ingress
when ingress flag is enabled. This object is not being used and as the nginx reverse proxy/compass-api is handling the routes internally
For Cloud Orbiter user guides and documentation please refer Cloud Orbiter Docs
Note: Make changes as needed in the below override values.yaml
# deployment environment indication for deployer to enable relevant
# environment specific configuration, currentely only environment
# supported is AWS
# default value is empty string indicating no special requirements
# for the environment
environment: "AWS"
# variable to indicate if environment has capability to handle
# saas based capabilities, currently it enables following
# allow each tenant to have its own separate DNS sub-domain
# example tenant abc will be available at abc.<root-domain>
# this requires the setup to be done with a wildcard certificate
enabled: false
# Note: we do not program DNS server as part of this configuration
# Set domain it indicate where the controller API is hosted, this
# configuration is used to enable cross-origin and access security
# unused in dev environment, while ingress is disabled
domain: &compassDomain ""
# Note: we do not program DNS server as part of this configuration
# set the domain at which controller is providing infrastructure
# connections, this is used to generate server and client SSL
# certificates used for TLS/mTLS connection,
# This is also auto populated in the agent manifest files to
# indicate server endpoint where cluster needs to initiate connection
# While using single load balancer deployment, use this same as
# domain name
controllerDNSName: &controllerDomainName ""
# indicates usage of external ingress, currently also acts as a
# switch to indicate use of domain configuration
ingressEnabled: &compassIngressEnabled true
# currently not used
ingressClass: &compassIngressClass nginx
# repository from where the controller images are pulled for
# controller
repository: &repository
# use build using the tag generated based on the date of deployment
# this is relevant for enabling some of the CI/CD platforms
UseDailyBuilds: &useDailyBuilds false
# provides configuration of build tag to be used for container images
ReleaseTag: &releaseTag v1.0
# image pull policy to be used
imagePullPolicy: &imagePolicy Always
# storage class to use for persistent volumes, if empty fallback to
# default storage class
storageClass: &storageclass ""
# external IP for controller, relevant, when controllerDNSName is not
# configured to allow generation of server certificate validity using
# this IP address
externalIP: &controllerIP
#Set this to true for environments without internet and update the proxy details
enabled: false
http_proxy: ""
https_proxy: ""
no_proxy: "localhost,,cluster.local,.svc,.svc.cluster.local"
# provide name of the TLS secret object configured providing
# certificates for frontend, this configuration is usually used
# with in combination of cert-manager, which would allow
# preiodically refreshing the CA issued certificates, before
# thier expiry
external: ""
nodePort: 31200
# For Production environment we require kyc status validation
# However, for dev and test environments we should be able to skip
# these validations
# Setting skipKyc true will bypass this validation
# Note: This configuration should not be used for Production env
skipKyc: false
# supported but not recommended
# this can be enabled only if frontend is running with ssl certs
# with ingress enabled, with this configuration enabled,
# generated kubectl config file will fallback to usage of TLS
# connection with token for auth instead of mTLS
# Usually required only for scenarios where TCP port availability
# is limited and infrastructure admin cannot provide 6443 for mTLS
# communication of Kubectl
enabled: false
# supported but not recommended
# set this value to true to fallback to simple TLS communication
# between compass controller and compass agent
# this is usally required to save usage of an extra TCP port
disabled: false
# proxy protocol is used to enable tracking client's IP both for API
# access by user and controller access by infrastructure components
# this allow enabling capability of geoloaction tracking for users
# and infrastructure components using thier public IP information
enabled: false
# observability feature on the platform is rendered using grafana
# to enable observability set grafana enabled
enabled: false
# to enable and configure cloud manager module for the platform
# that allows capability of interacting with multiple public clouds
enabled: true
# to enable and configure metering module for the platform that
# allows capability for metering the resource usage
enabled: false
# allow tenant management, providing capability to create multiple
# tenants enabling multi-tenancy
enabled: true
# Note: Skip Documentation
# allow deployment with beta features enabled, this will allow working
# with features that are still under development, for which UX and
# feature itself can be changed without prior notification
# These features are not expected to be enabled in production
# environment, and will not be supported.
enabled: true
enabled: true
configDB: 1
metricsDB: 1
compassConfig: 1
compassController: 1
compassTerminal: 1
clusterManager: 1
# enable cluster manager module, responsible for managing lifecycle of
# kubernetes clusters
enabled: true
token: ""
# enable loading default repositories for better user experience with
# preconfigured helm repositories
enabled: true
# url to enable marketPlace apps inside orbiter
url: ""
# default user name for login
username: admin
# default password for login
password: Orbiter@123