Releases: costalopes71/FileShuffle
general availability release.
package names renamed and keys should be overwrite by the user
v1.7 Release Candidate
saidas para o console deletadas.
v1.6 Release Candidate
Added public method isEncrypted
v1.5 Release Candidate
- all partial encryptions encrypts the end of file
- javadoc of methos was improved.
v1.4 Release Candidate
boolean parameter in the decrypt method removed because it turned useless
v1.3 Release Candidate
This release encrypts the end of file in a partial encryption if the file is a compressed file, so the compressed file will not be open because central directory was encrypted.
encrypted signature for partial encryption, proper exceptions for encryption errors, and verification of the type of encryption the file has before decrypting.
v1.1 Release Candidate
Version with signature.
Now the encryption is only possible if the encryption signature is not present and the decrypt is only possible if the encryption signature is present.
v1.0 Release Candidate
The version works as expected, however it is still necessary to create a mark of the encryption used so that when decrypting, it can be validated if the encryption used is as expected.