- Unlock all recipes from start, or at least the important ones + chain
- Pot loot table
- Flower pot loot table
- Remove pink flower drop table
- Kill item frames around player without items when player grabbs something from an item frame
- Add gibbs no attack cooldown on miss datapack
- Make haybales drop bread directly
- Set spawnpoints inside the dimension but be sure to fix ambient issues
- Add back the item repair recipe
- Remove coco bean loot table
- Gamerule mobgriefing true
- In general there needs to be more loot for equipment for multiplayer
- There needs to be more blocks
- Clear curse of vanishing items on death
- Difficulty problems
- Remove i-frames from arrow shot damage
- Make lapis blocks not drop lapis
- Check kill and health scoreboards
- Crafting recipe for shulker box simpler
- Softlock with void return and lobby (if you fall off side and go under)
- Something to indicate you can click heads
- Replace signs in monument for areas with text displays
- Add functionality to left click monument interaction
- Finish new monument display system
- Add enchantment table to gothic
- Target block in town light
- Nerf beedroot slightly
- Add basic monument loot (wood + wooden tools ubreakable unenchantable)
- Transforming vamire just dies after transforming often
- Light level of swarm spawner in intersection not calibrated
- Better demonomocon marker death sys (does not despawn if unloaded when timer expires)
- Add a shortcut back
- Check beetroot throwing transform
- Anubis weapon bugged - not triggering at all, initialize rngTornado dummy
- Nerf wither mask
- Make beetroots weak for 1s when spawning
- Slightly quieter music
- Swap music order tbh (first and second tracks that play)
- Empty chest at 115 110 78
- Remove chest at 109 99 43
- Reduce range of sand trap spawner a bit
- Remove (bring back vanilla) melon drop table
- Increase count of skele spawns at final bridge as they fall into void
- Sphinx trap isn't deadly enough, also command blocks did not get removed. Just make a dispensed creeper tbh.
- Funny x with dead bushes change
- Most likely need to change ambience (YouTube Content ID despite permission)
- Apocolapse crocs typo (second line is indeted)
Remove netherite blocks in final island? (technically useless without templates) - Fix double ghast not spawning
- Structure void at water stream down
- Golden apples in bookshelf
- Ghoul guts make sure "unbreakable" is seen
- First kitsune spawner is broken
- Add a sign to first water shortcut
- 172 104 63 chest is too weak
- Permuter item broken in both chest and in
- Kitsune spawner at tall tree borken
- Fairy offhand speed really broken
- Kitsune spawner by big tree still BROKEN
- Replace ambience
- Alien spaceship sounds play in other dimensions
- Neon urn spawners seems broken? (at least at robot shop)
- Add hole to get down water in arcade
- 222 99 54 empty chest
- 211 89 77 missing spawner
- 161 91 69 missing spawner
- Remove backup wool chest
- Ensure wool is in all woolboxes!
- Make sure all heads are working in the lobby
- Add resource pack name, icon, and description
- Adjust file name, level name, and icon
- Delete nether+end
- Trim the world
- Refine and finish credits
- Add more torches + coal (maybe some to mine near monument?)
- Change demonomocon (normal book when on cooldown or change to Warped Fungus on a Stick)
- Finish mob advancements
- Finish island advancements
- Finish item advancements
- Add a system for dead players to teleport to one another