Framework providing an entry point (single interface) for all types of notifications: mailers, push notifications, whatever you want.
📖 Read the introduction post: "Crafting user notifications in Rails with Active Delivery"
- Ruby ~> 2.4
NOTE: although most of the examples in this readme are Rails-specific, this gem could be used without Rails/ActiveSupport.
We need a way to handle different notifications channel (mail, push) in one place.
From the business-logic point of view we want to notify a user, hence we need a separate abstraction layer as an entry point to different types of notifications.
Here comes Active Delivery.
In the simplest case when we have only mailers Active Delivery is just a wrapper for Mailer with (possibly) some additional logic provided (e.g., preventing emails to unsubscribed users).
Motivations behind Active Delivery:
- organize notifications related logic:
# Before
def after_some_action
MyMailer.with(user: user).some_action.deliver_later if user.receive_emails?
NotifyService.send_notification(user, "action") if whatever_else?
# After
def after_some_action
MyDelivery.with(user: user).notify(:some_action)
- better testability (see Testing).
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'active_delivery'
And then execute:
$ bundle
The Delivery class is used to trigger notifications. It describes how to notify a user (e.g., via email or push notification or both):
class PostsDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base
# in most cases you don't have to specify anything in this class,
# 'cause default transport-level classes (such as mailers)
It acts as a proxy in front of the different delivery channels (i.e., mailers, notifiers). That means that calling a method on delivery class invokes the same method on the corresponding sender class, e.g.:
PostsDelivery.notify(:published, user, post)
# under the hood it calls
PostsMailer.published(user, post).deliver_later
# and if you have a notifier (or any other line, see below)
PostsNotifier.published(user, post).notify_later
P.S. Naming ("delivery") is inspired by Basecamp:
Delivery also supports parameterized calling:
PostsDelivery.with(user: user).notify(:published, post)
The parameters could be accessed through the params
instance method (e.g., to implement guard-like logic).
NOTE: When params are presents the parametrized mailer is used, i.e.:
PostsMailer.with(user: user).published(post)
See Rails docs for more information on parameterized mailers.
NOTE: callbacks are only available if ActiveSupport is present in the app's runtime.
# Run method before delivering notification
# NOTE: when `false` is returned the execution is halted
before_notify :do_something
# You can specify a notification method (to run callback only for that method)
before_notify :do_mail_something, on: :mailer
# after_ and around_ callbacks are also supported
after_notify :cleanup
around_notify :set_context
# Let's log notifications
class MyDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base
after_notify do
# You can access the notificaion name within the instance "Delivery triggered: #{notification_name}"
#=> Delivery triggered: something_wicked_this_way_comes
NOTE: RSpec only for the time being.
Active Delivery provides an elegant way to test deliveries in your code (i.e., when you want to check whether a notification has been sent) through a have_delivered_to
it "delivers notification" do
expect { subject }.to have_delivered_to(Community::EventsDelivery, :modified, event)
.with(profile: profile)
You can also use such RSpec features as compound expectations and composed matchers:
it "delivers to RSVPed members via .notify" do
expect { subject }.
to have_delivered_to(Community::EventsDelivery, :canceled, an_instance_of(event)).with(
a_hash_including(profile: another_profile)
).and have_delivered_to(Community::EventsDelivery, :canceled, event).with(
profile: profile
If you want to test that no notification is delivered you can use negation:
specify "when event is not found" do
expect do
described_class.perform_now(, "123", "one_hour_before")
end.not_to have_delivered_to(Community::EventsDelivery)
NOTE:* test mode activated automatically if RAILS_ENV
env variable is equal to "test". Otherwise add require "active_delivery/testing"
to your spec_helper.rb
/ rails_helper.rb
The Line class describes the way you want to transfer your deliveries.
We only provide only Action Mailer line out-of-the-box.
A line connects delivery to the sender class responsible for sending notifications.
If you want to use parameterized deliveries, your sender class must respond to .with(params)
Assume that we want to send messages via pigeons and we have the following sender class:
class EventPigeon
class << self
# Add `.with` method as an alias
alias with new
# delegate delivery action to the instance
def message_arrived(*args)
def initialize(params = {})
# do smth with params
def message_arrived(msg)
# send a pigeon with the message
Now we want to add a pigeon line to our EventDelivery,
that is we want to send pigeons when
we call EventDelivery.notify(:message_arrived, "ping-pong!")
Line class has the following API:
class PigeonLine < ActiveDelivery::Lines::Base
# This method is used to infer sender class
# `name` is the name of the delivery class
def resolve_class(name)
name.gsub(/Delivery$/, "Pigeon").safe_constantize
# This method should return true if the sender recognizes the delivery action
def notify?(delivery_action)
# `handler_class` is available within the line instance
# Called when we want to send message synchronously
# `sender` here either `sender_class` or `sender_class.with(params)`
# if params passed.
def notify_now(sender, delivery_action, *args)
# For example, our EventPigeon class returns some `Pigeon` object
pigeon = sender.public_send(delivery_action, *args)
# PigeonLaunchService do all the sending job
PigeonService.launch pigeon
# Called when we want to send a message asynchronously.
# For example, you can use a background job here.
def notify_later(sender, delivery_action, *args)
pigeon = sender.public_send(delivery_action, *args)
# PigeonLaunchService do all the sending job
PigeonLaunchJob.perform_later pigeon
NOTE: we fallback to superclass's sender class if resolve_class
returns nil.
You can disable automatic inference of sender classes by marking delivery as abstract:
# we don't want to use ApplicationMailer by default, don't we?
class ApplicationDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base
self.abstract_class = true
The final step is to register the line within your delivery class:
class EventDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base
# under the hood a new instance of PigeonLine is created
# and used to send pigeons!
register_line :pigeon, PigeonLine
# you can pass additional options to customize your line
# (and use multiple pigeons lines with different configuration)
# register_line :pigeon, PigeonLine, namespace: "AngryPigeons"
# now you can explicitly specify pigeon class
# pigeon MyCustomPigeon
# or define pigeon specific callbacks
# before_notify :ensure_pigeon_is_not_dead, on: :pigeon
– Action Mailer-like interface for text-based notifications.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.