Mobile Programming Challenge - Like DB
You are working on the next hot mobile-social startup and you've been asked to
answer some questions about the data you've collected in the form of CSV files. Each
CSV file is very large, (a few MB each.)
One of the CSV files has a bunch of user data in it, including a name, phone number,
gender and current position on a fictional coordinate system for each user. The
second CSV has a mapping of user names to various things that they like.
The coordinate system is defined to be a rectangle of arbitrary dimensions. You
should determine the dimensions based on the data in the users.csv.
You want to be able to answer the following questions:
Show me all users within DISTANCE radius of (X, Y) that like LIKE
Let's call this the TARGETED_LIKES query
Get all GENDER users that are within DISTANCE of each other
Call this one the NEARBY_GENDER query
You have a few options for building your code. Whichever method you choose to go
with, note that we will expect it to work on a fresh install of Xcode/VisualStudio/
linux. So, remember to remove any absolute paths, erroneous library references/
includes/directories, etc...
Xcode project
Visual Studio solution
Makefile or command line for building using g++ 4.0+
You may only use what's available in the standard library and don't include source
code you did not write.
Also, please include a quick paragraph in a README.txt file explaining your solution
and any extra features you decided to include.
Zip/tar your solution into a file named
To recap, your solution should at least contain these files:
users.csv // We'll also use some of our own CSV files as input
Lastly, we'd like to ask that you do not post this question or your solution online for
others to use.
CSV Files
Format: name, phone_number, x, y, gender
"Cory Virok", "555-223-2121", 37, 122, "male"
"Alice Cooper", "123-666-0101", 21, 102, "female"
"Bo Jangles", "", 11, 0, "male"
Format: user, like
"Cory Virok", "pizza"
"Alice Cooper", "Lumos Labs"
"Cory Virok", "roller coasters"
"Alice Cooper", "puppies"
Your program should take the query descriptor and all necessary parameter values
on the command line. You can assume the users.csv and likes.csv files are in the
current directory.
$> ./likedb -q targeted_likes distance=5 x=27 y=127 like="pizza"
All output should go to stdout and should be parseable as CSV data. Any errors that
occur should go to stderr.
Your program's output will depend on the query descriptor used.
Output format: user, phone_number, x, y, gender
$>./likedb -q targeted_likes distance=5 x=27 y=127 like="pizza"
"Cory Virok", "555-223-2121", 37, 122, "male"
"Alice Cooper", "123-666-0101", 21, 102, "female"
Output format: user_1, user_2, distance
$>./likedb -q nearby_gender distance=20 gender=male
"Cory Virok", "Nikola Tesla", 19.8
"Steve Jobs", "Cory Virok", 11.9
"Steve Jobs", "Joel Spolsky", 15.0