Larry got new mecanum wheels and a 8BitDo SN30 controller to control all of his movements. The website looks funny because of all the movements he can now do.
All controls go through the website so that you dont need any fance gui or controllers. If it works on your pc's browser then you can control larry. The best is when two people fight over control. Since it's on the browser this is possible.
- Website for controls
- 8BitDo SN30
- Grab images using API call's
import urllib.request import json import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with urllib.request.urlopen("") as url: data = json.loads( photo = np.array(data) plt.imshow(photo)
Connect to the pi once powered on.
ssh-keygen -R raspberrypi.local // Remove old pi connection from pc
ssh [email protected] // connect to local raspberry pi because i'm to lazy to look up the I.P
Download this repository and move into the code directory on the raspberry pi.
cd Desktop/LarryLabBot/
Run one of the two options.
gunicorn -w 1 -b app:app (Shows everything in the terminal)
gunicorn -w 1 -b app:app -D --log-file=gunicorn.log // Detached (Runs in the background)
Larry took over an old JetBot frame that I built a while back with the jetson nano that would always blow up and the drivers for all the software was garbage.
Larry got some new wheels and a new frame.
OG LARRY from when we started.