- An AI agent capable of performing complex data analytics queries to answer natural language questions.
- Streamed chatbot-style responses and Plotly visualisations.
- Robust error handling and correction.
- Developed using OpenAI's API.
- Accepts Google BigQuery as a data source and capable of multi-table queries.
Python 3.11 environment using dependencies from requirements.txt.
For local development, start a MongoDB Docker container.
docker run -p 27017:27017 --name mongo -d mongodb/mongodb-community-server:latest
For production, secrets and environment variables are set in a app_secrets_{environment}.yaml
file during deployment.
For local development, secrets and environment variables are loaded using the Python python-dotenv
package from a .env
Make a copy of .env.example to .env and fill in the relevant variables from Keeper.
.env should not be committed to git and is included in the .gitignore file.
For production, Google Cloud Platform will authenticate using the application's default service account.
For local development:
- Install the gcloud CLI: e.g.
sudo snap install google-cloud-cli
- Set up Google Application Default Credentials:
gcloud auth application-default login
- Set default GCP project (for now we'll cautiously use the production project until we have a staging environment with datasets):
gcloud config set project psychic-medley-383515
Edit app/Home.py
to customize this app to your heart's desire. ❤️
Run Streamlit app locally using make run
- open in a browser and edit the code live.
If you have any questions, check out the Streamlit documentation and community forum.
The Google Service Account used for the production app should be given the following roles:
- BigQuery Data Viewer
- BigQuery Job User
- BigQuery Read Session User
- Cloud Datastore User
- Firebase Admin SDK Administrator Service Agent
For developer access to BigQuery, where they are required to create and delete datasets, the Service Account should additionally have the following permissions:
- BigQuery User
- BigQuery Data Editor
Cloud Firestore is used for storing analytics about queries and responses.
In a new GCP projects, you'll need to enable the Cloud Firestore API and create a new database using "Native Mode".
Default region: Frankfurt europe-west3
gcloud config set project chartgpt-production
gcloud config set app/cloud_build_timeout 1600
gcloud app deploy --project=chartgpt-production app_production.yaml
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud services enable sqladmin.googleapis.com
# Get cloud-sql-proxy from source for relevant operating system
chmod +x cloud-sql-proxy
./cloud-sql-proxy $CONNECTION_NAME