A sample app that demos Pulsar client-side Controlled failover
This app has three components
- A Provider app that works as a simple URL Service Provider as shown here. You must start one (only one) instance of this app before you start anything else (i.e. Producer or Consumer). If you plan on having more than one instance of this app for High-Availability (HA), you must put these instances behind a single HA load-balancer and the Producer and Consumer will need to access it via the load-balancer.
- A Producer app that produce messages at regular intervals. You can start one of more instances of this app.
- A Consumer app that consumes messages produced by the above Producer. You can start one of more instances of this app.
Below is a high-level diagram of the above components and the Pulsar Controlled Failover flow
- Java 11
- Apache Maven 3.8.x (to build the app)
- Pulsar 3.x
- Two (or more) Pulsar based Streaming clusters
- One clusters will be the Primary, while all the other clusters will be DR clusters that can takeover in case of a failover
- For the purpose of this demo, we will use Astra Streaming (SaaS Streaming provider by DataStax) to standup two Pulsar based streaming clusters.
From root of this repo, run command mvn clean package -Passembly
First start the Provider app using command java -cp target/producer_failover-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.datastax.demo.streaming.provider.ClusterConfigProvider
Then start the Producer app using command java -cp target/producer_failover-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.datastax.demo.streaming.producer.ProducerApp
Finally start the Consumer app using command java -cp target/producer_failover-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.datastax.demo.streaming.consumer.ConsumerApp
You can have as many (one or more) instances of Producers
and Consumer
, however you must have only one instance of Provider
The above demo app uses two Astra Streaming SaaS clusters (ideally deployed in different regions) with bidirectional replication. Internally it refers to them as clusterA and clusterB. Initially, clusterA is the default Primary and clusterB is DR/Failover.
You can find which cluster is currently Primary at anytime by hitting the Provider endpoint at /getConfig
. If you are running the app locally, it can be accessed here http://localhost:8080/getconfig
To inject a failover, go to Provider endpoint /setConfig
and pass a JSON request body of {"cluster-name": "clusterB"}
. Note, the value can be clusterA
OR clusterB
based on the cluster you want to failover to. If running locally, you could initiate a failover by posting the above JSON body to endpoint http://localhost:8080/setconfig
, followed byProducer
. Producer and Consumer messages showclusterA
(useast1) as the primary (see below screenshots) -
, check the current Cluster via a tool like Postname (see below screenshots) -
, now perform failover toclusterB
messages should showclusterB
(useast4) post failover