This library is experimental, and is dedicated for use with the Dev board v4 found on PJRC forum -
The purpose of this library is to display image data on an RGB display using the built in LCD controller of the IMXRT1062 chip by NXP - the eLCDIF controller.
Information about this peripheral can be found in the reference manual, chapter 35.
In order to display data on screens larger than 320*240px @ 16 or 18 bit color depth, external SDRAM is needed (which is only available on the dev board/custom board) and requires the experimental SDRAM_t4 library (
Include the library using:
#include "eLCDIF_t4.h"
Create an lcd object using the eLCDIF_t4 class
eLCDIF_t4 lcd;
Create a config structure using the lcdif_rgb_mode_config struct
eLCDIF_t4_config config;
Call the begin function passing though the following arguments:
- Bus width with the following options:
- Word Length (color depth) with the following options:
- Config - referance your config contructor into the begin function
begin(BUS_24BIT, WORD_24BIT, config);