Coaching process at Netcentric conducted by Erik Grijzen
This coaching process will allow me to focus on understanding by doing the very foundations of the front-end development process without the limitations of an specific backend system. The final goal is to build from scratch a frontend application using state of the art frameworks and techonolgies with a building process to automate all the steps to get the final release for the production environment.
The whole process is divided in three parts:
- Improve project setup knowledge
- How to setup a project on [Github] (
- How to setup the [HTML5 Boilerplate] (
- How to setup the project folder structure.
- How to develop plain html and css without preprocessors from the [Do] ( psd design for the todo app.
Implement html pages in plain html5 and css3 using HTML5 Boilerplate as base template that will become the different views of the MVC todo list application using Github as a repository. My coach will review that all the topics are correctly implemented and checked as completed.
- Improve automation build knowledge
a. How to improve the working process. * Improvements in terminal messaging and readability. * Implementing static code and code style analysis with [ESLint] ( ([JSCS] ( + [JSHint] ( * Live reload with [BrowserSync] (
b. How to improve the application build process. * Development and production build. * CSS pre processor compilation, exploring SASS competitors as [PostCSS] ( and [LibSass] ( * Minification and concatenation. * Testing with [Jasmine] (
Develop a fast and stable build process which automates the necessary steps to release the application in a production environment. My coach will review that all the topics are correctly implemented and checked as completed.
- Improve client application architecture knowledge
- How to create a simple single page MVC todo list application with [Angular 2] (
- How to manage all the dependencies of the project with [NPM] (
- How to use routing to change the view.
- How to work with public APIs retrieving information in JSON format to present dynamic information.
Create a todo list application from scratch using the Angular 2 framework, that will be able to do all CRUD actions. This application has to be a SPA and change its views using routing without refreshing the page. It will retrieve all its data using AJAX that is connected to a REST API from a public source. My coach will review that all the topics are correctly implemented and checked as completed.
# External projects:
- [Frontend talk about PostCSS] (
- [Academy syllabus about ES2015 with JS exercises solved using Jasmine] (
- [RequireJS + own MVC system + D3 + Flickr API + Google Maps API] (
- [Angular2 + Typescript + SystemJS + Routing + D3 + Marvel API] (
# Blog posts:
- [Coaching project 001] ( setup and first steps
- [Coaching project 002] ( gulp development of the frontend build (1)
- [Coaching project 003] ( gulp development of the frontend build (2)
- [Coaching project 004] ( html5boilerplate analysis