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1. Setup | EN

ddPn08 edited this page Dec 19, 2022 · 2 revisions

1. Setup

1.1 Clone repository

Clone AUTOMAITC1111/stable-diffusion-webui.



You can change the repository_url to select another repository, or specify a specific branch or commit by specifying webui_branch. Usually, you do not need to make any changes.

1.2 Setup models

Set up the StableDiffusion model.


Data Directory

If you want to download the model on Colab

If you want to download models on Colab, check the download_if_missing checkbox and follow the steps below.

  1. obtain the URL to download the model and enter the link in `model_url
  2. if you need authentication (e.g. models that require model card agreement hosted on HuggingFace, etc.), enter a token in auth_token.
  3. If you want to specify a file name for saving, specify the file name in model_filename.

Use GoogleDrive

By checking the mount_google_drive checkbox, you can save models, output images, config files, etc. on GoogleDrive. This will prevent models from being downloaded again or output images from being lost even if the notebook is closed once.

*Model files can be large; please pay attention to the remaining space on your GoogleDrive.


data_dir_gdrive Path of Data Directory in Google Drive