Cacti is designed to be a complete graphing solution based on the RRDtool's framework. Its goal is to make a network administrator's job easier by taking care of all the necessary details necessary to create meaningful graphs.
Please see the official Cacti website for information, support, and updates.
Larry Adams (TheWitness, Active)
Mark Brugnoli-Vinten (netniV, Active)
Jimmy Conner (cigamit, Active)
Andreas Braun (browniebraun, Active)
J.P. Pasnak, CD (Linegod, Active)
Tony Roman (rony, Emeritus)
Reinhard Scheck (gandalf, Emeritus)
Ian Berry (raX, Founder, Emeritus)
A very special thanks to Tobi Oetiker, the creator of RRDtool and the very popular MRTG. The users of Cacti - especially anyone who has taken the time to create a bug report, or otherwise help fix a Cacti related problem. Also to anyone who has contributed to supporting Cacti.
Cacti is licensed under the GNU GPL:
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
This section contains information on how to install and/or upgrade the Cacti system. It covers requirements, different platforms and the steps needed to get your system working under normal circumstances.
This section describes Cacti components and their purpose as well as providing examples including on how to create Templates in Cacti.
This section covers more advanced material such as using a advanced data collection and replacement variables that can be used within Templates, etc.
This section contains all Plugin development related information. Guidelines, hooks, references, etc. More information can be found on the Cacti Forums.
This section contains how to's for several topics.
This section contains information on how to contribute to Cacti.
This section contains the relevant information on how to ensure that any contribution is kept to the same standards that are applied for the Cacti Group. It should be noted that non-compliance does not mean automatically exclusion of proposed changes.
Installing Cacti on Linux
3.1. Installation Under CentOS 7 - LAMP Stack
1.1. Navigating the User Interface
1.3. Graph Overview
1.4. How to Graph Your Network
1.5. Viewing Graphs
2.1. Devices
2.2. Sites
2.3. Trees
2.4. Graphs
2.5. Data Sources
2.6. Aggregates
Data Collection
3.1. Data Collectors
3.3. Data Input Methods
3.4. Data Queries
4.1. Device
4.2. Graph
4.3. Data Source
4.4. Aggregate
4.5. Color
5.1. Networks
5.2. Discovered Devices
5.3. Device Rules
5.4. Graph Rules
5.5. Tree Rules
5.6. SNMP Options
6.1. Data Profiles
6.2. CDEFS
6.3. VDEFS
6.4. Colors
6.5. GPRINTs
7.1. Import Templates
7.2. Export Templates
8.1. General
8.2. Paths
8.3. Device Defaults
8.4. Poller
8.5. Data
8.6. Visual
8.7. Performance
8.8. Spikes
8.9. Mail/Reporting/DNS
9.1. Local Auth
9.2. LDAP Auth
9.3. Basic Auth
9.4. Domains Auth
Configuration - Users, Groups and Domains
10.1. Users
10.2. User Groups
10.3. User Domains
12.1. System Utilities
12.2. Data Debug
12.3. External Links
13.1. Reports Admistrative Interface
13.2. Reports User Interface
13.3. Report Items Page
13.4. Report Preview Page
13.5. Report Events Page
Data Collection
1.1. Command Line Scripts
1.2. PHP Script Server
12.Change poller interval from 5 minutes to 1 minute
Watch Howto's and Tutorials on the Cacti Official YouTube page if you prefer. If you would have any ideas for videos or would like to contribute let us know !
Cacti Official Youtube Channel
This section will be for template specific configuration requriments
Copyright (c) 2004-2024 The Cacti Group