You can find single Cas9 (CRISPR associated protein) guides by just looking for potential binding sites that meet minimum requirements for binding to DNA. The problem detectDesign solves is finding Cas9 guides for use in a paired dCas9-kinase sensor system. The software can find paired sgRNA protospacers within linker range on a given target and rank the pairs based on matches to non-intended protospacers.
Full user manual with example:
detectDesign was developed using Python 3.6.8, Python 2 is not supported.
- Python 3.6+
matplotlib==3.0.3 numpy==1.17.3 pandas==1.0.1 seaborn==0.8.1 regex==2018.8.29
To move files into O2 Get filezilla: Host info:
srun --pty -p interactive --mem 8G -t 0-06:00 /bin/bash
module load conda2
conda create -n detectDesign-env-04_07_2021 python=3.7 matplotlib==3.0.3 seaborn==0.8.1 pandas==1.0.1 regex==2018.8.29 numpy==1.17.3
conda activate detectDesign-env-04_07_2021
chmod 777 ./
sbatch -p short -t 0-04:00:00 --mem 32000MB -o detectDesign_%j.out -e detectDesign_err_%j.err --wrap="./"