Chadex is a non-custodial peer-to-peer ERC-20/ERC-20 decentralised exchange protocol.
- Users permit the Chadex smart contract to perform ERC-20 token transfers
- Users express their desire to exchange ERC-20 tokens to other ERC-20 tokens by adding orders to the exchange
- If the prices match between users, the exchange takes place.
Fully on-chain ERC-20/ERC-20 DEX using Red-Black Trees and queues for sorted orderbook executions.
Status: Work in progress
npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-truffle5 @nomiclabs/hardhat-web3 web3
npm install --save-dev @openzeppelin/test-helpers npm install --save-dev solidity-coverage
npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers 'ethers@^5.0.0'
Run coverage reports using the command
npx hardhat coverage
Output will be in the generated coverage directory
If you are using yarn, you can run
yarn hardhat coverage
Token incompatibilities - An Incompatibility in Ethereum Smart Contract Threatening dApp Ecosystem
- Token registry includes rating
- 0 scam, 1 suspect, 2 unrated, 3 OK, 5 reputable
- Prevent front running
hash(ccy1/ccy2) => Orderbook
Orderbook RedBlackTree index by price buyOrders - Expiring Queue => Order * OrderType orderType; * address baseToken; // GNT * address quoteToken; // ETH * uint price; // GNT/ETH = 0.00054087 = #quoteToken per unit baseToken * uint expiry; * uint amount; // GNT - baseToken sellOrders
- Move past consumed orders, graceful gas limit exit
- Handle canTransferFrom() - ethereum/EIPs#1594 `function canTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value, bytes _data) external view returns (bool, byte, bytes32);``
function trade(uint orderFlag, address baseToken, address quoteToken, uint price, uint expiry, uint baseTokens, address uiFeeAccount) public payable returns (uint _baseTokensFilled, uint _quoteTokensFilled, uint _baseTokensOnOrder, bytes32 _orderKey);
Parameters | Notes |
orderFlag |
uint256 |
baseToken |
address of the baseToken |
quoteToken |
address of the quoteToken |
price |
uint256 |
expiry |
uint256 |
baseTokens |
uint256 |
uiFeeAccount |
address |
And orderFlag
is constructed using the following bitmasks
// Note that the BUY and SELL flags are used as indices
uint constant public ORDERTYPE_BUY = 0x00;
uint constant public ORDERTYPE_SELL = 0x01;
uint constant public ORDERFLAG_BUYSELL_MASK = 0x01;
// BK Default is to fill as much as possible
uint constant public ORDERFLAG_FILL = 0x00;
uint constant public ORDERFLAG_FILLALL_OR_REVERT = 0x10;
uint constant public ORDERFLAG_FILL_AND_ADD_ORDER = 0x20;