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A python package for tabulating crystallization results across many trays

traytable provides methods for

  • storing all information about a crystallization screen in dictionaries
  • extracting and tabulating all data about "hits" into a pandas dataframe.

The goal of traytable is for all crystallization data to be inputted once and only once, and then conveniently looked up and reused whenever needed.

You can find a jupyter notebook with a brief demonstration of package functionality here.
Full documentation via Read the Docs can be found here
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pip install traytable


A super brief example:

import traytable as tt

myscreen = tt.screen(row='protein', col='PEG', maxwell='H6') # Each row is a different [protein], and each column is a different %PEG
tray1 = tt.tray(myscreen, rows=[1,8], cols=[10,20]) # Rows vary from 1 to 8, columns vary from 10 to 20
results = tt.well(tray1, 'A3', 'good') # there is a good crystal in well A3 of tray 1
results = tt.well(tray1, ['E4', 'E5'], 'needle', old_df=results) # there are needle-y crystals in wells E4 and E5 of tray 1

The return results from tt.well() is a pandas data frame where every crystal you've logged gets its own row, and every parameter you've indicated gets its own column. This makes it easy to keep track of the best conditions for your crystals across many trays with slightly different conditions. Note that upon logging your "hits", there's no need to input [protein] or %PEG; that information is already encoded by the tray and well you specified!

Required arguments

tt.screen() requires:
  • row: a string indicating the parameter that is encoded by each row in a tray
  • col: a string indicating the parameter that is encoded by each column in a tray
  • maxwell: a string indicating the name of the well in the bottom right corner of each tray. Any size tray is supported; however, currently, rows must be named with letters, and columns must be named with numbers
tt.tray() requires:
  • screen: The screen, as created by tt.screen(), that this tray should inherit parameters from. You can't create a tray without a screen.
  • rows: Specify the values to assign to each row with either a single number (to assign to all rows), a list of two numbers (to evenly space among the rows) or a list of numbers explicitly specifying a value for each row. With 8 rows, you might say rows=5, rows=[1,8] or rows=[1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12].
  • cols: Specify values for columns, with the same format as for rows.
tt.well() requires:
  • tray: The tray
  • well: The well; must be a string of format '[letter][number]', and must fall into the range specified by the screen's maxwell
  • quality: Any type, though I recommend either a short categorical string (e.g. 'good', 'bad', 'needles', or 'multilattice') or a numerical score, in order to best utilize the tools of pandas to manipulate and summarize your results.
  • old_df: Not strictly required, but to append previous results, pass previous returns from tt.well() to the next call as old_df =

Optional arguments

All three of these methods (tt.screen(), tt.tray(), and tt.well()) will accept any additional named arguments, and include them as columns in the final data frame. As you would expect, arguments passed to tt.screen() will apply to all wells in all trays in the screen, and arguments passed to tt.tray() will apply to all wells in that tray. For example:

detailedscreen = tt.screen(row='protein', col='PEG', maxwell='H6', construct='HEWL', buffer='imidazole', bufferconc=20, salt='MnCl2', saltconc=125)
tray1 = tt.tray(detailedscreen, rows=[1,8], cols=[10,20], date='2021-01-01', setby='robot', weathernotes='very humid day') 
results = tt.well(tray1, 'A1', 'good', appxnum=3, notes='rod-shaped')

Other things of note

The clonetray() method

To save some typing, you can create trays with tt.clonetray(). Usage is newtray = tt.clonetray(oldtray, **kwargs). Any additional arguments passed to clonetray() will supercede the associated parameter from the parent tray. For example:

# assume screen already exists
tray1 = tt.tray(screen, rows=[1,8], cols=[5,10], date='2021-01-02'
tray2 = tt.clonetray(tray1, date='2021-01-03')

Special treatment of dates

A crystal will frequently have two dates associated with it - when the tray was set, and when the crystal is being logged. Two things of note happen to address this:

  • Arguments named 'date' passed to tt.tray() and tt.well() automatically become columns named 'date_set' and 'date_logged', respectively.
  • If both 'dates's are present and in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD), they are subtracted (via the datetime module) to compute a new column days_elapsed. This is an especially important datapoint in crystallization, so it makes sense to give it special treatment. This also avoids the redundant input of date set, date logged, and days elapsed, when the latter is of course determined by the two former.

Using pandas methods

As mentioned above, tt.well() returns a pandas dataframe. This means that you can use pandas methods and features as desired. One frequent usage might be printing out only select columns with bracket notation, or accessing a certain column with dot notation, e.g.

concise_results = results[['protein', 'PEG', 'quality']]


import numpy as np
number_of_crystals = np.sum(results.appxnum())

You can also use the built-in plotting backend of pandas, which can be nifty to visualize what conditions are working best.

results.plot.scatter('protein', 'PEG')

A slightly fancier plot:

import numpy as np

results['proteinplot'] = results.protein +  np.random.normal(scale=0.15, size=len(results))
results['PEGplot'] = results.PEG +  np.random.normal(scale=0.15, size=len(results))

colordict= {'good':'green',

results.plot.scatter('proteinplot', 'PEGplot', alpha=0.5,

Mismatching columns

Results from subsequent calls to tt.well() are appended via an "outer_join", meaning that columns present in one dataframe but not the other will give NaN values where appropriate, but no errors. This gives flexibility to vary the kinds of details you include across different trays and wells, while still keeping the "core" data common to all crystals in one place.


A python package for tabulating crystallization results across many trays




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