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GitHubFileFetcher is an extension that searches and fetches files from GitHub.

GitHubFileFetcher is a powerful extension for Visual Studio Code that can help you save time and increase your productivity. With its simple and intuitive interface, you can easily search for files and repositories on GitHub without leaving your workspace. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting out, GitHubFileFetcher is an excellent tool to add to your VS Code arsenal.

So, try it out and see how it can improve your workflow!

Repository GitHub Visual Studio Marketplace
GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub open issues GitHub closed issues Visual Studio Marketplace last-updated Visual Studio Marketplace Version
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GitHub code size in bytes GitHub downloads VSC marketplace download VSC marketplace install
GitHub commits since tagged version GitHub Workflow Lint GitHub Workflow Pages


The following steps are performed one after the other.

1. GitHubFileFetcher (1/6): Fetching GitHub repositories.

This function allows you to search for GitHub owners or GitHub repositories.
The search results (owner/repository) are then displayed.

2. GitHubFileFetcher (2/6): Fetching branches.

After selecting the repository, all possible branches are displayed.

3. GitHubFileFetcher (3/6): Fetching files.

After that, select the desired file.

4. GitHubFileFetcher (4/6): Fetching destination folder.

Finally, the destination folder must be selected.

5. GitHubFileFetcher (5/6): Enter or change destination file path...

Enter or change destination file path.

6. GitHubFileFetcher (6/6): Added file.

`Hocus Pocus` - The file was created at the desired location.

GitHubFileFetcher: Should I save the new repository in the settings?

So that you don't have to search for the repositories again and again,
you can save the currently used one in the settings.

Shortcut: strg + alt + k, f
Command: GitHubFileFetcher: Searches and fetches files from GitHub.



Preferences -> Settings -> Extensions -> GitHubFileFetcher

Name Description Default Value
gitHubFileFetcher.informationMessages Information messages will be displayed. true
gitHubFileFetcher.repositories List of possible GitHub repositories. GitHub {owner}/{repo}. dennykorsukewitz/VSCode-GitHubFileFetcher
gitHubFileFetcher.githubUsername GitHub username dennykorsukewitz
gitHubFileFetcher.githubToken GitHub token 123xxx789

The GitHub API is limited to 60 requests per hour for non authorized requests. You can provide your GitHub username and an access token to push this limit to 5000 requests per hour. Please see the official GitHub doc for further information. You can generate the access token in your GitHub settings.



To install this extension, you have three options:

1. Search Extension in Marketplace

Search and install online extension via VSC extensions menu.

Code -> Preferences -> Extensions simply search for GitHubFileFetcher to install.

2. Install via vsix file

Download latest vsix file and install via extensions menu.

Code -> Preferences -> Extensions -> Views and More Action -> Install from VSIX.

3. Source code

Download archive with the latest release and unpack it to VisualStudioCode extensions folder $HOME/.vscode/extensions/.


For download see VSCode-GitHubFileFetcher


Your Denny Korsukéwitz 🚀