ESP32 based wifi Thermostat for Homeassistant.
Currently there are three hardware versions available:
- 1.54'' Display without buttons
- 1.54'' Display with buttons
- 2.9'' Display with buttons
All versions share a ESP32 D1 Mini as Microcontroller and use Waveshare epaper displays.
The controller is a simple D1 Mini with ESP32 chip which supports Wifi and provides plenty of GPIO pins for this project.
I soldered three tactile buttons onto a PCB which I cut down to 30mm x 13mm so they fit into the case.
Pick one of the epaper displays from Waveshare:
Although there are three color versions of the 2.9'' display available, those are not supported.
Note: Currently partial refreshes are only available for the 2.9'' display which therefor feels way more responsive
You can find stl
files (and the FreeCad Sources) for several cases in this repository.
- Case for 1.54'' display without buttonsThermostat_Case_1.54-Buttons_Front.stl
- Case for 1.54'' display with buttonsThermostat_Case_2.9_Front.stl
- Case for 2.9'' display with buttons and USB leftThermostat_Case_2.9-right_Front.stl
- Case for 2.9'' display with buttons and USB right
Note: the 2.9'' display has quite small mounting holes, the pins of the case break quite easily.
There are also some buttons you can print for the cases (they look way nicer when using a resin printer).
Solder the display and buttons to your D1 Mini. The displays need 3.3V.
GPIO | Usage |
GPIO21 | Display - CS |
GPIO22 | Display - MOSI / DIN |
GPIO25 | Display - BUSY |
GPIO26 | Display - RESET |
GPIO27 | Display - DC |
GPIO32 | Display - CLK |
Measure the direction your tactile buttons switch and connect one side to GND and the other to the following pins (do this for all three buttons):
GPIO | Usage |
GPIO18 | Button - Down |
GPIO19 | Button - Up |
GPIO23 | Button - Push |
Install esphome on your system and make sure it works.
Create a secrets.yaml
file with your wifi credentials:
wifi_ssid: "FOO BAR"
wifi_password: "12345678"
Pick the yaml
file depending on the display and buttons, update the entity ids to reflect your Homeassistant setup and install it to the ESP32:
esphome run .\thermostat_2.9-right.yaml