Strips minErr error messages from your build.
npm install --save-dev minerr-strip
This is essentially how the plugin is used in the gulp-minerr-strip package.
* @param {MinErrBuilderOptions} options
function minerrStrip( options ) {
'use strict';
try {
var minErrBuilder = new MinErrBuilder( options );
} catch ( error ) {
throw new PluginError( PLUGIN_NAME, error );
return through.obj(
function transform( file, enc, done ) {
var _this = this;
if ( file.isNull() ) {
this.push( file );
return done();
function processFileContents(contents) {
try {
return minErrBuilder.processModule( contents );
} catch (error) {
_this.emit( 'error', new PluginError( PLUGIN_NAME, error) );
if ( file.isBuffer() ) {
file.contents = new Buffer( processFileContents( file.contents ) );
this.push( file );
return done();
if (!file.isStream()) {
// Can there be another type?
new PluginError( PLUGIN_NAME, 'File type was not buffer, stream or null and is therefor not supported' )
return done();
file.contents.pipe( es.wait( function ( err, data ) {
file.contents = es.readArray( [ processFileContents( data ) ] );
_this.push( file );
} ) );
function flush( done ) {
try {
} catch ( error ) {
this.emit( 'error', new PluginError( PLUGIN_NAME, error ) );
return done();
Pull requests are welcome! Remember to keep the following rules in mind:
- All features or bug fixes must be documented by one or more specs. We use Jasmine.
- Submissions must pass JSHint. Run
gulp lint
to check this. - Instead of complex inheritance hierarchies, we prefer simple objects. We use prototypical inheritance only when absolutely necessary.
- We love functions and closures and, whenever possible, prefer them over objects.