OddSite development requires Node.js 8.9.1 and yarn 1.3.2.
The right versions of Node and yarn are bundled in the OddSite repo and can be
unpacked inside the repo (in the git-ignored node/
directory), so you don't
have to install then system-wide (and possibly conflict with other projects
wanting other Node/yarn versions). Run bin/unpack-node
to unpack into
(this command also installs yarn for front-end package
management, and wipes the contents of node_modules/
Next you need to make sure that whenever you are working on OddSite, you use
that OddSite-specific Node instead of any system-wide Node you may have.
Updating your PATH
will achieve that:
export ODDSITE=$HOME/projects/oddsite export PATH=$ODDSITE/node/bin:$ODDSITE/node_modules/.bin:$PATH
Make sure you adjust the first line to match the actual directory where your
clone of the OddSite repo lives (you can run pwd
from within the OddSite
repo to find out the full path to it).
There are a variety of tools that let you set up environment variables
temporarily for a particular "environment" or directory. We use
virtualenvwrapper, in which case you can just add the above two lines to the
script file inside your OddSite virtualenv directory (if
you don't know where that is, you can run cdvirtualenv
with your OddSite
virtualenv activated to find it). Your PATH
will be updated when you
workon oddsite
and restored when you deactivate
If you can run which yarn
and see a path inside your OddSite repo ending
with .../node/bin/yarn
, then you've got it set up right and can move on.
To install the necessary Node dependencies, run yarn
. You should re-run
this command whenever package.json
and/or yarn.lock
changes; it's safe
to run anytime.
After running yarn
, make sure that which gulp
returns a path inside
your OddSite repo (should end with .../node_modules/.bin/gulp
), not a
system-wide path. If it doesn't, you may have set your PATH
variable incorrectly in the last step.
To add or update a front-end package, install the package with yarn
add <package_name>@<version> [--dev]
Local development on this project requires Python 2.7. To install the Python
dependencies, run pip install -r requirements.txt
(you may want to run this
in a virtualenv to isolate it from other Python projects on your system).
In commit messages or pull request titles, we use the following emojis to label which development commands need to be run before serving locally:
- 📦 (
) ->pip install -r requirements.txt
- 🐈 (
) ->yarn
- 🙀 (
) ->bin/unpack-node; yarn
After upgrading any of the OddBird-owned packages (Susy, True, Herman, or
Accoutrement-*), run bin/update-subproject-docs
to pull their updated
documentation into OddSite.
The site templates are in templates/
, content is in content/
, and
static files are in static/
To view the site live locally, run gulp serve
and visit
in your browser.
gulp serve
will also watch for changes to local files and automatically
perform an appropriate selection of the following tasks whenever changes are
detected to files in the templates/
and content/
- validate JS with ESLint
- validate Sass with Sass Lint
- compile the static assets with Webpack
- regenerate the site as static HTML files under the
To perform these tasks manually, run gulp
. To watch for changes without
starting a local server, run gulp watch
. Refer to the gulpfile.js
source and gulp documentation for more info.
The site is deployed on Github Pages. The output/
directory (which is git-
ignored) should be its own git repo (github.com/oddbird/oddbird.github.com,
which is also the deployment on Github Pages).
To deploy, first be sure that the output/
directory contains the correct
git repo; if not, run git clone [email protected]:oddbird/oddbird.github.com
to set it up.
Before deploying, cd output/
and git pull
to be sure you have the
latest code. Then, back in the parent directory (cd ..
), run gulp prod
to build the site under output/
. Run gulp prod-serve
to view your
changes to the production code before committing. When satisfied, cd
, commit those changes and then git push
to deploy it live.