build/: Directory for object files and other intermediate build artifacts.
docs/: Documentation for the project.
inc/: Header files for the project, defining interfaces for different modules.
- builtins.h: Declarations for built-in shell commands.
- execute.h: Declarations for command execution functions.
- parser.h: Declarations for command-line parsing functions.
- pipe.h: Declarations for piping functions.
- redirection.h: Declarations for redirection functions.
- shell.h: General declarations for the shell.
- tokens.h: Declarations for parsing functions.
lib/: Directory for third-party libraries, such as libft.
src/: Source files for the project, organized into subdirectories by functionality.
- builtins/: Implementation of built-in shell commands.
- execute/: Implementation of command execution logic.
- parser/: Implementation of command-line parsing.
- pipe/: Implementation of piping between commands.
- test/: Tests
- redirection/: Implementation of input/output redirection.
- utils/: Implementation of auxiliary functions.
- main.c: Entry point of the shell application.