Calculate neutrino oscillation probabilities easily.
You can install oscillations from PyPI in the usual way...
pip install oscillations
Here's a basic example of how to use the module:
import oscillations
osc = oscillations.Oscillations()
osc.setTheta23( 90.0 * oscillations.units.degrees )
osc.setE( 1.0 * oscillations.units.GeV )
osc.setL( 3000.0 * )
p = osc.p(oscillations.nu_mu, oscillations.nu_e)
print("P(nu_mu -> nu_e) = ", p)
print("Parameters used:")
Remember to always use the oscillations.units constants to convert to the correct units whenever you call the set parameter methods of Oscillations.
For convenience, there are three functions which return Oscillations objects with the parameters set according to values from recent PDG summary tables.
osc_2013 = oscillations.pdg2013()
osc_2020 = oscillations.pdg2020()
osc_2022 = oscillations.pdg2022()
There are multiple examples of the use of the module in, which includes the code used to generate all the oscillations plots in my PhD thesis.
To run, you will need to have PyROOT installed and loaded.
The module uses the standard PMNS matrix calculation for neutrino oscillations in a vacuum.
Neither matter effects nor sterile neutrinos are currently included.
Some basic unit testing is conducted in, which uses Python's unittest module (PyUnit).