Rewrite Header Regex is a middleware plugin for Traefik which extracts data via regexp from the target header and creates a new field with extracted content formatted using regex substitution.
token = "xxxx"
modulename = ""
version = "v0.0.1"
To configure the Rewrite Head plugin you should create a middleware in your dynamic configuration as explained here. The following example creates and uses the rewritehead middleware plugin to create a new header with extracted data foo from the HTTP request head.
rule = "Host(`localhost`)"
service = "my-service"
middlewares = ["reformatheader"]
url = ""
fromhead = "X-TargetHeader" //required
regex = "f(oo).?" //required
create = "X-NewHeader" //required
format = "${0}${1}" //required
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MIT Licensed.
DomaiNesia neither support nor guarantee maintenance of this project.
This is a part of giving back to open source community commitment from our company. Yet, our team still small, so we will contribute and maintain on what we currently use.