Never lose your work. Automatically back up your project with every export. A utility library for Processing.
import ch.domizai.simplebackup.*;
SimpleBackup backup;
void setup() {
backup = new SimpleBackup(this).copy("/");
void draw() {
void mouseClicked() {
backup = new SimpleBackup(this)
// Copy everything within the sketch directory (except the backup folder).
// Alternatively, list specific files or directories to copy.
.copy("advanced.pde", "data", "dir/to/file.ttf")
// Omit specific files or directories within the copied directories.
.omit("data/image.jpg", "dir/to/omit")
// Specify the backup folder. Default is "simplebackup".
// Enable or disable verbose mode (default is true).
// Limit the backup size for safety (default is 100_000 bytes).
// Get a list of files which will be copied.
// Get a list of files which are omitted by the user.
// Get a list of files which will be ignored (system files and files in the backup folder).
// Get the size of the backup
println(backup.getSize() + " bytes");
// Finally, back up your project.
// This copies the files and directories to a subdirectory within the backup folder.
// The subdirectory name follows the format "yyMMddHHmmss" and is determined at backup time.
// Or specify the subdirectory name yourself.
Just remember to save your sketch before backing up.
Tested with Processing 4.3.2 (1295) on macOS 14.3.1 (Sonoma) and Windows 10 (21H2).