🚀 Zonion is a React based food delivery application.
Hosted on zonion.vercel.app, this application brings a hassle-free way to explore and order from restaurants.
- Live Swiggy APIs for accurate menus, availability, and promotions.
- Lazy Loading & Code Splitting to enhance loading times and responsiveness.
- Shimmer UI for smooth loading effects.
- Redux Toolkit for centralized state management, ensuring a seamless experience.
- Custom Hooks to improve code reusability and maintainability.
- Search Functionality to quickly find restaurants and dishes.
- Filtering Options based on cuisine, ratings, and offers.
- React Router DOM for seamless navigation.
- Detailed Restaurant Pages with menus, reviews, and delivery estimates.
- 404 Error Page for handling navigation issues gracefully.
- Completely Responsive design for an optimal experience on any device.
- 🌐 Multi-Language Support: Navigate in your preferred language.
- 🌙 Dark Mode: A sleek, user-friendly dark theme.
- 📍 Location-Based Personalization: Custom delivery location setup.
- 🛒 Enhanced Add-to-Cart & Checkout: Smoother ordering process.
- 💳 Secure Payments: Seamless and secure transactions.
- 🔐 User Authentication: Login/Sign-in with personalized services.
- Frontend: React, Redux Toolkit, Tailwind CSS, React Router
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Bundler: Parcel
- Hosting: Vercel
git clone https://github.com/droidbg/Zonion.git
cd zonion
cd server
npm install
npm start
cd ../client
npm install
npm start
Create a .env
file in the client directory and add the following variables:
# CORS key
# Database URL (Posgres by default)
We welcome contributions! Feel free to open issues and pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Enjoy fast, seamless food and grocery delivery with Zonion!! 🚀