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Drone-Drops Node Based Solution

Installation & Pre-requisites

1. Installation

npm install

2. Run MongoDB

sudo mongod

3. Run TestRPC


4. Run Application

Running testrpc and mongodb as docker container

cd deploy
docker-compose up

Stopping testrpc and mongodb as docker container

cd deploy
docker-compose stop

1. Installation

npm run dev

Sample Data

To load sample data, run the following command in your terminal:

npm run sample

If you have previously loaded in this data, you can wipe your database 100% clean with:

npm run blowitallaway

Start the TestRpc with following command:

testrpc --account="0xaa73b5c98e60d589e71ce7cff59c02f82e12c7ce676ee356da8e058a285ccd61,1000000000000000000000" --account="0x2ac7167d1ef34f87cb4b9081d36433ae62d9fbae66775dfc10c4c1c761274315,0" --account="0xaef00ab772e70aa785f0674973d4ad08335ecb02f7e683c275068694b5258bb1,50000000000000000000"

Drone Ethererum Account

  1. Public Address:
  1. Private Key:

Sender Ethereum Account

  • Public Key
  • Private Key
  • Balance: 50

Configure Sender Account in Metamask:

  1. Enable Metamask and open with Password.
  2. Click the Profile Icon at the end of Menu.. select "Import Private Key"
  3. Copy paste private key of Sender in to.
  4. Use this account for Placing order


The Google Maps API key isn't working

You might have hit a limit with the API key — if this is the case you need to sign up for your own API key over at You will need to enable static maps for your API key.

Once you have the API key, simply place it in your variables.env file and restart.

Order of Longitude & Lattitude

We follow mongo's convention in this project.

let mongodb = Long & Lat;
let restOfTheWorld = Lat & Long;

I'm getting errors related to /data/db like code:100 and connection failed

Check out this answer on stack overflow to get mongoDB running locally.

I'm getting a URIError: URI malformed error when running npm start

If you’re getting a URIError: URI malformed error when running npm start, break out your environment variables. Go into variables.env and split the URI like this MONGO_URI=mongodb:// DB_USER=username and DB_PASS=password. Then inside your start.js replace mongoose.connect(process.env.DATABASE) with mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_URI, {user: process.env.DB_USER, pass: process.env.DB_PASS});. I had issues connecting to my mongodb because my password contained symbols.



  • ✅ Mambo Orchestration
  • ✅ Node App - Meta Coin
  • ✅ Node App - Meta Mask Integration
  • ✅ Search Drone based on co-ords
  • ✅ Lego Doors Base Version - Construction
  • ✅ Rpi - Image burning - Nodejs installation - BLE Setup
  • ✅ SVG Icons Updates
  • ✅ RPi - BLE Setup
  • ✅ MongoDB - Schema Update to include additional Details of Drone, (droneId (mambo-0702) , droneEthAccount, FlightHours, GpsBuiltIn, CameraFacility)
  • ✅ Lego Motion Sensor Detection
  • ✅ BLE - Authentication
  • ✅ Video Animation Done.
  • LegoController getOpenOrderId() updateOrderStatus() - req, res
  • ✅ Lego Door - Motor/Pulley Control through JS
  • ✅ Build Order-Status Page
    • ✅ Build based API
    • ✅ Add Animated UI to represent status.
  • ✅ Rpi - Scanning Program
  • ✅ RPi - Node-program to updateDelivery & validateOrder Tasks
    • ✅ Option 2. MacBook -> Node API -> TestRPC
    • ✅ Option 1. RPi -> Node API -> TestRPC
      • Write a Client.
    • ✅ Dependency
      • ✅ Resolve TestRPC connectivity among all devices.
      • ✅ Run in same network or (AWS Test RPC + Heroku NodeAPI)
  • ✅ Add Barcelona location based drones to MongoDB Stub Data
  • ✅ Pagewise UX/UI Check.
  • ✅ Hi-Res Drone Images
  • ✅ Slide Diagrams
  • ✅ Slide Animations + GIF with - gowtham
  • ✅ Expose ETH Accounts to MongoDB API
  • ✅ Landing Page - UI Update + Product Features + Team Photo
  • ✅ Search for all TODO: in Repo and close it.
  • ✅ Host the node-app & mongo-api in Heroku/Now
  • ✅ 💄 Toast Messages.
  • ✅ 💄 Floating - Labels
  • ✅ Clear unused npm packages from packages.json

jerome + dinesh + thiru

  • ✅ Transaction Contracts - Init
  • ✅ Happy Day Flow placeOrder integration with NodeAPI
  • ✅ API Calls to trigger Drone Fly.
  • ✅ Revisit with proper orchestration.
  • ✅ Remove All HardCoded Values
  • ❌ Negative scenario - Contract
  • ✅ Run TestRPC with Stubbed accounts.
  • ✅ Map TestRpc accounts with DroneMongoDB. - Thiru
  • ❌ Elite + BLE Integration
  • ❌ Escrow Management
  • ❌ Add Pickup Point co-ords to confirm pay page - dinesh ???

gowtham & Team

  • ✅ ValidateOrder API
  • ✅ Host - AWS Test RPC + Integration - Truffle Migration Issue.
  • ✅ Arch & Tech Diagram - Draft
  • ✅ Slide preparation
  • ✅ Test - E2E Integration
  • ❌ Possibility of Google Actions or Alexa Skill to open door.

Slides -- Audio Check -- Slides - Presentation View

Before Demo Slide -- Start Drone -- Start Lego Controller -- Turn on Lego & Drone Placement

  • restart npm run dev

We have a built a Decentralised Application on top of block Chain,

Business Impact Satisfying retail customers eagerness for Quick deliver and safe delivery major retail delivery solutions Next Steps: Collaborate with existing Drone Traffic Management Software Package